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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. Having had £4500 of repairs to the Shetland outboards lower leg last year, funded by an insurance claim and lost 7 months use, On my last visit the outboard sounded noisy. The yard have looked at it and say the bearings are shot and it needs a full strip down and rebuild. The quote is £4700. The engine is a 60hp, far too big for the Broads. The cost of a new 20hp Suzuki is the same price as the repair. Guess what, The new 20hp is being fitted next week. I officially hate outboard motors. My next boat will have a diesel engine.
  2. Unfortunately, due to a host of commitments, I won't be able to call in for the day on Saturday. I hope everyone who attends has a great weekend.
  3. Dear all, Notice is hereby given that the Highways Authority will be undertaking a principle inspection of the River Waveney Bridge, Norwich Road (A146), Beccles using underbridge equipment. Vessels may be temporarily restricted and regulated in their movement in the vicinity of the bridge from Monday 5 until Tuesday 6 June 08:30hrs to 16:00hrs. For more information and a map please see: https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/navigating-the-broads/boating-news/navigation-restriction-due-to-inspection-of-a146-bypass-bridge Best Tom Tom Waterfall Senior Communications Officer Direct dial 01603 756034 Broads Authority Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich NR1 1RY
  4. But if you moor and read the signs but disagree you have the option of leaving. The signs say funds will be used for the upkeep and maintenance of the site, I wonder what the costs are that are already charged to the tolls and where any surplus will be spent.
  5. No one has an issue with the disruption and safety precautions that causes.
  6. I suspect they will cause a lot less disruption than wild swimming, yacht racing and some of the rowers on the Yare.
  7. To put it into context, It is this saturday and runs from 9am until 2pm. Participants are over 18 and must aim for 2 1/2 hours completion with a maximum of 5 hours. This is not a newbies event, they will be experienced paddlers who have trained for the event. Why can we not share the Broads with other water users for the odd day or two., is it really only for boaters.
  8. This one is just in full bloom in my garden. They do make a nice early splash of colour.
  9. That request was covered earlier in the thread, I see no reason to go over it again. If members want to say, that is okay, but keep asking members to declare is not.
  10. I noticed on the drum horses at the front, the musicians had the reins around their lower legs.
  11. This coronation was half the length of the Queens and had a lot of new or altered elements to bring it up to date whilst still keeping traditional core elements. The coverage was greater due to technological advances, and in colour. A king can have a Queen, a Queen cannot have a King, only a consort if that is their choice.
  12. This whole latest sorry saga smacks of panic. Poorly concieved, Poorly planned, Poorly implemented Unfortunatley they are unlikely to back down and admit they were wrong to try and impose charges.
  13. I have just seen a photo of the new additional sign. It is an A4 sheet of paper, hopefully laminated, that had been pinned at the bottom of the original sign. The print size is very small and you would need to be on the floor to read it. I would love to hear how they get on trying to enforce this MCN in court. I can already hear a judge laughing. Some one needs to go and wobble their head. I am lost for words over the sheer incompetence of the implementation of this scheme. The basis of the charge now appears to be agreeing to enter into a contract with the BA to pay for mooring. I assume the have run out of traditional reasons, such as by-laws or a long established right to charge.
  14. Keep up FF 😁 New additional signs have gone up refering to a mooring contravention notice. Only a month after the whole idea was implemented. It does show what an ill thought out and rushed scheme it is.
  15. My comment or the whole charging for moorings idea ?
  16. That would indicate they are unable to issue a penalty against anyone who declined to pay before the new signs went up. What an ill thought out fiasco.
  17. I hope they didn't give you a hammer in DIY SoS.
  18. Don't let fame go to your head
  19. With your nice new paint work I would avoid socks. I looked into them a few weeks ago. Looking at the costs and reviews I decided to spend a couple of hours cleaning the old ones.
  20. And conveniently timed to not clash with F1 later in the day.
  21. I will be marking it with respect but not afloat.
  22. You just did. I have sent you a message.
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