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Everything posted by ExUserGone

  1. Although the sailing and rowing club rescue craft claim an exemption I believe it only counts when they are rescuing someone and not just coaching pushing a wash up past moored boats, at that point they should be showing just a much consideration for others as we are expected to. I'll add that the one I reported bounced moored boats around in particular the one behind me that I'd just helped hold in while the partly disabled guy got off in a very unsteady fashion, that was a dangerous situation to put them in.... I could post a piccie but I won't (unless he does it again in which case feck him)
  2. If I'm running at a speed that doesn't put up too much wash or cause anyone issues and turn a corner to have the tide push me faster I generally don't worry about it as I'll still not put up any more wash or cause anymore problems despite being over the speed limit, limits should be in knots over water not mph over ground, it's just much harder to enforce an over water speed. I thought the gestapo DID run the broads. And yes I did report the idiot that came past surlingham ferry boincing moored boats about a few weekends ago, theres speeding a bit and theres just being a complete tw*t.
  3. Nah what you realy need is a nice mid 70's RLM31 with all mod cons, much prettier, twin diesels and enough nav aids for coastal work, can you guess who's just bought a new boat.....(subject to survey)
  4. I've never understood the need to hook and catch another creature that I wasn't going to eat, at least the eastern europeans everyone moans about tend to fish for the right reasons not just abusing a creature for fun, at least sea fishing you can take your catch home with you and have a good munch. As you can guess I don't fish...
  5. On my old boat in the cambs fens we once had a sqwark of noise beside us and as we turned to look there was 3 kingfishers in about a cubic foot of air directly beside us have a squabble, could almost touch them, nearly hit the bank due to not watching where I was going. One of those images never to forget.
  6. The one I pulled out was re-fitted slightly on the lash with self tappers, stayed like that for years and worked fine, life is so much easier without h&s worries.....
  7. I wont comment on this, I did it myself years ago where I moored, lots of nice people waving at me so I waved back being the friendly type, TWANG!!!!!! power lead overtakes me leaving socket hanging out.... It seems they were not waving but pointing. I was only nipping across to the fuel staging too.
  8. I notice the press article mentions 'close to running water' as being important, excuse my ignorance of religions here but is the Hindus that like to float the ashes of dead relatives down the river? I've seen similar on the trent in nottingham and I'm sure someone said it was from a hindu temple. (I thin it was in cocunut shells) It doesn't bother me at all but I'm not sure the BA will be happy about it.
  9. Registered and objected! I urge all to do the same. Only takes a couple of minutes.
  10. ExUserGone

    Ahoy Orca

    I had to replace the full steering on Leo 2 years ago, the helm gear jumped a tooth and mushed the cable jamming solid halfway through a manouver in rockland staithe with steering on full lock, had to 'walk' it to the side using 1 forward/1reverse and swapping over sides till we reached the bank. Managed to borrow a car and got to asap supplies for new bits next day, back up and running by early afternoon to continue with a 2 week holiday. If on outdrive recomend the locking type of helm gear as it stops the torque steering effect, don't change the gear without changing the cable too as it will be just as worn.
  11. Back on the gt.ouse the guy moored next to me bought a nimbus with bow thrusters and made an ar5e of every mooring using them despite the fact he had beed driving a fixed prop boat into the same spot for years without them, had a new toy so had to use them. I can see how useful they can be but people do get too dependant on them and they give minimal manouvering compared to a well helmed boat without. And WTF is stern thrusters all about??? theres a prop and rudder at that end surely.
  12. Don't EVER put bodily parts between boat and bank or boat and other boat! It may be very easy to push a boat along with a little hand pressure from stationary but when it's moving it weighs tons and has inertia behind it. Don't hang on to a rope that's being pulled toward the post it's wrapped around, you will lose fingers. And most important of all, Don't try driving a boat sober, it just doesn't work (ignore that one).
  13. And very easy to walk to from st.olaves with loads of paths criss-crossing it, a short walk from the decoy tavern too.
  14. I have signed. It would help if you put some info in the original post instead of just a link, I'm sure I'm not the only one that finds posts containing just a link irritating and very rarely bother following them whatever is in the subject line, you got lucky this time.
  15. It seems the mozzies on the southern broads are huge and eating anything up to small children sized, the northern broads mozzies are away on holiday for a few months so best go that way.....
  16. This lot turned up at the ferryhouse surlingham friday afternoon, other than needing some help with the ropes and mooring they were very well behaved and friendly, even bought beers for the guys that helped with the mooring, they were only hired for the weekend so not realy cut short.
  17. The other ankle had "This way up" written on it, it's the user manual for the new one.
  18. Whats wrong with "River Rozzers" then?
  19. I think oulton broad is the same system, never worked it out myself.
  20. Not lonh now till the sleet and snow, marauding polar bears and short cold days, can't wait! As for the C word, it's cancelled this year, and every other year.....
  21. The best bit about my waterpipe fenders is that the pipe was dumped in the marsh behind the ferryhouse at surlingham so as well as being free it was a cleanup for the area as well.
  22. For nasty mooring edges I have 3 lengths of 65mm plastic water pipe that break down to fit into the engine bay, they hang off the handrails on the cabin roof and run down to 12" below water line so keeps everything off the piling or overhangs off the windows, also good for when the water levels come to or over the edge(as it does at berney/reedham/cantley from time to time) as it keeps the boat over the river, works very well. I don't use them on the northern rivers as they are soooo much safer and easier with such better edges to moor to than the southern rivers.
  23. Looks awful, much better to stay north of yarmouth, besides the 30 knot tide on the yare puts most people off as does the 60 foot tidal range, and those somalian pirates realy do get annoying, it's the 5th time I've been kidnapped and held for ransom this year! Stay north, much safer.
  24. If you go too serious on your security on a boat thats moored in a dark secluded place you'll just end up with the same theft and a mass of damage that far outweighs the loss, better to make a token gesture to deter the un-equiped opportunist and good security marking and notes of serial numbers to aid recovery when the pros take it, saves on having the rest of the boat destroyed when they only wanted the motor. Or putting the cowling of a cheapo chinese motor on your shiny new honda would probably work better than the police covers.....
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