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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. Jason is a splendid fellow who I have never met, yet. He gives his advise willingly and without bias. He has saved me a fortune by pointing me in the right direction for boat work. Also known as LBBY Time to start a campaign, What do we want.... We could always email him into submission.
  2. Welcome, it's nice to see so many familiar faces contributing on here, all we need now is Jason. A much nicer atmosphere and gentle moderation. I have to say I feel this forum belongs to the members and I don't feel like I am an unwanted guest who will be rebuked for having a different opinion from the Bosses.
  3. Ok, now for the idiot view. What about all those outlet holes dotted around the boat just above the waterline, I guess you could fit non-return valves, but would you trust them. I know from personal experience when my Calypso ran out of battery power during the floods that a full bilge of water, just under the floor didn't lower the boat noticeably and was only obvious when I lifted the inspection hatch in the floor. The big yards could always have a number of small day boats adjacent to the bridge for a small fee, a bit like the bridge pilot scheme.
  4. I'm onboard at Brundall on Thursday, what is the chance of a fly past, any idea on times.
  5. I use both main broards forums, I see the same names cropping up, the other forum has been a bit 'robust' of late where as this one is generally a lot calmer. It would be pointless and boring if they were identical.
  6. A wee birdie informed me you are the man who keeps Alan (Jaws Orca) in check I bet that's a full time job
  7. Bobbing about on ( whispers ) the river Medway, on a broads Calypso. Couple of weeks time we are up for a long weekend at Brundall with the grandchildren.
  8. ExSurveyor

    Frack off

    Peter, no tea or coffee, you will get dehydrated
  9. ExSurveyor

    Frack off

    Germany have a major problem with solar power, they have too much and it overloads the grid. They have to give it away to France and Poland to avoid an overload. This is the problem with these types of generation, a lack of ability to store excess. The minerals and energy needed to produce solar panels is frightening, but it's ok because most come from China. Wind farms require huge amounts of steel and energy to make and are fickle about wind levels required to operate. We don't want nuclear power because of perceived dangers from them, look along the coast of Calais and see how many we already have on our door step. Basically we want and need power but we don't want OUR country spoilt so we are happy to import power and generation from abroad and let them have the damage. This is fine as long as we don't upset any of our power suppliers and let them March into any country they want to. There are no easy answers but we have to be realistic.
  10. Does one's chauffeur not deal with these things, Or that kind chap from the Automobile Association when he has finished saluting.
  11. ExSurveyor

    Frack off

    Our energy use appears to be falling due to energy saving measures, I have finally fitted low energy lighting at home as the quality of the light is now much better. I have seen a fall in my energy bills. I suspect that when coal mining started in earnest, muttering about the world collapsing were heard. Extraction of oil and gas has not, in general, caused pollution except from spillage. The answer is, who wants to go without heating and power to avoid fracking being necessary. If we want modern luxury, we have to have power and whatever scheme is put forward, some group will object. Nuclear power, in tandem with all the other sources being used will at least reduce our reliance on the whims of crazy Ivan .
  12. ExSurveyor

    Frack off

    MM, what a well balanced post.
  13. Hi Alan, take a fender pump with you, I noticed a flat fender when it went past in the week, other than that the boat was looking mighty handsome. Enjoy the weather, we had high winds, rain and cloud.
  14. It is a really good magazine, and its free so I don't feel I need to read everything to get my monies worth
  15. Muzbaz, don't poke the bear while he is sleeping I thought Jon had gone on holiday, again
  16. I fitted two cameras and one monitor on our Topliner. One to the rear and one to the side. Topliners have very limited view when mooring side on and no view stern on. It does make for peaceful mooring. Matron found handling two ropes and a walkie talkie difficult "and if you can do better, do it your bl##dy self".
  17. Hi Gary, I'm down south at Brundall and on the Medway at Yalding. Enjoy your boat.
  18. Greetings Gary from another Chathamite.
  19. I went down surlingham broad in a dinghy last week, it is very narrow and shallow now , the broad part is little more than a medium sized pond . Very quiet though.
  20. Janice, everyone makes mistakes, the measure of a good company is how well and quickly the deal with it, not how much comp-en-say-tion they throw at a customer. I would rather have the mistake put right than a tenner offered on return.
  21. What a great plan, pack a load more in up north and leave us down south the enjoy the peace and quiet of the Southern Broads.
  22. Hi Robin, I thought I saw you go past our mooring at BGM but wasn't sure.
  23. Grace, I never come to the Broads to relax, just to work through an ever increasing list of improvements and upgrades. Between grandchildren, visitors and improvements 2 out of 9 will be relaxing ..
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