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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. The travel item has been ' interpreted as returning to your home the same day, no doubt this will be clarified.
  2. I suspect it will be reduced by encouragement rather than being withdrawn. Very few businesses will want to shut for longer than necessary. Employees will be 'instructed' to return to work as soon as measures are in place. The take up of the scheme was known before the extension was announced. It has been used more than they anticipated. The self employed scheme is confirmed as 3 months. The government will want to ease business back to work without triggering mass redundancies, otherwise all the money spent so far will be wasted.
  3. It has been extended until the end of June, i doubt that it will be extended beyond that except possibly for the hospitality industry.
  4. It would be a nightmare, I managed to get two sales through on 3rd April, solicitors and agents were shutting up as they couldn't social distance and mortgage providers couldn't guarantee funds coming through. Who will seriously consider selling a house in the next 12 months with all the uncertainty.
  5. I can't find any reference to that Peter, can you point me in the right direction.
  6. Most marinas are locked, until they reopen it is all academic for larger boat owners.
  7. My car will be packed and away to Norfolk 10 minutes after we are released to travel, I will then spend as much money as I can locally, whilst observing social distancing. Actually, make it an hour as I want to give my grandchildren a huge hug before I go.
  8. For those who are practicing social distancing it will become second nature, for the muppets who are ignoring it, there is no hope. The research I read is that there are 32 strains of Covid19 but all have identical parts, this is what is being targeted by the vaccine.
  9. Better still, let it get on with the job in hand, we don't have an elected alternative waiting. When the dust settles at some time in the future we can all sit back and review what happened with the benefit of actual statistics.
  10. Definitely not part of or taken in by spin machines. Probably not the place for a discussion on the need for or otherwise of previous austerity measures and party politics. Whatever flavour of government they still have to penetrate the impenetrable Civil Service and Health procurement organizations.
  11. I doubt that you have it as a requirement to operate, I know I don't ( except in relation to hazardous materials. As private businesses we undertake our own planning. If I understock PPE I won't get a delivery from anyone unless I pay through the nose, hence, amongst other factors, I closed down.
  12. It hasn't been perfect but it never will be. No country has had enough PPE, Sweden hasn't locked down, USA has different rules all over the place, China has not be honest about the number of deaths. On the whole I believe our government has reacted as best as it was able to, given that the whole world suddenly needed PPE at the same time. The immediate introduction of massive financial packages for the employed, the self employed and small businesses is unprecedented. From a standing start, to where we are now is no mean feat. The shouts of mixed messages are from the media who are trying to second guess what the government will announce, before they announce it. The complete idiots who insist they must go to the park or beach to have a picnic are undermining the efforts of everyone else, So given these limitations, yes I think they are doing the best they can.
  13. Belgium has the highest rate per population, we are just below Italy. Mistakes were made in many countries at the start of this new virus, Some are still making mistakes.
  14. Large private companies failed to hold adequate or the correct PPE, they failed to ensure their staff had adequate training to use the enhanced PPE should it ever be needed. The question that needs to be asked is why these private care homes were not prepared either. When a company charges up to £60,000 a year for care they should be making contingency plans as well.
  15. 20:20 hindsight is a wonderful thing and only available to Enquiries.
  16. And there are millions of examples that aren't published of the Police and Councils not overstretching their powers but instead going about their tasks with tact and discretion. Always easier to highlight a few examples of error of judgment.
  17. My 95 year old Mother in Law worked at Roots in Canterbury spraying army vehicles in camouflage, depending on there destination. She celebrated in the City with everyone else that night. The following day she received the awful news that her fiancé had been killed by a sniper an hour before the official ceasefire. It has been a day of mixed memories for her, sadly she is somewhat confused most days but remembered the sadness today.
  18. My Father in Law spent VE Day in Taronta, Italy, onboard SS Orangeleaf. She was moored having repairs undertaken. shortly after she sailed to Bombay, via the Suez Canal and Aden. During the war he was sunk three times and reported missing, he always turned up eventually.
  19. That is a press release for the sake of it.
  20. I believe you are correct vaughan. He lost his best friend Charlie in that campaign, killed by a sniper shot when he was next to him, the only time he ever mentioned his service and the pal he would remember with silent tears on Remembrance Sunday.
  21. Just registered as an individual as I am a partnership as well, what a performance. Matron doesn't exist as far as they are concerned, hopefully she will have all her tax returned
  22. Sadly the total UK deaths is now 32,000. sobering figures.
  23. The usual number of deaths for the Uk is 8 to 10k in a flu season, The fact we have 28k and rising from Covid 19 in just over 2 months, with lockdown, indicates the virus should be of great concern. The USA are allegedly expecting 3k a day in June, San Paulo is digging 13k mass graves, for one city. The problem is serious unless measures are taken to break transmission, The measures may be unpalatable but are clearly necessary.
  24. But you miss my second point, That is what makes the difference to the NHS.
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