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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. I do mine slightly different. I cut the squash in two , scoop out the seeds, brush on some oil salt and pepper, bake the two halves in the oven for about 50 mins until softened. Then proceed more or less as you do. I find it is easier. I also like to bung in a few dried chillies and some cumin. Speaking about crusty bread (gosh I am beginning to feel hungry) Morrisons do a fabulous Walnut and Date Bread , it is fabulous.
  2. I gather the problem is , someone who frequents the Yacht Club is a bit like my old Mum , see a switch, turn it off, even if it the freezer. So when whoever packs up at the weekend , they switch of everything, despite the web cam switches have a note on them and all goes blank, I see they are just the same this afternoon, so may be he could not get down this weekend.
  3. I have contacted the chap at Horning , he is going down this weekend and will sort out.
  4. Green Flag , at the moment they have a buy one get one free offer, so if you have two cars you two for the price of one.
  5. Lets just hope that at least someone kind has taken her in by now. That is exactly what I and probably lots of others are hoping, that some kind person has taken her in. You raised the question is she chipped, I do hope so.
  6. Oh that is good if it is her. She must be very frightened and hungry and cold bless her. Do hope you can tell us good news soon.
  7. Actually JA.. There is the breydon mud which the SOB can't get to because it's built for maintenance work on wind farms and not rescuing people from the norfolk broads... You forgot to add - SOB is also for swanning around in with their noses in the air. I shall never forget the day we were moored next to SOB and hubby went up to say hello and was completely and utterly blanked by the entire crew. Rude , Ignorant, up their own backsides !!!! you pick.
  8. I was about to say something similar......I reckon our M fancies herself as a bit of a Cougar lol These days I am more of a
  9. Haha hanging over the side is more of an expression. Like this I have a very vivid imagination and could just picture your bare bot on a cold and frosty morning.
  10. Are you saying you are moving permanently up north for a while or just a trip to see whats what up there first? I cannot get out of my mind "no more hanging over the side". Surely not.
  11. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p034rcqt
  12. Oh dear John you are not going to become like Hancock on Hancock' Half Hour.
  13. Dont know if this will be any good - probably not, my ideas usually hit the dust but if you go to ,..... https://secure.search.sky.com/tv/?DCMP=ilc-shopnew:ec_fwtab&term=Paint your wagon You can get this on "On Demand". Someone could copy and put onto a DVD - may be. Monica
  14. Isn't Fleet Dyke off of the Bure near St. Bennetts? May be they have shifted it.
  15. I will call them a b c d , only because my lefts and rights can get muddled. Is c not the Broads but a canal?
  16. doesn't sound too good.
  17. It looks as if everyone has gone on holiday as no posts for a long time. Well that is what I am looking at anyway. I was looking at Mutford Lock this afternoon, what a lovely day, and I see two boats came through but the harbour master only put one at a time in the lock.
  18. Help once more - I dont know I seem to go from crisis to crisis. This afternoon I took a couple of snaps and when it asked where would I like to download them , instead of going to the one drive section, I pressed the download photos I think it said. Well that was the end of my photos , never seen them again and for some reason I cannot get back to the One Drive. It keeps going to a new App thing. All I want is just to download my photos as before.
  19. There was Big John, Wee John, Over John and Under John, and all the rest were John, John, John. That should have cleared things up for you MM. You forgot "Who Shot John".
  20. We bought a Cello not from this place I am giving the link to but it just shows you the examples. It worked perfectly well it had a power adapter which converts to either 12v or 240 v if on the mains. http://www.motorcaravanning.co.uk/shopuk/tv_electrical.htm This was the TV we had on board but rather large for a small boat. You can get some lovely little TVs. http://www.amazon.co.uk/CELLO-C16115F-CARAVAN-MOTORHOME-TRUCK/dp/B00E4PKI2C
  21. Well I may arrive kicking and screaming but I am desperately trying to keep up with you youngsters and your entirely different language that you all speak.
  22. I have checked on pics where the FE is on Sparkling Horizon, What is the FE Iain please?
  23. I want one, with a well sharpened bowsprit and razor-wire bob-stay! Sail powered too, wa-hey, no speed limits, leccy powered 'scoots' will have to keep clear! Will need an onboard compressor so I can keep the crew pumped up, just kidding!! I think perhaps , may be, we ought to warn the Care Homes of the country now!!!!! Will tell you a funny story. My old Mum 95 and has Alzheimer's Dementia , bless her, one day decided to go for a walk around the home taking her handbag. Well unbeknown to the Staff , she had a bottle of Vintage Port unopened in the bag (don't ask where it came from) and as she went for her walk, she swung this bag around knocking several residents , who were complaining about this mad women thumping them with her handbag, and then swung it at the staff. When they opened her handbag they were shocked to see a bottle of Old Vintage Port inside. So dont be surprised if you see a version of the Zimmer we have seen being used in various Care Homes around the country. Like this
  24. 05.00 Gosh I thought we got up early enough at 5.45. If the cookers do work it would be fantastic for the boat. Now we will be hiring I have not got an excuse to purchase one. Bet other half is sighing a sigh of relief.
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