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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. Hi Frank, just caught up with your thread, On the black mould issue, it is normally best to use a fungicide based mould remover rather than a bleach. Wash the surface down and let it dry then spray with a course spray using a small garden sprayer and allow that to dry. This will leave a barrier to slow down any future growth. It is a lot less hazardous than bleach. It is a good idea to use a respirator mask rather than a dust mask. We don't have toxic mould in this country, they are an American invention The biggest hazard is the chemicals used in a confined space. Enjoying the progress reports.
  2. I remember an article recently that the size of the inner for loo rolls was being reduced. Sainsbury claim it will need 500 less lorry deliveries a year as a result. We will still get the Same number of sheets. Treehuggers rejoice.
  3. It certainly makes you wonder why there isn't a barrier considering the amount of damage it can do... Money, RSPB, treehuggers, the lesser spotted whatever, these things are all more important than protecting life and property, unless it is for HS2.
  4. Flies in the bombs away holding tank, MM , you really need to reconsider your diet. I have a Jabesco and a Mansfield, of the two I do prefer the Mansfield type. Never hada problem with it in 3 years. The Jabesco has had a few problems with flushing out over the last 4 years but this was fixed with a new hand pump unit. As Robin. ( LR ) says, a new pan is not horrendously expensive. The main advantage of the Mansfield is the lack of pipes and moving parts, the disadvantage is the difficulty of retro fitting with the tank below.
  5. Grendal, the Ropery might seem a mile long but is only a quarter of a mile. I spent one Easter, 30 years ago rolling 45 gallon drums of white spirit based wood treatment from one end to the others, now that was a fire hazard. I had to confiscate all lighters and matches and lock them up.
  6. Marshman, I would suspect that Brooms would avoid competing with the volume builders and aim for the quality market. They would probably sell to Venture Capitalists . Venture Capitalists are usually a pooled fund of capital rich investors such as Local and County councils, charities and pension funds, The next part of my argument involved how we all benefit from these organizations, but I am probably going to lose that one
  7. It would make sense to move the manufacturing base to an area adjacent to a main road without going too far away and losing experienced staff. Marinas make good money, residential building makes very good money. It would be good to see a boatyard, marina and residential development on the site whilst moving the manufacturing nearer the main roads. Brundall riverside tends to be flimsy bungalows and semi industrial buildings in amongst a maze of marinas and boatyards. The existing style of the riverside area is not very pleasing on the eye. With some thought a residential development could improve the area as long as it is a good mix of uses. I might even put my name down if the design is good.
  8. Blimey Grendal, 400w ES lamps, I remember seeing those in the museum when I worked for Osram GEC nearly 40 years ago. Big old factory in Oldham used to knock out huge numbers of incandescent lamps for export around the world. I expect the factory has gone now as we import lamps from Johnny foreigner now. :-(
  9. Stumpy, bulbs go in cars and boats, lamps go in houses. You need to ask for Rough Service Lamps, these are still available and are used by the building industry, ( at the moment ) Just make sure when you ask for some Rough Service, you are in a lamp shop, not around the back of the Town hall
  10. Hi Alan, where did you get the oak ply from, I need to replace two doors onboard and I want to get away from the Formica clad ones and match the light oak panels elsewhere.
  11. Hi Gendal, I went to the Boat Jumble today with a list of 5 items I "want". I came back with one item from the list and 6 items I " need".
  12. I have run a dehumidifier for several years, set on a timer for 6 hours a day. I leave the curtains open slightly on the sunny side of the boat to use any heat from the available Sun to raise the temperature. It is important to also run a tube heater as they are more efficient with modest heat. Cover large vents in bright cloth so you remember to remove them when on board. Open lockers and cupboards to ensure they stay dry as well. Mine costs fifty pounds to run , with the heaters for five months. Set it at 65% or normal to make sure the woodwork doesn't dry out. Good luck.
  13. Alan, don't forget it has moved from Kent showground to the Hop farm. I am on the Medway boat that weekend at yalding, 5 minutes along the road . I wouldn't describe it as busy...
  14. Hi Alan, don't forget the Kent Boat Jumble at the Hop farm, paddock wood next weekend . It's not been as good the last couple of years but we live in hope
  15. Mowjo wrote, Mark! read the topic title please, it's called Hypothetically Speaking, it may look like we have gone off topic but everything actually has a wayward link to Robins first post, even Johns last post about Stars, because Speedtriple mentioned Stars, now you have gone totally off topic, Upstairs Downstairs has nothing to do with this thread as it's a TV program, I mentioned Mrs Bridges, an obvious link to the Broads and a sensible site for one of these new fangled Supermarkets, Orf to shoot a few peasants
  16. Right, I have read the whole thread, I understood the first few posts, then I couldn't understand the rest. What is a "supermarket ". ? Then it was about cooking. I think I went to a " supermarket " once but Matron had to take me out. Are meals not supplied from the kitchen by a cook called Mrs Bridges or Mrs Patmore, assisted by various young girls from the village ? Has anyone seen my valet,
  17. I seem to always leave the one I want at home, saves getting them all tangled up
  18. O dear, he's fallen in the water. Now how did that happen.
  19. Robin, you have far to much time on your hands . I bet your school essays made amusing reading. How nice to be able to read a post and smile again.
  20. O dear Alan, I think you need help
  21. Three Tuns, I know that one, nice place.not far from me.
  22. Jon, I blame the crew for the ropes, can't get the staff these days, immigration took the Filipino deck hands away, still trying to train the new ones. Just checked the photo, I blame my brother, he borrowed it last, time for some training I think.
  23. Time for new members to form an orderly queue, the on going advert in another place is encouraging well known and respected posters to find this pleasant place. It is great to see an equal balance of experience and novice joining the ranks.
  24. ExSurveyor


    Welcome Jim G, it's good here.
  25. Hi Jon, glad to see that old woody being rescued, I hope you didn't bump my old plastic bathtub next to it..
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