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Everything posted by Broads01

  1. Thanks Vaughan and Peter, I now understand what kedging is all about. Vaughan, I continue to enjoy your brilliant historical knowledge. Good to have the feedback about Coldham Hall, they've had a mixed bag of opinions on here as I recall.
  2. Broads01

    Thurne Lion

    Fantastic Rick. Its usually rare to find one gluten-free beer on offer, let alone three.
  3. Thanks for writing your tale. I love a good reverse at Neatishead (seriously!). Good to read about the welcome you had at Broads Boating Company. It contrasts markedly with the experiences I've had with all the Wroxham boatyards at various times.
  4. I'm really enjoying your tale Vaughan. It was such a bonus on what was my last full day to have that drink in the sun with you, Susie, Geoffrey and Steve at Stokesby. I didn't know about the Cockatrice nor that it was safe to mudweight at Rockland. You're not the first person to write about the getting up for sunrise thing so I'm going to have to try it. Could you explain where you were positioned at Rockland and what 'kedge out on the mudweight' entails?
  5. Broads01

    Thurne Lion

    The menu looks tempting. As I need gluten-free I'm pleased to see my options marked up.
  6. It's always good to find places to stop you've never been and stuff to do you haven't done. Whenever I've moored on Womack Water I've always waked to Ludham but never the other direction to the Thurne - thanks for the tip.
  7. The Postwick Viaduct is also my entry and exit view of the Broads from the road. If there's no traffic behind me I slow down to get more time for the river view. Passing under by boat is brilliant because I feel so privileged to be in Broads world whilst watching the traffic shooting over in normal world.
  8. Great to read Jean, looking forward to the rest. Breydon is brilliant fun, I hope you get to experience it before long.
  9. Hi Londonlad, I've not hired it but I have been aboard. I think they're good value for money boats. They're narrow and less spacious than the forward steers for the same money (eg Gold Gem, San Carlos) but you're getting a centre cockpit boat with its benefits of open air helming and visibility.
  10. Indeed, named Fair Regal until last year so if the pilot sounds blank then quote that name.
  11. I would guess the Evening Light class is around 20 years old and as such not especially elderly by hire boat standards. I'd be a little disappointed to have some of the issues you found because I wouldn't expect them even if the boat were older.
  12. Broads01

    The Hot One

    Oh dear Bob. I moored at the same spot the previous night and had no problems on this occasion. I will say however I've had some challenges with Potter in the past and always thought it must be something to do with that bridge doing strange things to the flow and wind conditions. It's mild compared to the south Broads however and please don't let it put you off. Potter is a Broads place through and through and I love it for that.
  13. Hi Calder designs. I'm not a boat owner but to be frank I'm struggling with your post for two reasons. Firstly, you imply that self-catering on a boat is somehow wrong. Secondly, perhaps it's just your choice of words, but you seem to be saying we should support local businesses as if theyre some sort of charity case. As a business you have to earn the right to support by offering products the customer wants to buy at a price they're willing to pay - being a local business isn't enough by itself.
  14. Having the forum meet in the middle of the trip added a lot to my enjoyment. Here's Vaughan and Susie at Stokesby, just about to head south (posted with their permission). They emailed to say they had a great week, returned the boat yesterday and about to set off on their long journey home to southern France.
  15. Broads01

    The Hot One

    I look forward to it Bob. I waved and thumbed up to you on Monday as I was exiting Womack Dyke and you were heading for Potter, not sure if you recognised me.
  16. I was going to chug in there last Saturday and then remembered it's not open until end May Bank Holiday (Easter excepting if I recall). Is it still privately owned or is the closure a conservation thing?
  17. Thanks for the brochure pages Fred. Before this discussion I thought perhaps Silver Jubilee was built for the Queen's Jubilee in 1977 but your brochure suggests a 1972 launch. The Juliettes were built 1957-66 it would seem with 9 in the class by 1967. I didn't realise there were that many.
  18. So they expected you to walk back from B which is a fair hoof even for someone fully fit. I enjoy a good walk, but not when I just want to be on the boat and away down the river. I'm used to the luxury of plentiful car spaces within 100 yards of the quay.
  19. Tim, I know Barnes boats are squeezed in here, there and everywhere but exactly where was the boat located? It sounds like the previous hirer had dropped it off at Faircraft Loynes by mistake....
  20. Ah yes, life jackets come in very handy as I found out last Friday. The full story is in the Holiday Tales section in case you haven't seen it.
  21. Thanks for the pics Robin. I wish I'd been able to photograph the one at Wayford, I wasn't patient enough with my phone camera which seems to have a mind of its own sometimes. It could even have been the actual boat your Dad hired, certainly the colour hasn't changed (very 1970s). It was on a private mooring on the left as you approach the bridge, it may still be there next time you visit.
  22. Sounds great. I like watching the old films on the Broadland Memories site which help build a picture of what it was like before my time.
  23. I'm glad you both enjoyed. Thankfully I've only 3 months to my next trip and I'll have a supporting crew next time! I'll write that one up as well.
  24. Like it! I'm not a sailor but I do like the idea of spending the night on a traditional boat.
  25. It was great to meet you again Robin and Sheila and have chance to chat to you. Let me know if you want to sell the 1978 brochure!
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