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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Put on your Listening Ears....... All you doubting Thomases...... I sent an email to Malcolm Skinner enquiring as to what you had posted. Thank you for your e-mail, we do not have an agent in the UK just a postal service, however they can phone the 0870 number and speak to anyone at our office here. As for me owning the domain name for Northernreef, that is simply because when I joined Edward William 13 years ago Northernreef did not have a website and I offered to make one, which I did. Kind Regards Malcolm Skinner on behalf of Edward William Marine Services SL Tel: 0870 850 4088 or +34 952 476 090 Fax: 01692 678165 or +34 952 471 498 And yes I have permission from Malcolm to post the email....
  2. Obviously not from such a long while back but when we bought our boat it was apparent by the Information Book and the Coat hangers that it used to be a Blakes Boat. I still have the coat hangers and good they still are. Has anyone else got things from hire craff from the past.
  3. Old Old at 35 I am exactly twice your age and that 'word' does not come into it. I would rather be a long lived person than the alternative. Next time some one infers you 'old' clump em one with my permission.
  4. Personally I think all insurance of any kind is a fear thing. Ok you have to have car insurance and boat insurance but as for life insurance if you put the money in the bank from an early age you would have a good 'pot' at the end of it. As for Health Insurance, I was insured with one of the big private companies and the day I needed to use the insurance I was told - oh we dont cover that. So what had I been paying £125 a month for for years. I hope to God to never have to claim any insurance of of anyone and would rather just live a quite life. The one good thing is everyone is free to choose who they may. What works for one person may not work for another, I can only speak from my experience. Hylander, I think you'll find that Mr Skinner is both Edward William and Northern Reef. No he is an Agent for those companies.
  5. From the horses mouth........ An email received from Malcolm Skinner himself. Thank you for your email. I can confirm that the article that you have seen dates back to 2011 and was in fact not entirely accurate at the time. Edward William Marine Services is an agent not an insurer and our registered office is in Spain. We are not regulated by the FSA in the UK because our company is not a UK company, The managing director of Edward William Marine Services is however registered with the Spanish Financial services authority. At the time of that article we were advised that we were not allowed to advertise in Magazines in the UK which we subsequently stopped doing, however legally there is nothing to stop a UK citizen from obtaining marine insurance from any company anywhere in the world. We are agents for three companies Northernreef who you have your cover with they are purely marine insurers and are the best available for that type of cover. We are also agents for Ibex and Liberty Seguros in Spain. We do have a postal service in the UK for you to send post to and this is allowed under the financial services act, the postal address for the UK is in Ludham. Edward William Marine Services has now been in operation since 2004 and we have thousands of happy customers around the world. I hope this helps as I always say that insurance is a contract of faith and trust as you do not know how good the policy is until you need to use it. For that reason if you have any queries or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me. Kind Regards Malcolm Skinner for Edward William Marine Services And yes I have permission to post this email from Malcolm himself.
  6. And to prove I did not make it up about the Fray Bentos Puddings this is a copy of the email I received. Thank you for your e-mail Our puddings can still be cooked the traditional way: 200g: Partially open bowl lid. Place bowl in saucepan and add water to no more than two thirds of the way up the bowl. Cover and simmer for 30 minutes. Carefully remove bowl from saucepan. Fully open bowl and ease pudding out using a knife. Do not allow saucepan to boil dry. CAUTION: Beware of escaping steam. Handle carefully to avoid scalding. 400g: Partially open bowl lid. Place bowl in saucepan and add water to no more than two thirds of the way up the bowl. Cover and simmer for 45 minutes. Carefully remove bowl from saucepan. Fully open bowl and ease pudding out using a knife. Do not allow saucepan to boil dry. CAUTION: Beware of escaping steam. Handle carefully to avoid scalding. regards Norma Taylor Consumer Complaints Administrator Baxters Food Group
  7. At Oulton Broad this afternoon. Good to see.
  8. Hylander


    More like cocking a deaf un!!!!!
  9. Hylander


    Dont tease you lot.
  10. Well that is good to hear. I have heard so many people knock Edward William and the guys there. We are with them and have been for years, they are a great team. A certain minority on the other side of the street have nothing good to say about them. I will always defend them. So pleased you have sorted out the insurance but I would like to get hold of the scroats that did it. So sorry this has happend to you.
  11. Yes the Good old FB pie!!! Now when you go to buy the Fray Bentos Puddings dont be put off by the Microwave only sign on the front. I contacted the company and they confirmed to me in writing that you can still use the puddings as before, in other words boil in water in the saucepan on the hob for those of us who do not have a microwave on board , so if you lost all of your power except for the good oid gas hob you can still rustle up a meal. I have bought a couple for our stock cupboard on the boat and will boil them in the saucepan as before.
  12. I have to say that I have put my dry ingredients in and yes they do work. I wish I could send you one down to try. They are not cheap but boy are they good. I buy the gallon size to freeze items for the boat , ie stews , chillis, spag boll etc and also for storing dry goods. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ziploc-Heavy-Duty-Freezer-Bags/dp/B007WGFJ3I/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1427205282&sr=8-2&keywords=ziploc+bags They do not let liquids out so are air tight.
  13. Oh you poor poppit you are in the wars. You must rest, I think it is a strain of flu. These things take time and rest is the best cure. Hope to see your usual self back on here in the not too distant future.
  14. I find Ziplock bags (Amazon sell them all sizes) are a godsend for keeping matches dry, sugar, etc whilst not using. They vacuum seal just by pushing the air out as you go to seal.
  15. Is this Thunder or Lightening at Oulton today. I am usually wrong so can you put me straight if so.
  16. Probably us the Tax Payer as usual then who is stumping up the cash. My Mum still had to sell her house to pay for her care while we waste money like this. Just a personal opinion.
  17. I would like to know who is paying for all of this. Today he would have been classed as a nasty piece of work and in fact Murdered the Princes to get his own way. No sorry him and his kind were not nice at all.
  18. We just love the programme with Pru and Tim. Not that I personally would want to go through London on a canal boat, too many weirdos for my liking in some parts they would worry me stiff. I know it didnt worry those two but they do have a camera crew with them. I did wonder how they were going to take the canal boat up the Thames but that became clear at the end - they didnt. Wish next weeks episode was in the UK - have we not got enough canals of our own to film.
  19. Are you certain of this. As in the past I have enquired about the picnic boat and taking it through Potter Heigham Bridge and was told in no uncertain terms , no we do not allow this. Have they had a change of mind.
  20. Alan I reckon 99% of boaters would agree with your request about the mattress cover. Hubby usually makes the bed on the boat and you should hear him cuss and swear while doing so and it is best to avoid that area of the boat until the task it complete. It is not so bad if you can get around the bed but we have not got that luxury.
  21. Until the weather warms up about another 10 degrees neither will we.
  22. Well I have not tried it myself and I am not known for my patience so we will see. If it works it will be a lot easier. Well may be not a lot easier because if your bed is anything like ours on the boat , we cannot walk around it as in the demonstration but will give it a go. Try anything once.
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