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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. How very interesting. I click on the purchase button and they are completely out of stock. However good old Amazon seems to sell them. http://www.amazon.co.uk/insulation-stainless-KBG-4500-CS-Japanese/dp/B00EI63VDK/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1442902506&sr=8-3&keywords=Thermal+cooker On review did say they got stung for overdue tax on receipt as they are imports.
  2. I dont know if this will help but here goes. Yahoo Mail. In Yahoo Mail Go to the Cog wheel on the right and click on that and go to Settings. Go to Preview Pane and click on the downward arrow which says none. This will bring up two options , choose preview pane on the right. If you choose this version you will not receive the advertising bumpf that you are receiving at the moment. With regard to my earlier post, I have now sat an deleted all of the things I did not want. Oh deep joy , everytime I download photos from my camera I will have this joy. Not happy.
  3. No I have not clicked on the Not Responding button and I have not as yet seen a remove me from your mailing list but will bear both points in mind. All I know is Windows 10 is a pain in the a.se at the moment and yes it can be slow and we are on Sky Fibre.
  4. Yes its me again having problems deleting my items in this darn thing called One Drive. 1. Some of the items have a green tick against them and seem impossible to delete. 2. I have a few files called attachments in my pictures folder and they open but to delete them is a real pain and the only way I can do this is to delete one at a time. Has anyone else had this problem. I am used to downloading from the camera and deleting on the laptop, is this a thing of the past and is of no use nor ornament to me. Another thing it just keeps saying "not responding". Short of chucking it out of the window I have come to the end of anything I can think of. If anyone has any ideas I would welcome them.
  5. Saw this on the web cam at The Wherry and thought is this Richardsons Boat? Now I know I have talents but I did not put that bouncy in my post. Why has this happened? We followed on our way back today from staying for a few days at Morston Hall in North Norfolk, a van (you should have seen the gunk coming out of his exhaust every time he put his foot down) a Richardsons Vehicle. I said to my other half he is way off of territory to be down here. I am sure he is heading for Beccles and he did turn off for the YS so someone must have problems today.
  6. Charlie's Angels would have nothing on us two.
  7. Believe me even a small window we women can manage to chuck something through or give you a good jab with the broom handle. Trouble is I dont think it would reach - may be just as well. Thank you for letting me know and having a laugh.
  8. Now I know. I have often wondered. So it is the kitchen. Well well. So you can sit up top and yell your orders to the kitchen staff (only joking).
  9. Looking at the piccy below , I have often wondered what is to the side of the helm up top. Is that a corridor to the back cabin or what?
  10. It is one of our favourite places, just to get so close to the sea birds is wonderful. Low tide is far more interesting than high. Magical.
  11. What would be good would be that the pub makes it known when they are open , more people would take the boat out there if they knew they were going to find a going concern. It can be a bit of a bleak place if you trundle all that way to find that the place is closed on your arrival. If they were members on here or elsewhere on forums that would be a good base to attract folk.
  12. Personally if the moorings were maintained to a high standard I would willingly pay a fiver for an overnight stay.
  13. Hopefully then the moorings will remain. If a private house you can imagine ruddy great big signs outside saying NO MOORING PRIVATE. That is one of the lasting memories I have of when we first hired some 35 years ago,, all these signs saying Private No Mooring. We felt at the time it was very unwelcoming.
  14. As you are all probably aware we have now sold our boat and I was going through the files that I have kept over the years and found in the latest box some electricity cards. I had read somewhere that these can go out of date so I have asked the BA whether they will be ok for next June. This was their reply and I am sure they will not mind me sharing this information. The electric cards you have found should be absolutely fine to use, yes. They will work up to January 2017 which will be when our meters are changed and will be no longer able to accept these swipe cards.However if you find that they no longer work you can seek out a Broads Authority Ranger on his patrol launch, Broads Authority Yacht Station or Information Centre staff, and they will swap them for newer cards. Or you can always visit our offices in Norwich Mon-Fri 9-5 if you are travelling this way.
  15. I am pleased to say that 'old faithful' in the kitchen is now tuned in. So will not be heading for the dump. Having read the information given in the 'reception news' item it says if you hold down the tune button and when it starts to return let go , it will work, and it did.
  16. How about going unlimited. We used to struggle and worry about our usage until we went unlimited. Sky has some very good deals at the moment. Dont shoot the messenger. Just a suggestion. Monica
  17. Just been checking on the Radio and Television Investigation service and our post code gives this. Postcode CheckerDigital RadioYour local transmitters are... TransmitterChannelEffectWhenOulton ParkBBC National DAB RadioOff Airfrom 22:08 yesterday to 04:45 todayAldeburgh-No reported problems-Mendlesham-No reported problems-and there are issues on 1 of them. There have been recent problems on this platform, at your post code. If a fault is displaying as current we can assure you it is being worked on by our technical teams and we would advise you to check back with the Transmitter Checker at regular intervals, for updates. If a fault becomes an ongoing issue, you will find further information and guidance on the News and FAQ sections of our BBC Reception website athttp://www.bbc.co.uk/reception
  18. I am assuming you are joking Peter. Yes it is official but it was the first I had heard about it. Obviously those at the Radio Stations knew. I honestly thought this morning that either Norfolk had been towed off somewhere in the night or my little old radios (both DAB) had gone kaput. I will keep trying with the older radio but it doesnt look as if it will retune despite several attempts. Looks like that will be heading for the recycling depot.
  19. Briefly listening on the internet Radio Norfolk some little devil has been going around all of the masts overnight altering things. We all now need to retune if you have a DAB radio. Just go to your retune button. Now saying that it works on my Roberts Radio but not my dear old faithful I have in the kitchen.
  20. Yes works perfectly now as it did before , god knows who decided to alter things.
  21. I took your suggestion and went into the Sky Community. Obviously I am not the only one that this is driving mad. Sky Yahoo! Email - Inbox Advertisement [ Edited ]Options ‎02-09-2015 01:19 PM - edited ‎02-09-2015 02:25 PM Recently a new advert has been placed at the top of your inbox. This isn't a spam email. You'll only be taken to the advert page if you click on the message box and this will not affect how you open emails. It is not possible to close this advert but if you set your inbox view with a “Preview pane on the right”, you'll no longer see it. Click settings > Viewing email > Preview pane >Preview pane on the right Sam Community Manager Forum Help http://helpforum.sky.com/t5/help/faqpage Sky Help Centre http://www.sky.com/help
  22. Can I be boring and ask my last question again please? Surely we cannot be the only ones receiving this new annoyance from Yahoo. We have tried the Opting Out section but they still remain.
  23. I am sure we will all wish them all the best and a quick recovery. What a blow just when you are enjoying your holiday.
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