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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. It has more drama now than Crossroads ever managed
  2. This was written by my 21 year old niece, It makes sobering reading and breaks my heart. THIS IS A PLEA. My house mates and I are student nurses and midwives, and we are about to return to placement, where we will be facing this pandemic on the front-line. We'll be used as numbers to tackle the understaffed, underfunded circumstances, we will still have to complete university assignments, we may now have have our placement extended so we can't qualify as planned in July, we are still paying £9250 a year in tuition fees and we aren't paid a penny. While everyone is in isolation, we are all missing friends, family and partners, but when we eventually do return to social distancing, we as frontline staff will remain separated from our loved ones due to the high risk of us having or carrying the virus. Whole hospitals are being turned into Intensive care units, with an urgent requirement for ventilation, intubation and oxygenation equipments. Staff are undergoing new training everyday to keep up to date with the constant changes to keep the public, patients and ourselves safe. A whole new 'hospital' has been set up with thousands of beds sandwiched between morgues. Nurses are being re-enrolled from retirement and students may be asked to graduate and work early. NHS staff are not being provided with WHO recommended PPE. Today we got informed that even resuscitation measures cannot remain the same for covid patients. Doctors are dying, nurses are dying, people's loved ones are dying alone in hospital. This is not a joke. Unfortunately however, some are taking it as such. My housemates, my colleagues and I are beginning to get incredibly frustrated having to convince people to stay at home. This isn't an option, it's government enforced. People think that rules don't apply to them, that just because they aren't symptomatic they can go out. 80% of people only show minor symptoms, but this virus is so incredibly contagious. This is such a challenging, uncertain time for everyone, but if we all do our bit, to not only protect ourselves but protect others, we can literally save thousands of lives, and that may well end up being the life of someone you hole dear. WE GO TO WORK SO THAT YOU CAN STAY AT HOME. PLEASE DO!!!
  3. The biggest problem is the journalists, they have to snipe and try to undermine.
  4. The banks got a very public reminder of how they were helped out without delay. No suprise that they would rather direct businesses to their higher rate loans. They have shorter memories than businesses and this government.
  5. Is it better to buy a few hundred tests and evaluate them, then order 3.5 million and wait Or Order 3.5 million and hope they are accurate but test they are acurate before sending out to use. A bad test is worse than no test. If it takes 'committees' to get us through and cut through red tape at a time like this, bring it on. The police are interpreting the law, some got over eager. They have now received 'guidance'. All these things normally happen over months or years normally, they are being implemented in days. These aren't normal times and require different measures. I am just grateful we have leadership from above rather than an orange buffoon with his head in the sand. Stay safe.
  6. Ian, the maddening thing is they can claim it all back at the end of April.
  7. Not all staff have to be furloughed and the designation can be lifted anytime in the three month period but it can't be re applied. Not all staff have to be recalled at the same time. It would be possible to furlogh you first and recall you last. You could then go on SSP if your exile needed ti be extended. I have the same situation with one if my staff and that is how it is being dealt with. Where there is a will… .
  8. Your employer can choose to furlogh you, the problem would be if they re-open before your 12 week exile. Does seem an unfair decision.
  9. MM, I hope you did a working at heights assessment.
  10. In line with government guidelines Matron made me go with her for a long walk, I have decided it isn't for me
  11. Alan, The once a day exercise isn't compulsory.
  12. If the property is empty and not in a chain with occupied properties involved, then sales can go ahead. Solicitors are doing simultaneous exchange and completion. I have one scheduled for Wednesday, one Friday and hopefully one on Monday. These are more dependant on buyers not panicking more than solicitors.
  13. Fortunately for every idiot there are thousands of good Samaritans quietly helping complete strangers. Focus on the good works and don't give the idiots publicity.
  14. The first signs of Spring in Kent
  15. Peters woodie is 1/12 the size of the real thing, but he does have two of them
  16. Unless it doesn't work and you think it is working !! Hot tub chemicals are designed for small quantities in a large volume of water. Too little, doesn't work, too much, a potentially corrosive mixture. A correctly monitored hot tub is fine to use, just don't invite the neighbours round.
  17. The grant will be classed as taxable income so we will be paying some of it back.
  18. Not that far outside the box Ian
  19. Worth thinking outside the box
  20. Chillenden, near Canterbury.? I went past it two weeks ago on a lovely drive through the countryside on the way to a survey. Seems an age ago.
  21. Thurne, because the sails look new
  22. They should hold money in a client account or have a specific insurance policy to cover the money. That is good practice. Make all payments on a credit card to gain the extra protection.
  23. I suggested that to Matron, her reply, "No, that is the path to anarchy and the breakdown of society"
  24. Griff, Garage next on the list ? I have done two out of three sheds working on the marathon not a sprint principle.
  25. Sorry JM, everyone also had the choice to let it go for the time being. Why attack an otherwise informative post at the moment, as you say, we all have family and friends to worry about now including every member at the BA, Go after it in the future if you want but for goodness sake call a truce now. My earlier post was wrong on the number of morgue spaces being created, Birmingham is to have 12000, yes twelve thousand, now compare that to a line in an information article.
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