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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Gosh I have just been reading all about your lovely holiday, blimey you do like roughing it dont you (also jealous , in fact a very deep green at the moment) . Just love the photos, especially the last one. Oh dear health and safety would be happy a (talking colours) a blue fit over those two on that bike.
  2. Well I think it is dreadful closing all these branches. You just wait until you have to be an Attorney for someone, all this paying in of cheques physically, what else are you supposed to do with them. I and many many others need our Branches of Banks. You want to see the queue in Beccles Barclays to prove that point. I refuse point blank to take money out of one of these holes in the walls after hearing about all these crooks stealing your money. So no. KEEP YOUR HAND OFF OUR BRANCHES OF THE BANKS PLEASE. Whoever you are. 4) Paying in can be done at a post office (and so can withdrawals) We have a small sub post office in our corner shop. Having queued in there behind people buying lottery tickets and a weeks worth of shopping , and in the process , fell over a pile of toilet rolls piled up where the queue should be, sorry I prefer the Bank. At the Bank hopefully you have not got general shoppers all listening to your conversation either.
  3. I see from the posts below the view of BB on the camera that a boat must have hit the bridge this morning. It all happens on a Friday.
  4. Hylander

    sky down

    It is working now , goodness how long for , it certainly affected a lot of folk. Thank goodness for that.
  5. Hylander

    sky down

    I gather that there are lots of phones down at the moment. Thank goodness for mobiles. So if you are waiting for a call on a landline you are going to have a long wait if you live in the Gt Yarmouth Beccles area. Just looked the Sky page for news and it said at 8 oclock they were on their way to fix it. Flaming Norah it went out at 3.33 this morning. Dont exactly rush about , do they?
  6. Hylander

    sky down

    A lot of EAST ANGLIA is without phone lines or internet this morning, major problems. we thought it was just us but it is widespread. Sent from mobile phone.
  7. Dankeschon. (I trust that means thank you in German and not something rude) Monica
  8. I forgot to add that I have been trying to find a contact number where I can speak to the Company itself regarding a potential hire next year, but there is no number given, you seem to have to go through Hoseasons. I would rather speak to them directly myself rather speak to a call centre at Hoseasons. I think you get a more personal service that way. Even if at the end of the day we would have to hire through Hoseasons, it would be good to speak to them before hand.
  9. Has anyone hired Bolero from Brooms please? I have seen good and bad reviews (not always reliable) but would welcome anyone on here who has actually hired the boat lately to tell me how they felt and did they enjoy their holiday.
  10. they call it MARINE Diesel.- umm!! I think a lot of folk would call it something else.
  11. Thank you I have copied and pasted. That is my exercise for the day. The site looks slightly different when I went in to Dan Horner's site. I kept thinking this morning, I dont know they must have problems on the forum and all the time you were there anyway.
  12. I tell you never get old - it is Dan Horner's site http://www.dhorner.horning.org.uk/page44.html I usually go through that to get to the forum. Dont ask me how.
  13. I have always gone through the Bounty site to use this forum. This morning is saying not available. I think Jon runs the site. Monica
  14. I keep trying to get into the Bounty Boats homepage but it says not found. Is there a reason.
  15. No I did mean Oulton Broad , both Beccles and Oulton come under Waveney District Council so if a Council car park it will apply to all. Rules is Rules and all that nonsense , which as you say is killing the High Street. We are very lucky in Beccles , all our little bespoke shops still are doing well. It is like stepping back in time compared to most Market Towns.. I was thinking of booking the Water Taxi at Oulton Broad just for a trip out to Lake Loathing and back. If you cannot park for longer than 2 hours then it would be a no no.
  16. Bearing in mind that Beccles seems to have altered its car parking charges from up to 3 hrs and then 3 hrs and over to just plain a selection of choices up to 2 hrs and no more (no wonder the car park is empty, you can park for free in Tescos up to 3 hrs, well done Waveney District Council) , is it the same for the car park behind the loos at the Harbour, does anyone know please?
  17. They must get shot of Blythe. Cook needs to go on Captaincy course. It is embarrassing. Monica
  18. Believe me I sit in front of a window in the bedroom / office and this laptop has been threatened more than once that it will be going through it before long. I echo your sentiments.
  19. I can now answer my own question. I found if you put the cursor on the corner of the Blue Sky Information at the bottom of the picture and press right click it disappears, now whether it will do it next time is anyone's guess.
  20. We wish. A question, on sky go how do I get rid of the Blue sky information band showing, channel time date etc. I seem not to be able to get rid of it when I want to. When it is there it takes up a fair chunk of the picture.
  21. I will do a rain dance in Suffolk, torrential rain for 2 days, will that do? I see the Aussies are batting once more.
  22. Brilliant- another reason for yards down South, we have so much to offer. Here's to very successful season. Cant see any smiles on the forum on my phone.
  23. There really is no competition when it comes to the North or the South, the South wins every time. If you want peace and quiet and good moorings without everyone and his wife at them , come South. Ok you have to watch the tides , so, get on with it. It is part of boating. I just wish that Clive could have kept the Swan boats , in the South. It is far too crowded up North. Who wants to sit in traffic on the way to the Broads to find when you get here you are in another queue, this time of boats. No COME SOUTH you wont be sorry. I didn't even mention we have the best Pubs on the Broads.
  24. Hope the Aussies don't read these negative posts, we need all the luck we can get from now on. At least Cook was still there at close of play, Stokes was looking touch and go with an injury. Root was sitting in the pavilion looking shocked that he is still not out there batting. Lythe may as well not have turned up at all. What is the matter with us. We have played right into their ' we are wonderful and you don't stand a chance' mentality Have you noticed that as with the NZ team there are lot of chaps called Mitchell. Must have been a popular name for that year. COME ON ENGLAND for God's sake buck up and get a grip.
  25. What do they say Great minds think alike - yea oh and sorry they also say fools never differ, but I prefer the first saying.
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