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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. That sound like south Kent, nearly in the water.
  2. Alan, when you finish, I have a few jobs you and Dave can do to stop you getting bored
  3. When do I have to stop snarling at the teenage little s#ds who start singing ( badly ) " we wish you a merry Christmas " when I open the door. I think it's justified up until the 24th December. The 6th December and they were lucky to get away with a curt , " come back Christmas eve when you have learnt the words and have had some singing lessons. Bar humbug
  4. "Organising a p#ss up in a brewery "springs to mind. It must have been a bit like interweb dating.
  5. All of the above. There are lots of other, non canal, inland waterways including the river Medway. I quite like an electronic version and I guess distribution is easier and sometimes free. I can't see much future for print copies as has been witnessed with MBM and AA. The new online MBO seems to be doing well and is a good read. I used to have PBO MBM and AA. Now I just have MBO on download. It wasn't the cost, it was more the content that stopped me having AA and PBO and sadly the demise of MBM. Good luck if you decide to launch a new magazine, I will certainly give it a try.
  6. My thoughts are with you Jon, my mum passed away today. A sad but inevitable time.
  7. Don't forget to remember you stuck a rag in the exhaust
  8. Hi Alan, if you are in Brundall, Brundall Gardens is worth a look, most the work is finished now and is looking very plush and the price is competitive for the area.
  9. I recently had professional dealings with this organization. When asked what the scope of the work was I was told by the frontline bod on the ground, " everything, we have loads of money". None of the work involved birds but was more about feathering the office nest. That says a lot about the organization.
  10. Or, part of the problem is people buying cheap booze from the supermarket rather than supporting the pubs, that's also quite ironic...
  11. Norfolknog Also the likes of Tesco and the Co op are closing pubs up and down the country and turning them into convenience stores. This is not correct, pubs fail for any number of reasons, shops take over empty buildings and ensure they don't fall into dereliction.
  12. And how exactly does wasting time and money training temps equate to good business when you have experienced fully trained staff available? That is called a business decision, made by people employed to run a business, many of whom started out on the shop floor before they became hate figures for those they left behind.
  13. Psychicsurveyor Mark, You really do need to get out more! I try to get out more but the guards say I have to stay in the special facility until the courts say I can go out again
  14. As you ask Dave In what must be the ultimate exercise in navel-gazing, an Austrian scientist has solved the mystery of belly button fluff. After three years of research, Georg Steinhauser, a chemist, has discovered a type of body hair that traps stray pieces of lint and draws them into the navel. Dr Steinhauser made his discovery after studying 503 pieces of fluff from his own belly button. Chemical analysis revealed the pieces of fluff were not made up of only cotton from clothing. Wrapped up in the lint were also flecks of dead skin, fat, sweat and dust. Dr Steinhauser's observations showed that 'small pieces of fluff first form in the hair and then end up in the navel at the end of the day'. Writing in the journal Medical Hypotheses, he said the scaly structure of the hair enhances the 'abrasion of minuscule fibres from the shirt' and directs the lint towards the belly button. "The hair's scales act like a kind of barbed hooks," he said. "Abdominal hair often seems to grow in concentric circles around the navel Why is belly button fluff always blue? Answer The age old question ever since Adam and Eve looked upon their first child(Adam and eve never had Navels as they were created not born). The reason Belly-button fluff is blue is simply because Fibre form your clothes collect in your navel even though most clothes may not be blue most darker or even black dyes are made up of blue dyes/pigments. Therefore fluff of the navel is blue!
  15. Woof woof, Is there any minority interest that doesn't have a forum
  16. If a four year old wants his parents attention, he will be heard unless they live in a substantial house the bedrooms are going to be close by. I have a gorgeous grandson who likes to wander in the early hours and a stair gate works well. I wouldn't use a bolt on the door but we all have different ways of rearing children. Perhaps a cause for a mutter and a tut tut under your breath but not a case to involve the official agencies.
  17. How many spare berths are you offering MM . We will be at Brundall 27the December until 4th January
  18. A long shadow indeed, I remember my Dad who was a Royal Marine, he signed up at 15 after lying about his age, crying every Remembrance Sunday for his fallen comrades. He never spoke about his 30 years service. When he died we found his medals, what a story they told. The Burma Star with clasp, The Atlantic Medal, The Pacific Medal, Suez Medal, Aden Medal, 1939 to 1945 War Medal and two Good Conduct Medals. But to me he was just my Dad.
  19. Jon, I suspect your heart is as big as your head.
  20. The GreatWar 1914-1918 In Flanders Fields by John McCrae, May 1915 In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields.
  21. Nice photo Peter, how old were you when you took it
  22. Good old Google translate. . It should say, hello and welcome to the friendly forum. Or I may have just offended our latest international member.
  23. Hej och välkommen till den vänliga forumet.
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