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Everything posted by Broads01

  1. Yes indeed John. I live in Cardiff but commute to Bristol for work. I'll try and get some photos when I'm there next week.
  2. I work by the Harbourside in Bristol and there are maybe 7 or 8 ex-hire boats based in the area. There's an ex-Brinks Emperor, 3 Bounty 37s I can think of (including an ex-Bees Boat with its original name) 3 Caribbeans, an Alpha 32 centre cockpit and a Dawn Craft DC30.
  3. Broads01

    Thurne Lion

    I'm planning to be passing by boat that very day so I'm hoping you'll be open.
  4. Thanks for the very comprehensive write up Fred. The TV issue is frustrating because it sounds like they've tried to save a couple of quid where they shouldn't. For the sake of an extra £100 or £200 they could have done better. I think the blue looks lovely in the photos but based on your experience I'll reserve judgement until I see in real life.
  5. It looks very nice at first glance, I'd be interested to look aboard. The NBD fly bridge looks don't do a lot for me if I'm honest, I don't think they're pleasing on the eye and there are a several classes that look very similar so all much of a muchness. I'd forgive them that if the interior is worth it but at £2385 in peak season it's priced high even for a luxury boat.
  6. Interesting, Roy. I'd be interested in a bit more detail about how the new booking system will work.
  7. Thanks again London Lad, an enjoyable read. You're like me in loving the cruising and not usually staying put for long in the day time. Did you know the nearest train station to Stalham is Hoveton & Wroxham? It would make the taxi trip shorter. Yep we all love the Ant I think. Jean, I know what you mean about the Ant becoming a transit. Although I'm hiring from Stalham twice this year, one of the things that upset me about Horizon closing was no longer having a choice of bases, plus Acle is a brilliant start location for both the North and South. I fully intend to try some different yards in the near future. I've been reading good things about Bridgecraft so I may try there or perhaps Barnes. The jury's out on the Emblem fleet for me, I think they like to sell themselves as cheaper than they really are and that sticks in the throat a bit. What I'm intending to do on my trip in May is to come straight down the Ant first of all but then shortly afterwards meander all the way back up and down and enjoy all the twiddly bits, Woods End Staithe included (thanks again Robin).
  8. Nice boats, Ive hired the same design on the Thames twice. I like the fact they have good weather protection but I can get my head out of the roof. The rear deck is nice. They don't fit under Wroxham or Potter but Ludham shouldn't be an issue - if it is then ask Richardsons to swap you to another boat.
  9. As a frequent hirer I've long mulled over the syndicate option. I can see the benefits both from a cost perspective and from the point of view of enjoying ownership. What's always put me off is the date lottery thing. I know members swap weeks about, but it's miles away from being able to book a hire boat for the exact week you want. In the Spring and Autumn, I prefer to avoid March and November but with a syndicate I'd have to accept those if I couldn't swap.
  10. Enjoying your tale Alan. I'm always pleased to hear of places selling fresh gluten free cakes.
  11. Enjoying your blog so far. It's always good to read lots of detail about people's trips, it makes me feel like I'm there.
  12. It's a gorgeous piece of river and receives unjustifiably negative comments on here. Yes there are inevitably twits about on boats of all types but that's the case anywhere. I don't let the twits harm my enjoyment of one of my favourite parts of the Broads. I include Wroxham itself in that statement - I enjoy the bustling boat traffic and its contrast with the tranquil areas.
  13. Er, excuse me? Why would you want to keep hire craft away?
  14. Yes pictures are on Herbert Woods Facebook page. They quoted the website link but I can see now they haven't updated it with the new photos. Have a look at https://m.facebook.com/herbertwoods/
  15. Interior photos now online http://www.herbertwoods.co.uk/adventuring-light The saloon looks classy, the washroom and cabin less so but you have to take in to account this boat has old fashioned 2 berth dimensions. It's just a shame it doesn't come with old fashioned pricing.
  16. I'd be interested in any other recommendations for mph apps. I recall Robin went through a whole choice of them in one of his videos but unfortunately I can't remember which boat he was on to find it once again. I've never actually used an app to measure speed. Ive used the 1/4 mile markers and I usually find I'm going slower than my estimate so I'm thinking an app is a good way to go.
  17. I watched Day 1 this evening and I was moved as much as I thought I would be. I remember very clearly the time between my dad's passing and his funeral and what state my head was in. What better way to deal with that than "escape" boating as you call it. I liked the fixed camera at the helm position giving you freedom of movement rather than you having to hold the camera at arms length. It came across as very natural.
  18. Ruby Gem is huge by comparison, it's also a great value 2 berth. The fixed dining table arrangement, separate to the sofa area is a great benefit.
  19. A couple of my favourites
  20. Hi John and welcome. I watched your video a few weeks back and enjoyed it. As a Richardsons fan I envied you on the Capri because I've always like it but never hired.
  21. Hi Robin. I haven't had chance to watch this yet but really looking forward to doing so (in glorious HD with my beloved Google Chrome cast as usual). I've no doubt I'll get emotional and respect to you for going for the uncut version. I lost my Dad in 2013. Like you, I first visited the Broads with my parents as a child and my Dad shared my Broads passion. Whilst his passing was incredibly hard to bear, at least I had the comfort of remembering happy times with him, none more so than the holiday I had with him on Bright Horizon 1, coinciding with his 70th birthday and only a month before he died. My passion for the Broads, whilst its always been strong, is even stronger since his passing because I feel a sense of closeness to him when I'm there.
  22. Not last time I was there unless it's changed recently. Yes you need to take care with the clearance at Wayford. Ive had to turn around before the bridge on more than one occasion. Robin's been through recently though on Brinks Serenade which would also need about 7 foot I think.
  23. It should still be fairly quiet and Wayford is always OK through the bridge where I suggested. As Helen says Paddy's Lane is another good bet. I haven't done the walk to Neatishead from there but funnily enough I was watching Robin's video a couple of days ago. He said it was a mile and a half. Stalham is a good bet also. There's some limited space at the Staithe, otherwise Richardsons have a nice grassy spot at the entrance to the boatyard on the left.
  24. I'm on Broadland Wave 2 in May Grace, my second time on it. I normally find sedans too enclosed but love it because I can get my head out of the big roof. It's a brilliant value for money boat and even more so because I'm using my Richardsons loyalty discount.
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