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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. ExSurveyor


    Blooming freezing at Brundall, showing minus 5 degrees and falling.
  2. Thanks for the recommendation, might give it a go this week if I can fight off this manflubola. At least the freezing cold weather should kill some bugs off
  3. Nicely put Peter. My 2014 has been very similar, mum passing away a month ago and taking her funeral service, today quite upsetting watching the grandchildren opening the little presents she had just finished making. 90 year old mother in law who lives with us walking slowly down the path of dementia., such a sad thing to witness. 2015 will bring a brand new granddaughter, a miracle every time. Lots to mourn for 2014, but much to look forward to for 2015. Wishing all members and your families health and happiness next year. Take care of one another.
  4. My grandchildren were mesmerized . Thank you for the heads up Hylander
  5. So would the AA class a nail in a tyre as impact damage ? The trouble is the older you get the smaller the small print gets Griff, I did notice your glasses on the desk Typical of many insurance policies these days.
  6. I will have a glass for you Iain, a nice 2001
  7. I now feel like getting into the festering spirit. Having made my annual accompanied visit to the Tesco shopping emporium, avoiding being recognized by the staff, not shouting at the various oxygen thiefs and serial trolley abandoners, Matron says I don't have to go again until next christmas. As a special christmas present, my phone has decided to write in french, no, I don't know why either, all the settings are correct. Chateauneuf-du pape Rodney Here goes, A very merry Christmas and a happy New Year to one and all
  8. Hi Mark, I got the Jam tough, amazing bit of kit. I use mine in the car, on the boat and take it abroad.
  9. Martin. I was over Dillywood a few months ago doing a survey, Kent does have lots of tucked away places that haven't been spoilt yet. After 30 years I still come across hidden gems. Monica, I have always driven a 4x4, lots of places I go to are up rough tracks, but when it snows up on the Downs, it does it properly. I have never yet been trapped by snow, sometimes by abandoned vehicles though. I think we might be getting snow this year, Matron tells me the onion skins are tight this year, or something like that
  10. I am In Walderslade area. Never managed to escape far as my businesses are based in the area and old and young family are all nearby.
  11. Hi Jon, Time to dive back into work, it does help, a bit. I keep finding that I think, I must give them a call and tell them ..... The kids and grandchildren being about help as the little ones are at an age where they are getting hyper. Raise a glass on Christmas day to him .
  12. Hylander, I remember Hempstead Valley when it was woodland with a beautiful glade of oak trees. Since the opening of Bluewater, Hempstead Valley is much nicer now.
  13. Grace, you know what these small villages are like. . We were married at 17 and 18, thirty five years ago. And they said it wouldn't last. We have only stayed together to prove them wrong.
  14. I come from Rochester area but dated and married a Hempstead girl from the age of 13 . We spent a lot of time in Hempstead, when it was a small village. I undertake surveys all over Kent and get to visit lots of small quaint villages.
  15. I know Kingswood well, lovely village. A lot of small villages used to do this sort of thing as well as maypole dancing and fireworks. Sadly a lot of small villages have become Big villages and have lost these traditions.
  16. Welcome Paul and Mary, look forward to enjoying your tales without having to " change channels "
  17. Anyone remember the Phillips Laserdisc. I also remember watching Princess Anne's first wedding, in colour on a posh friends brand new colour television.
  18. Whereabouts on the Mudway do you keep it Mark?. Up at Little Venice Yalding. Nice, but not the Broads.
  19. Having moved our Calypso from Norfolk to the Medway, we were staying with a friend in Norfolk. I managed to convince Matron to have a look at a Topliner that was listed at NYA nearby in Brundall. And the rest is history, as they say. After three seasons, I still can't justify selling either of them. : )
  20. Straight through the Dartford crossing, no queues, sailed through the newly opened A11, and on a Friday afternoon. I am very impressed. 2 hours 15 minutes from Kent, normally takes 2 and a half hours late evening and nearer 3 and a half on a Friday afternoon.
  21. Hi Alan, I hope your spare time next year will be spent afloat on the Broads
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