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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. ExSurveyor


    Mandyb, I bet that was a man who told you that was ten inches, more like six . Can you send it to Kent please, I want to try out The Beast, a Jeep Commander 4x4. We get excited by a light dusting of snow down here and rush out for bread and milk. Hunker down and keep warm.
  2. It beggers belief that people still try to deny such horrific events during a truly dreadful time in our recent history.
  3. Welcome to the forum, I have a Topliner, the two cabin 4 berth model. Completely different layout to BB ones, but the same hull and style !! Enjoy you time on the Broads.
  4. "Lies, damned lies, and statistics" is a phrase describing the persuasive power of numbers, particularly the use of statistics to bolster weak arguments. Atributed by Mark Twain to Benjamin Disraeli
  5. Nope. . Odd really as I can't use smilies from the phone.
  6. You could try to patch the damaged veneer or be really adventurous and re veneer the whole top. Can't make it look worse
  7. Prescription medication and alcohol.
  8. It's called Blue stain in service, and is a pig to get out, get an expert to have a go as it may be quite deep and need a fair amount of sanding if a french polisher can't get it out. The wrong process of chemicals could make the stain much harder to deal with for the expert.
  9. Gales across Medway tonight im afraid Alan, batten down the hatches
  10. Sorry to hear that Clive, looks like it has to be blackmail. photoshop, what a great program. Seriously, there must be a good market to sell these at local shops or your receptions. Bigger print run next time. Perhaps the first run will become collectors items like stamps with slight printing errors.
  11. We have moderators One of the many good things here is that you have to look under the posters name to spot the moderators rather than knowing them by the inflamatory comments they seem to have the urge to constantly make elsewhere.
  12. Awful lot of piffle and waffle going on elsewhere. I am amazed to learn that Richardsons are the only organization or individual to have ever made a 'mistake' before. The fuss really does defy belief.
  13. . Clive, you don't want one, it's full of errors, send it to me and I will look after it for you
  14. Same topic discussed in two places, two very different reactions. Someone must have spent a long time finding fault. One item out of a whole publication, and little praise of an otherwise informative and well presented book. Funny old world.
  15. Having read this thread I have gone for belt and braces. I have ordered a couple of new throwing lines from fleabay. (20.00) for the pair. These I will use if better suited to the situation instead of the ring.
  16. Looks like very high tides tonight. The Brundall height guage is still broken from 22 december. The tide actual recording for Lowestoft is higher than predicted. Flood alerts have been issued by the EA. If I were clever I would post a link.
  17. It was 1.29p at the end of the summer. Nice to see Brooms passing on the reduction.
  18. Infamy, infamy, they've all got it Infamy ..
  19. Alan, i have no idea what you are on about, DHL do deliveries don't they, or is that USB. ? its the button on my keyboard thing . That one is using the old fashion way. I will restrain my use to happy face and sad face only until the upgrade.
  20. ⚓ One out of three is a start
  21. I can't add smilies, is this because I mostly post from my android phone and use the ones on the phone keyboard.
  22. Hi Alan, have you tried Ann Rose Fabricover at Sheppy. Used them a lot and seem to be very competitive. .
  23. Afloat until sunday at Brundall Gardens, just chilling. A nice red this afternoon and a fine champagne this evening. one and all. My New years resolution is to find out how to post them smiley face things and photos.
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