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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Oh dear that doesn't sound so good. Thank you for the links to Solitaire. I have gone into something which has Solitaire and yes it is good to play but oh boy does it make my laptop run hot and the fan goes like mad. We have tried coolsense but this laptop does not or cannot support it. So just ordering a pad to go under to keep it cool. It does make you wonder if it was all worth it.
  2. If true - same old story - the few spoiling it for the majority.
  3. I used to play solitaire in Windows 7 , just the easy version. Had worked up a good score, that has disappeared completely and now I have a load of different games, all of which are not as good. Has anyone managed to get the sold version of solitaire back that we had on windows 7.
  4. I have taken the plunge and have downloaded this Windows 10. So far am having to wait for this one drive to finish doing whatever it is doing. i cannot save anything. Tried to use the memory stick no joy there either.
  5. Oh now is so terrible, she was no age bless her. Oh dear that has made me sad.
  6. Believe it or not i still have a load of my 45s that I bought as a young girl in 1957. - now I am showing my age. Goody Goody - Frankie Lymon and The Teenagers. Who Put The Bomp - Barry Mann The Hula Hoop Song - Teresa Brewer Tammy - Kathie Kay Cumberland Gap - Lonnie Donegan. and about 50 I have not mentioned. By the way I do like the Danny Williams version of Blue Moon. You cannot beat the oldies.
  7. I know there are several versions but here goes with one ...
  8. Well the moon last night certainly wasn't blue - the air might have been but not the moon. What the devil is a blue moon.
  9. Well we will be hirers again shortly, we have been hirers in the past before we bought and we are still owners until it is sold. So you cant really paint us all with the same colour. I could name some really genuine knob heads that I have met and yes they have been private owners or rather family of the owner. So it takes all sorts. You have my sympathy at Gt Yarmouth, where on earth is people's consideration for others, has it permanently gone from this world. Ok so he has hired Broadsman , big deal. Just because he has hired that boat gives him no more right to harass other boaters because that is what it is. As you say you can only go as fast as your engine will allow. Just a thought , he wasn't the pleb that was on its way to France the other day was he? As for Moorhen, you know what they say about small dogs and men. They usually are all yap, may be it applies to the smaller boat. (joke).
  10. For the uninitiated what is CDW.. That is if it is repeatable..
  11. The coast guard, who is paying for all of this. I thought SOB covered that area.
  12. They seem to have found their mojos once more Roll on tomorrow.
  13. I was hoping to walk into Town from there but I think it would be quite a stretch to say the least.
  14. My personal opinion is that anyone with Edward William insurance will fall foul of part C of the BA declaration on insurance. . If this was the case then surely the BA would have said something. We have been with them for years, the same as many many others. Why this campaign to discredit them?
  15. Does anyone know if they have been rescued?
  16. Couple of anglers 6 feet away chatting to each other..... Yes I can picture the scene. Even speaking quietly at night you can hear for miles around. Not only that these fisherfolk do rather love their spotlights at night. "Anglers are welcome but must make way for boats wishing to moor" (I believe) So these nuisance , pesky anglers (only joking) that are a pain in the preferable have selected reading along with their hearing. They probably only read that Anglers are welcome, but Bill the devil is in the detail it is a 24 Hour MOORING.
  17. As the wife of a fisherman, he knows that to moor at a 24 hr mooring where boats are expected is a no no, well any decent fisherman would hardly want to bait up a spot knowing full well that he / she would have to move pdq. So dont be afraid to bring your boat in to moor, they know they should not be there in the first place. As it says on the advert - it does what it says on the tin -- 24 HOUR MOORING. No mention of fishing.
  18. Oh dear let us hope that help was to hand for them. Darn boats there is always something you have to attend to. Mind you it is not boring.
  19. Thank you, is it a hire boat? May be went in there at high tide, trouble is the South is not like the North that only goes up and down a gnats fraction with the tides. South is a different ball game.There are informal moorings down South but you have to know them. A different story up North as with a bit of care you can moor at every pile of bricks going. I do hope they managed to get the boat moved without too much damage, at least is it nosed in and not prop in. I do believe if you nose in you have half a chance of getting back out again.
  20. Where is this? It is not the mooring by the tree is it. We have often moored there and had no problems. I cannot really see clearly so can you say.
  21. I am with Windows 7 as well. What I dont want is to muck this lovely laptop up completely by doing this. Just not sure about any of it.
  22. A boat similar to the one outside The Wherry on this glorious July morning. Just a thought, may be they were heading for the sun they could see in the dim and distance, it certainly isnt in Norfolk or Suffolk at the moment. Robin you are assuming that these folk can read. In fairness may be they were from abroad, we get a lot of folk from the continent over here on holiday.
  23. Looks like Carrousel. Are people that blind and stupid.
  24. Bank services are not free yet everyone thinks the Banks should give us money. No they are not and they make billions out their customers. That is the nature of the name Bank. No we dont wish to part with any more of our hard earned. If you feel that flush then fair enough but a lot of us are on fixed pensions.
  25. Grace - our own personal Imelda Marcos.
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