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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. Thanks for explaining the whys and wherefores Jonzo, point taken and understood.
  2. I am as pleased and excited with this news as anybody but may I suggest that until those 'T's are crossed and the 'I's dotted we say as little as possible on open forum.... just in case. I for one would hate things to go tits up at the last moment.
  3. Pleaser don't get me wrong, I warmly welcome anyone who wishes to join the forum, but I have to ask... Why are we advertising it? and secondly Where are we advertising it?
  4. If Macie had joined in, that would have been an 'encounter of the furred kind'.
  5. Windows in the hull as such are not the problem. For me it was Those windows in That hull . Windows 3,4, and 5 were, for me, not pleasing to the eye. had they remained the same size and shape to the first two and last two windows and at the same level, the boat would have looked far more to my taste. The superstructure and general shape of the craft I like, in fact I'm thinkin g about buying one to keep on Hickliing broad.
  6. What a lot of detergent bottles needed for that. Oh, and Peter, I agree with you re the hull windows but I think the others are fine.
  7. Word for word what my mum used to say too.
  8. Fine, but does it have much 'suck' ? In the past these 12v vacuum cleaners make noise and drain the boats batteries but do little in the way of actual cleaning. How well does the Black & Decker perform?
  9. Typical... Much Hadham and Harlow... Bunch of ruddy alkies.!
  10. Whilst I agree that cats kill birds, may I add that a mouse problem we had has drastically reduced since our neighbours cats found a welcome in our garden. We also had a few rats about. Not any more we don't. A small price to pay for the loss of some of the birds,
  11. Whatever tightens your rivets Robin, whatever tightens your rivets.!!!
  12. Purely a theory of mine, but I always thought that a feeding frenzy of small(ish) fish would bring along Mr Pike (though he'd never say his name) causing the fish to go off the feed and run away. Mr Pike would lose interest and bugger off and all the fish would come back.
  13. Oh and sorry but I have a PS. I have three switches to my bedroom light and can turn the light on or off from any one of them irrespective of which switch was used to put them in the existing condition, so if I turn the light on from any of the switches A, B, or C and then turn them off again from any of those switches. I'm still struggling to work out the wiring diagram from that one too.
  14. Whoops, sorry to disappear like that, had to go to Gravesend for a party last night and have only just got back. This whole thing came about from a discussion in a pub (like they do) where we were talking about an automatic lighting system based not on what was being foisted on us by the likes of B&Q but on what we actually wanted. The situations were each a little different but the overall requirements were the same. It started that the system needed to be automatic for convenience and security. It was felt that these days with LEDs taking so little juice to run, we wanted the lights on from dusk to midnight. if they came on at the same time each night it was a bit of a security giveaway, and if it was just a time switch, we'd be forever changing it. so the time switch and light sensitive switch was the obvious solution. I pointed out that I sometimes needed the carport lights on in the day as it was pretty shady in there, so the override manual switch was included. Then one of the guys started talking about the occasions when someone arrived at the house after midnight, and wouldn't it be nice if the lights came on for them, or just to come on for security, so the PIR switch was added into the equation. So, as you see, none of the individual requirements is in any way unusual, many people have some of the functions but nobody seems to have strung them all together as yet. I started thinking about setting them up as individual switches and couldn't for the life of me work out the basic wiring diagram I needed to achieve the results. So, I asked the group I always ask when I run into difficulty... you!
  15. Yes, it's just the light sensitive switch and some of the lights themselves that need to be totally weatherproof
  16. Warning This site uses CCTV and security carrots Sorry timbo, it really doesn't cut it does it.
  17. No, I'm after the lights being on from dusk to midnight then to come on again if anyone approaches between midnight and dawn. plus a manual on/off switch if I want to work on the car in the carport in poor light.
  18. Now Here’s a thing. At night it gets dark. Ok ok, call me a ‘know-it-all’ if you must but I notice these things. I am reliably informed that the way to overcome this darkness at night is to turn a light on. Well that’s fine and dandy but I don’t want it on all night all so when I’m ready to sleep, I turn it off again. Many of you will be saying “Great, problem solved.” (ok, most of you will be asking yourselves why you are reading all this garbage and muttering “prat” under your breaths) but I regret the problem is far from solved as you will see… ( if it’s light) Well, this tricky little poser can be sorted automattically by having the light on a time switch. On it comes at six in the evening and off again at midnight. MAGIC !!! errr wait a moment,… not solved! The time it gets dark varies. No problemo. I get rid of the time switch and put in a light sensitive switch instead. Now the light comes on when it gets dark whatever the time. MAGIC !!! errr wait a moment… not solved! The light stays on until dawn. Still no problemo I plug the light sensitive switch into a time switch. The time switch is set to come on at midday and go off at midnight so between those two hours, the light comes on when it gets dark and goes off at midnight. MAGIC !!! errr wait a moment… not solved. I was so excited to try this I watched it when the power came on, watched again when the light came on as it became dark and then saw it turn off at midnight. So extatic with joy was I, that I got up to go to the loo. That’s when I stubbed my toe because the lights were out and it was dark and past midnight. What I need is a proximity switch so that if the lights are out but it is dark and someone wants to see where they are going, it overrides the time switch but not the light sensitive switch. I’m not sure of how to wire this… but it goes further. There are times when although light, I need to turn the lights on for a bit of extra light. This has to be manual so what I need is a manual switch that will turn the lights on or off whatever the situation.. So, in short, this is what I need. A master switch that turnes the shooting match on/off A manual switch that turns the lights on whatever the other switches are doing (except the master) A Time switch A light sensitive switch, and A proximity switch And finally a wiring diagram to show me how to wire that little lot. Ok, the reality of this is to control some outside security lights in a carport and on a wall so the whole lot needs to be weather proof too. Any ideas?
  19. Is it just a name change or has the top management changed?
  20. That's when my car is at it's safest !
  21. Keith, My comment was aimed at the three preceding posts and was very much tongue in cheek
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