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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Having watched the early local Anglia News, I just caught the end of this being spoken about. I assume that the Temple has been approved. The Stracey will be altered to reflect a temple like appearance. That last sentence was not said but I have read that on the internet. I just hope they keep the moorings. May be someone actually saw the whole article.
  2. That is good to know about Bittern, may be next year if so booked up at the moment.
  3. Andy sorry but with the best will in the world at 70 I am not spending a night on that boat. Ok when you are a lot younger but I do need to be a bit more comfortable. Thank you anyway.
  4. Some time ago I read that Ludham Bridge Boat yard were discontinuing their lovely Blue Moon luxury day /weekend boat. Does anyone know where this went to. We were thinking of hiring for a long weekend if a yard has taken it on.
  5. Is it me or is something missing from these posts. What happened to the section which very clearly showed us all how to use Task View , or is that in a different section please. I was just about to view it, and its done a runner.
  6. Jonathan - I did post to say I could not do it but having studied your examples I realise that there is another + sign down at the right hand corner. Thank you.
  7. Yes and how the Broads has changed. It is never the same twice, be it the time of the year with the seasonal changes or the disappearance of some of the favourite informal moorings that we have all grown to love over the years. I suppose it is progress () but that is in the eyes of the beholder I guess. Flood Alleviation of course is essential as a the South West found out last year to its cost. Do you recall all of those months that the fields and homes were being pumped out. Now that is something we dont ever want here.
  8. If anyone is interested... http://www.amazon.co.uk/Hamiltons-Navigations-Definitive-Norfolk-Suffolk/dp/0903094088/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1439451670&sr=8-1&keywords=Hamiltons+guide+to+the+Broads
  9. When does the next test take place please? Looking at the weather at the moment let us hope it is not today.
  10. Many many moons ago when on a hire boat we moored further towards Brundall but could see these moorings (as we thought) in the distance. We sat there as the tide went down and were horrified to see all along the river bits of tree root etc appearing and realising that that could be under us , we moved. We were moored against a quay heading albeit a metal one but we still moved. As has been said up North it is ok to moor on informal moorings , making sure that you are not over tree roots etc, but darn Sarf it is a different ball game.
  11. Confessions, it isn't Saturday is it. Flaming Norah have we all got fess up, don't like sound that.
  12. The sky was that red I nearly reached for the geiger counter. Love the new lay out. Well done everybody..
  13. I asked my son who fishes all over the world for the England team. hi mum morning yep its a sea bass!!! i caught a mullet when in france in june on rhone river two locks up from the sea zone some 40 km from the sea. so not unuasual. hope you well , weather4 was lovely at weekend.
  14. Oh yes and we have ordered a few cans of air (if you please) to do just that.
  15. Grendel - re the noise my fan was making and driving me to distraction. Hubby did a load of updates and peace now reigns once more.
  16. Plenty of spaces this morning.
  17. Hubby uses tinned sweetcorn as a clean bait. Handy to keep in the cupboard in case you run out of other bait.
  18. WEVE ONLY GONE AND DUNNIT ....... Congratulations to England's cricketers.
  19. Dixie Belle is now sold. She is going to different waters will not be on the Broads anymore. Very sad but glad that the worry of the selling is over with.
  20. Grace, the joy of other people's children, you can give them back.
  21. Someone has to get the refreshments in and unfortunately I drew the short straw. We are 174-3 so far so good.
  22. I went to Morrisons just after England had won the toss. Came home via some three way roads works in Beccles. Our lot never moved for 20 mins, then that is another story. By the time I got in , the Aussies were almost all out. I shall settle down and watch what happens this afternoon.
  23. The fan on my laptop is running really noisy with this new system. Never use to do it before with Windows 7. Have had to order a stand for it now.
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