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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. I would still rather suspect a hire boat as as soon as he/she had the opportunity they bolted for all their worth out of the Broad. Inexperience comes into it I must admit and anyone with experience should have at least had a go at easing off and letting said sail boat on their way, but the obvious always doesn't come to mind when you are not certain. On Tuesday there were three hire boats mud weighted with sail boats tied along side. None of which looked anything like this one to my memory.
  2. We stayed at The Ivy House Country Hotel for my birthday on Tuesday and managed to walk down to the Broad and look at the yachts of which there were many, this thankfully was before the rain came.. There is so much space on the Broad there is no need for any yachtsman/woman to actual hound a boat as was happening here in my photo. All I kept seeing was the side of the hire boat as it turned ever further towards the shore and this yacht seemed to be attached to him, but of course wasn't. As soon as the hire boat was really far over then the yacht then shot left across the Broad. I felt it was all totally unnecessary and could have put this hirer off. I am afraid these days you never know who is watching. Today hasnt been too bad. We had a good rain shower when I popped to Morrisons but the sun has been out from then on, so may be for all holiday makers we need to say a few to bring on the sunshine for them all.
  3. I saw this yesterday on The Wherry Cam. Over the other side of the Broad (Topliner side) was a hirer being pursued by a yacht. This poor chap kept pulling nearer and near to the shore. I felt very sorry for them.
  4. Flaming Norah is it raining here near to Beccles. Blowing a gale and it is like a monsoon at the moment. I have been watching a boat trying to moor at the Wherry for some time. Even Sky TV has gone off. Gutters overflowing, did someone say it was August.
  5. Havent they got one of these Connoisseurs for sale on the AYB. I suppose it all depends on the depth of your pockets and what age of boat you are looking for. http://www.boatsandoutboards.co.uk/Motorboats/connoisseur-connoisseur-42/58566#ZwdDcAdb2pYGHetq.97
  6. Sorry but I would be most miffed if i had to pay £20 on top of all the other 'additions' to the hire cost when may be we didnt even want to go through the bridge. I cannot see much point anyway when it is so busy. Plus for someone who is stuck indoors and not on the Broads , thank you for the photos that are wonderful.
  7. Can you look at the Wroxham Bash post please for me. Calamity or what!!! I also cannot copy and paste onto the site now. Sometimes I like to do a rough in word and then copy it over to the post after checking spellings etc. I cannot do that now. Monica
  8. Potter yesterday afternoon. Houston we have a problem. I have put in two photos but they have come out loads of times. I only posted three and the third one I deleted by the little dustbin sign. I added them to the post with the plus sign. Please ignore all the duplicates but I only wanted to post the approach and when it was reversing out of the bridge.
  9. As my photos have all mizzled I will repost tomorrow the two I should have posted.
  10. It will be a job well done Sue. All to look forward to now.
  11. Not Wroxham but nearly Potter. I was just watching the camera when along came this boat and thought it was going to get through. A sudden slamming it into reverse and out it came again. Now at the Pilot's office.
  12. "How was your day" - "blinding". The sun is so strong at the moment. I gather thanks to the Spanish Plume.
  13. Oh dear our hearts go out to the families as well.
  14. Oh dear just shows you how often I look.
  15. On trolling through the boats for sale at AYB I happened to notice just how many of them are from Alpha Craft. Are they selling up or having a real sort out of stock?
  16. Old saying - least said soonest mended - but I just cannot help chuckling to myself and thinking - who cares we have one the ashes anyway. A good warm feeling for a change.
  17. Years ago before all of this Nannying started we all used to take the hire boats through the bridge ourselves and think nothing of it. We used to hire from Connoisseur and so had no choice.
  18. Is it just me but I am now seeing lots of photos that are posted but not there ie Carol's post and Andy's post on flamping.
  19. To return to the subject, has the post been repaired yet please?
  20. Only just been able to read this post - contribution duly made. Monica
  21. Is it the new set up with the forum or Windows 10 but I don't seem to be able to copy and paste as i used to. I was going to add to Mark's reply - no riverside cremations, by anyone, are allowed .... yet and say ... watch this space.
  22. On the subject of the mooring fee. When we moored there Last Year we paid our fee to the owners of the cafe/shop. We were given a proper VAT receipt on both nights, if my memory serves me well. I usually keep our tickets but cannot lay my hands on it at the moment. When we moor at Hardley Mill we just get a ticket saying date and signed Mooring fee £5 on a backdrop of the windmill. We were quite happy to pay to stay at a lovely mooring. Looking at Peter's post, I should imagine if that lot takes place, a few Stag doos will be the least of our worries.
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