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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. All this talk of elastic laces and slip on shoes is a downwards slope to a care home. I will stick with my velcro wrap overs
  2. To clarify, an article was broadcast on ITV Anglian news at 6pm last might. I can't find a link to an open source but it is on ITVx. Detail of the article were never made clear. A couple of unrelated photos were removed from posts but the text remained. Edit, Thanks Paladin for the link.
  3. That is a bit of a suprise, they have only recently invested in a number of very nice new day boats.
  4. ITV then. I can't get Anglia at home so I will watch it online.
  5. And I would ask you again not to. It is for the committee of the group to canvass support on their own platform, if that is the route they decide to take.
  6. I believe I made my views on this matter clear in an earlier post. If your suggestion is that this forum offer financial support, that is a definite No, They have a platform, directly linked to their members, that is where any appeal for funds should be made, if that is their plan going forward, not here.
  7. Sadly, these days there is no platform that would reduce the infighting and off topic discussions. Forming a forum would still attract the same issues, the only way to control it would be hard moderation, that takes peoples time, and lots of it. It also is very unpopular with anyone who is moderated. I don't know how you can easily control and harness over a thousand individual views.
  8. Any donations must be an individual decision, directly to, and in response to any campaign group appeal. It would not be appropriate for anyone to pursue donations via this forum.
  9. And our decision has been validated by the issues that BRAG have experienced. Thank you, it is easy to sit behind a keyboard and complain, try sitting on the receiving end, I probably spend over 15 hours a week monitoring the forum and dealing with unwanted and unpleasant issues that the membership never get to see. I would not impose on the Mod team with the additional burden of mounting any campaign. I do wish the BRAGs team success but I think they are now realising the huge amount of unexpected additional work involved with members, before they begin to campaign effectively.
  10. Be Alert, your country needs Lerts. I think they could have found a slightly less American sounding voice. Dame Edna would have been good fun.
  11. The project escalated, 20 years of telephone systems, internet connections, multiple printers, all originally hard wired, then wireless, phone and internet extenders. That took some untangling. Then going through dozens of box files for previous businessess and properties followed by checking all the current files. I managed to burn out the heavy duty shredder. I have finally finished the new study and updated all the tech connections. In between I decided I needed a new office chair to match the new look. Ebay produced a ratty and battered antique chesterfield chair I liked in Hertfordshire for £50. It was very cracked and scratched. It has taken some effort to refurbish it and bring it back to life. I have never tried leather restoration before, it is a very forgiving material. I did hesitate before getting the sandpaper out but it works really well. Filled, stained and polished then the wood refinished. I quite enjoyed doing the chair.
  12. They rotate, depends on the device as to how many are show at the same time.
  13. I have arranged for you to receive a carrier pigeon
  14. Two solutions, Cut some strips from the scrap and put around the edge of the lid to form a lip on the topside so it looks like it is there to stop the cushion sliding off, or Cut strips to go inside the box on the top edge to give extra support to the lid.
  15. The country used to rely on air raid sirens but with the spead of the population they no longer provide good coverage. It is surprising the number of young people who know what they mean. Given the spread of technology it is no suprise that the system is going digital and of course it needs to be tested. I would rather have a system in place than no effective national warning. Hopefully it is never needed but we do live in more uncertain times again.
  16. During my latest neurological exam, some of the tests involved balance, the results were shocking. My right side balance is not good. One test involved closing my eyes and marching on the spot 50 times, I ended up 10 feet away and 5 feet to the right. He confirmed that I shouldn't take up tightrope walking. I have some eye and head movement exercises that I have to do 3 times a day to try to put it right. Getting older is no fun but better than the alternative.
  17. Here's a question, why is it called ' faked' ?
  18. Has anyone tried to get anything actually done lately, So far in the last 3 weeks I have been let down by a marine workshop, an upholsterers, both had 8 weeks notice. A solicitor who has had since november to sort out 4 lease extensions and another solicitor who has taken 3 1/2 years to sort out a basic error they made in a transaction. Try getting someone to do work on a property, even with my contacts, you are looking at months, not weeks. Tradespeople have full order books and some materials are still difficult to source.
  19. When MiL was with us she was 96 and frail but didn't have a blue badge. Matron used to park in the parent and child bays as there was more access to get her out. She used it on the basis that they were parent and child.
  20. This is an ongoing inquest. Please avoid speculation and unhelpful comments. Lets all wait for the Coroner's verdict and remember that this is first and foremost a family's tragedy.
  21. Can you collect them from Wroxham by car and return to Stalham, assuming it is happening on takeover day ?
  22. FlyingFortress Posted 2 hours ago · Is this a Great Ouse forum or a Medway Forum 🤫
  23. Interesting that the BA have called in the police over some low tack stickers on public signs. When I had a false penalty notice stuck on a perspex side window, that took hours to remove and caused permanent damage, the most I got from BA was a half hearted sorry, we will speak to the ranger. It is a good job I am not as sensitive as their CEO. Karma is a wonderful thing and I have zero sympathy.
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