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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Inflatable life jackets are easily rearmed. There is a video on you tube showing you how. We always rearm ours when they are due.
  2. I did think you could get water and a pump out there but getting in and out of there is like orientating sardines in a tin.
  3. We'll done to you and the BA. Everything back as it should be. Good to have ears and eyes open on the river in the winter. Everything will be ship shape for the coming season.
  4. We too have also come across these lovely boats being trialled. They are very very considerate and never ever have we been upset by them. Once we moored in the trees smack bang in the middle of this area (newcomers) and they were careful to ease off long before they got to us , word had obviously got out that someone had moored in the trees. As Alan has said been going on for years.
  5. I asked the question as have often thought a house boat in a similar place would be lovely. My practical head on , the first thing I would want to know was what happens to sewage. As you say if we all used phosphate free washing up liquid , not sure if they do shower gels or shampoo it would help.
  6. Can I ask one question . Do they discharge their waste directly into the water below or do they have compostable or porta potti type methods. This is just a question it does not require a barney please? I should imagine although you say a bit unkempt shall we say , there is acertain magic about having a house boat.
  7. Goodness me , they must have gone the scenic route.
  8. Another Iconic name gone from Norwich, Norwich Union another one. Do you think it is something that we said? I agree about the lovely aroma of mint as you pass through on your way to the Yacht Station. Such a shame for all those who have lost their jobs.
  9. Hylander


    If on the river or the boat best get the Kwells out.
  10. Happy New Year from me as well to you all. I had to chuckle about the Knighthoods, Ringo Star a hem wasn't he a Beatle? Didnt they hand back their medals in the 60s as a protest. Not much protesting now is there Ringo?
  11. We drove back from The Pheasant at Kelling (North Norfolk) first thing this morning. Roads were pretty bad with flooding and a fallen tree , this was half way across the road and the police were there which was good. Came across another small tree just laying on our side of the road , a bit of shock when you are not expecting it. You just catch it in your head lights and have to do some nifty breaking. The rain is relentless but as yet no snow.
  12. You are so right and most of our members will be deployed in the kitchen either peeling sprouts or washing up as if there was no tomorrow. That'll keep them occupied. Goodness I am beginning to sound like Edie Pegden, played by Dame Thora Hird.in Last of the Summer Wine. Now come on whose on bar duty?
  13. You both have a wonderful Christmas (I should say 3 of you really) please stay safe and keep warm and healthy. Here's to 2018
  14. Thank you. Sorry for the delay in getting back to say thank you.
  15. Our flag has gone up , thank goodness , longer days, sun (sun whats that) on the river, glasses of chilled wine, good company, meeting friends. Oh it cannot come quick enough.
  16. From left to right second boat in with the patio doors. With the blue deck.
  17. Quite a character as you say. A real chump at times but so entertaining and whats more genuine. He just loves the Broads and it comes across.
  18. Get shot of it , dont waste your precious time farting around with the darn thing. Once they start to play up it is time for the great washer/dryer cloud in the sky. Robin has so much to do as it is.
  19. I agree 21st December days start to get longer (thank the Lord). Some days of late it has barely got light at all. 2.30 you have to have a light on to be able to see anything. Then you get a bright sunny day and you have more daylight so it all depends.
  20. I have to say this has been one of the funniest posts I have ever read, I cried with laughter.
  21. So who is still in shorts now the ice and snow has arrived. Well we are all waiting with baited breath for the proof with the photos.
  22. Geoffrey makes sure you keep yourself cozy and warm in this weather.
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