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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. I have the map but just cannot locate the boat at all , so many of them to look through, think you deserve a prize for finding it.
  2. Have joined Marine traffic will have a look for Independence on map as you suggest. Like others I really must get on. Could sit here all day long, it is good.
  3. Sorry doesnt help how do I get to that page please? There are dozens of Independence's.
  4. I have tried that but there are so many Independence boats / ships how do you know which one? Sorry novice here.
  5. What is going on , if it needs fixing get on with it. Cannot be a lot wrong , lovely moorings. I don't like the until further notice, no doubt ruddy health and safety again.
  6. Thank you for the blog Geoffrey. You have given me inspiration for using the left over ham stock I have in the freezer. I like you cant abide waste so that will use that up. I am looking forward to your next blog when you have the time.
  7. Crumbs all this testosterone flying about - come on girls let us have some input and bring this wonderful adventure back to earth. I for one am enjoying all of it and Robin it would make a fascinating book. You do make me chuckle , talk about 'some mothers do have them' in so far as you tend to go from one calamity to another and has been said do cope much better than I would. I think I would have been taken away by the chaps in white coats by now. May be a little bit of Iain will settle things down.
  8. How do we 'non face bookers' manage to see this video. Is there a way we can have a crafty peek please?
  9. What do they say "in your dreams"....
  10. Glad to see we all agree on this. It was my immediate thought, what a absolutely daft idea. I will tactfully have a word.
  11. We came over Reedham Ferry this morning and the Ferry man said he would stop running until the tide dropped later. Tides over the top at the pub and ferry.
  12. Oh what a lovely story. Ricardo. He landed on his feet when he met you. I have just got to post this link on here. My daughter in law (very footballers wife) posted this to me this morning she is thinking of getting for her little dog Lennie. He really is a smasher but putting him in this thing. Would love your comments..... https://zugopet.com/products/the-rocketeer-pack
  13. You speak of excessive wash you want to be my son fishing on the French Rivers and huge container ships go past and the wash is something to be seen. God help you if you leave anything lying about too near to the edge. There again on our rivers it is most disconcerting to be in the galley with hot saucepans (yes some of us still do cook) boiling away and someone's little cherub comes haring past in a speed boat having a wonderful time , while you are trying to rescue boiling water from going everywhere.
  14. Thanks for the link Peter, will give that some thought for our 'tennis club' jolly.
  15. So when that privilege is taken away people will wonder why. Why oh why do people always kick the .rse out of things?
  16. Sorry Gracie , this is very much a belated Happy Birthday, squashed tomatoes and stew, bread and butter in the gutter, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU... God Bless.. Its only 9 in the morning but hic who cares. M
  17. I have just read my post it should read showing and not snowing, darn little keys on the phone bla!!!
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