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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. I believe it is being used for NHS staff. They originally had both at the same time until they thought about it.
  2. John, there has been an announcement that delivery arrangements are being made for the most at risk, those being ' shielded' The list is not the same as those who are vulnerable.
  3. Paladin, I can honestly say, in all the years I have read your posts you have never ' raised' your voice. The fact that you have reflects the genuine anger everyone is feeling towards the greedy and selfish in society.
  4. The danger is that the whole country shuts down and nobody is working, against needless travel spreading the virus. It is already kicking off about holiday makers traveling to Norfolk. Getting in your own car and driving without stop to Norfolk, with all your supplies, then staying on your own boat is different to going by public transport to a holiday camp. The difference is that one guy will have work available to him. This scenario is a long way from people crowding together in pubs and restaurants, even on the last evening they are allowed to open, that is plain selfish and irresponsible. Everything could change by friday. The term 'lockdown' is used in the media, so far, this has meant social distancing. This appears to prevent 75% of transmission. Travel to work has been allowed in most countries. If social distancing is not followed, who knows what will follow. The important thing to remember is this is not forever.
  5. I employ a good number of people, i am relieved and encouraged by the unprecedented support. We will work as long as it is available, then we will go into hold until it picks up, as it will. I won't get paid, i will survive, as long as my staff are paid and i have a bit of support with my fixed overheads, we will be ready to be up and running. This is not like 2008, It is not an economic recession, it is like a natural disaster. I estimate we will be getting back to near normal in a couple of months, IF, people practice social distancing and WASH YOUR HANDS. My biggest concern is the younger generation not taking it seriously.
  6. It is good that businesses are trying to adapt, the other alternative is not very attractive. Shepherd Neame in Kent have suspended all rent payment collection and the directors have had a wage cut. I wonder if the old practice of taking a jug to the pub to get filled and take home will return.
  7. If some (many) are overbuying they will not be hoarding any more. The supply chain should stabalize in the next couple of weeks, if people get over the initial panic.
  8. That is exactly the guidelines I have issued to my staff. Customers are also asked to maintain 2 metres when they are in a property. My new routine is to update our coronavirus guidelines every morning, trouble is they are out of date before the ink has dried.
  9. My Mother in Law was watching the news, she later announced that she will be ok as she is fit and healthy and only 75. She is 95 and has a host of medical conditions including heart failure. At least she isn't worrying.
  10. The thing to remember is that you can happily have the virus on your hands and not catch it, as soon as you touch your face you have a risk of transferring it via your mouth, eyes or nose. That is why it is so important that we wash our hands often. Take extra care and WASH YOUR HANDS.
  11. The giveaway for me would be ' check'. We have cheques in this contry, well a few of us still do. Youngsters may spell it check but not any UK organisation.
  12. I have never let my booze supply get low
  13. During July and August each year at least 20% of the workforce is off on holiday and we survive. If I get the virus I will be off work for 7-10 days if I don't have complications, then I will be back.
  14. Hopefully if it is to become a liverboard it will find a residential mooring, It could cause havoc bouncing back and forwards between 24 hour moorings
  15. I have seen people on fb saying they have a sniffle so are going to isolate even though they don't have a cough or temperature and 111 have said they are fine. They will claim to have caught it again if they really get it.
  16. Apparently they can catch it but it is very mild. Given that the government suspect that 5 -10 thousand people have it already the effects in the majority must be 'mild', its us oldies that are more at risk. The underlying health issues do seem to have a big impact.
  17. And in quite a few cases, great grandparents.
  18. I don't see private travel being restricted here. Even in Italy the lockdown doesn't apply to going to work. The ban on mass gatherings here is more about freeing up front line staff than reducing the spread of the virus. Unnecessary social interactions will be reduced but moving around in our own cars is a long way off. We seem to be taking the line of spreading out the virus infection rather than stopping it. The thing to remember is that the majority will only be affected for 7 days. Herd immunity can only happen if people get it and recover, this may explain why schools are staying open at the moment, children being the least at risk from complications, form a significant proportion of the population. Sadly there appear to be no easy answers this time.
  19. Good to see, Companies are going to have to be flexible, if you upset a customer now they won't be back in 3 months.
  20. These measures are likely to last around three months. We need to be careful that we don't damage society and the economy by over reacting. Everyone needs to be sensible but not over reacting. I have had to do contingency planning and implement mitigation measures in my businesses, that is what sensible management is about. The media love a crisis, this is all their birthdays at once. With 24/7 news they have to fill the vacuum. They do this with ever increasing waffle and endless repetition but rarely impart anything new. Roll on the summer.
  21. Good to see the British culture of Gallows humour has encompassed the world. I think we will need more than our normal dose of humour in the coming weeks.
  22. I suspect pubco's refurbish to cater for the clientele they would like or to fit a corparate theme and to a budget. I deal with a lot of pub refurbishments and the designers invariably design what they are told rather than what would look best.
  23. Matron has given a lecture to the kids, they shop every couple of days rather than doing a weekly shop. They hadn't thought about what would happen if they had to self isolate for a week.
  24. Two weeks time the shelves will be over stocked as supply catches up and some people won't need to buy them for the next six months as they run down their huge stocks.
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