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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Goodness Robin that would be a full time job , dont like the idea of burning the saucepan on the cooker.though. You would have to take them home to pop in the oven at home. I just hope people dont assume that his toaster oven looks like a microwave - that could be interesting when turned on. If we still had the boat I personally , if you could purchase them over here, would be willing to give them a try, anything to cut down the moisture. The trouble is when you cook on board or even just breathe you are putting more moisture into the boat. A bit of a lost cause in the season but ideal for the winter months.
  2. I will have a word with other half, good idea.
  3. We bought one for our boat, it is in the loft now. We only got one season's use out of it. They are really good.
  4. I am hoping that you are ok now Bill and are seeing the river once more. These web cams keep us going in the winter.
  5. There is obviously someone at the Club , as it looks like mini yachting time.
  6. It is now 2.06 and it is working fine.
  7. I see today the web cam is up and running once again - good. Thanks to whoever took the time and trouble to sort it for us.
  8. Is that the mooring that has been extended with a very smart walkway alongside.?
  9. Where is the last photo taken. I just cannot place it.
  10. Thank you for the lovely photos. The river is like glass. So pleased Beccles Witherspoons was up to scatch and was of good quality. The old couple next door must eat down there at least 5 times a week.
  11. As your message about problems with the site has disappeared, well it has on my laptop. Can I ask when I will be able to see the option of 'new posts' please? M
  12. Right so they are at the top of your Christmas Card list then along with the in laws. I think these days they have to be more careful and especially if they have prepared documents for a property to be sold at the Auction. Anything incorrect could come back and bite them on the bum big time. I see there is interest in this property and I for one will be most interested to hear the outcome. I love Polkeys Mill mooring.
  13. Just to get you in the mood for tonight. It is for children so can be viewed by all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VATkFSNhET4
  14. Gosh is that so, they are expensive, I thought the Scots were tight (said with tongue in cheek, I dont mean to offend) , I can recall whenever the town went quiet , someone at work always used to say, it is like Glasgow on Flag day. i assume they meant folks selling flags that you pinned on your lapel. I can remember going to St Augustus when we were on Loch Ness and seeing an exhibition at the castle of days of yore and I gather the Scots only wore these kilts that extended over the shoulder and torso. They wore nothing else. I can remember saying blooming heck they must have been made of sterner stuff than me.
  15. Can you imagine it. Heavy snow and having to slip and slide down to the river's edge to flush your loo. !!! It all sounds like heaven in the Summer. Imagine if those water containers freeze solid (remember a few winters ago when we were all frozen up for weeks). I had to chuckle about the recommendations for the Energy Rating - the loft needs insulating. Crumbs is that all. Right then we will buy it.
  16. Yes the Map is entirely wrong. That should not be on there as incorrect. Trades description and all that. It would be very bleak and as for showing the nearest primary school as 2 miles away , well is that a country mile I wonder. Whoever concocted this has a very vivid imagination. As for the energy rating at the property, I assume it has electricity. I seem to recall seeing a Sky dish but may be I was wrong. As you have plenty of land , may be build a helicopter landing spot if you needed help in an emergency. Back up generators would be a must. So your fresh water is harvested from the roof. I suppose if you run out , it will be down to the river for flushing the loo etc. Assume that is on a cess pit. Oh it sounds wonderful to some but hell on earth to me. I like my mod cons. It would cost a small fortune to update.
  17. Oh Gracie I am sure that is not true either. Take care out there tonight , some of these chimney pots can be a bit dodgy if you accidentally swipe one with the tail of your broom. Just hope my modifications hold out. Well a girl does need her mirror to keep her looking good. I think my hat has seen better days but I am sure it will do another year.
  18. Getting my broomstick ready as we speak Gracie and some of us (me) dont need to dress up to look scary, just get out bed in the morning and stay like it. Have a happy time tonight. The kids will love it and so will be big kids. I did think we could not post on here at the moment but although you cannot view new messages it seems to be ok.
  19. I made these at home last night. 1 large sweet potato made plenty for us two. So take that as a measurement for however many you would be cooking for. My thoughts are , when you are up the bondoo , you can still have tasty fries. As I like them hot and spicy I added a good 1/2 tsp of cayenne. INGREDIENTS • 2medium sweet potatoes, rinsed and dried • 2tablespoons vegetable oil • 2teaspoons smoked paprika • 1teaspoon coarse salt • 1teaspoon freshly-cracked black pepper • 1/2teaspoon cumin • 1/4teaspoon cayenne (optional) 1. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees. 2. 1. Cut the potatoes into 1/4? thin strips, or to your desired thickness and length. Mix all other ingredients together in a large bowl and toss with the potatoes until they are evenly coated. 3. 2. Transfer the potatoes to a large baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Spread the potatoes in a single layer. Try not to overcrowd or have multiple layers of fries — you want them to be roasted, not steamed. 4. 3. Place in the oven and cook for 25-30 minutes, turning the fries once or twice during that time to cook evenly. May take more or less time, depending on the size and thickness you cut the fries.
  20. http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-52035238.html?utm_content=v2-ealertspropertyimage&utm_medium=email&utm_source=emailupdates&utm_campaign=emailupdates1day&utm_term=buying&sc_id=14149584&onetime_FromEmail=true
  21. We just have to tell the low life of this world how to cheat us - dont we.
  22. something on the lines of how do hedgehogs make love one p.ick at a time. You did ask.
  23. it looks like a cold few days....and a high electric bill for heating I dont envy you, hot water bottles comes to mind. Lots of hot soup.
  24. I can think of a very rude joke about hedgehogs, but. I will keep it to myself on this occasion. I love hedgehogs, such a shame the are so prickly and now getting rare.
  25. I dont know about anyone else but I am dreading these short dark days ahead of us. Cannot wait until 21st December when the days start to get longer. May be I should have been a hedgehog, Tucked up for the Winter and only come out again when it is Spring. The joy of seeing Snowdrops and the early crocus a good sign Spring will be on its way again.
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