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Everything posted by Broads01

  1. Spark of Light features strongly in Herbert Woods 2017 brochure https://www.herbertwoods.co.uk/holiday-brochures.html It majors on the front cover and appears inside ahead of the Elite fleet. Cleverly HW are using it as a marketing tool to promote the heritage of their operation.
  2. I'm chuffed as well. I holidayed with Horizon on 4 occasions and the place has very special memories for me. Added to that, I really like overnighting at their moorings and walking to the Bridge Inn (I prefer that to mooring right outside the pub).
  3. The Waveney River Centre pump out is self service as I recall and I would avoid it for that reason.
  4. I must admit as far as the name's concerned I hadn't thought about the search engine angle.
  5. On the naming issue, my concern isn't the initials but rather from a marketing perspective the name sounds a bit obvious and unimaginative and says nothing to differentiate the business. Hopefully I'm concerned unnecessarily and it won't hinder bookings. I'm hoping they'll do really well from ex-Horizon customers like myself who either don't want to hire from Stalham or don't want to do so every time.
  6. I shan't be taking Tobago (44 foot) up there. Perhaps there should be a new warning for hire boats above a certain length "This boat must be reversed away from Dilham". Bringing us back to topic, Brinks Encore fits in to the neat and manageable size of 2 berth. Dilham will be easy and it'll fit in to small gaps at popular moorings.
  7. There's another update with photos on the Broads Boating Company Facebook page. From the comments, boats will be ready in February and restaurant opening March-April. Boats are going to receive a common livery. Visitor moorings will cost £5 per night, redeemable at the restaurant. So its all really happening which is great news. The photos show boats out of the water next to the basin (Richardsons had their nice warm Stalham shed of course). Can winter maintenance be undertaken effectively outdoors?
  8. Ah yes, Brabazon and Mirage. They'd be fun to turn around at Dilham Staithe.
  9. Martham have a long tradition of classic boats but their boats, being 1960s vintage (or 1970s in the case of Silver Jubilee) are positive newbies compared to Spark of Light from 1927. Even Richardsons' Jomaric is 20 odd years newer!
  10. As I said in my original post Seamaster, £2177 in peak season for 4 people, so very much at the premium end of the market. I realise the boat will cost considerably more to maintain than a modern boat though so I think that's reflected in the hire charge. According to HW FB page its first hire is 20th May. I'm on the water then so I'm hoping I get to see it up close. I love the look of traditional Broads Cruisers.
  11. I found this piece from 2013 which explains the history of Spark of Light https://www.herbertwoods.co.uk/blog/acquire-spark-of-light.html
  12. Excellent idea. Oulton Broad has long been the place I wanted to hire from but no longer the option, alas.
  13. Photos of build progress have been posted on Barnes' Facebook page https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=257141633150
  14. It's a good job it's not 7 foot 2 at Ludham very often. One of the Richardsons boats I've hired this year needs about 7 foot 6 I think and the Siestas and San Julian need far more. Imagine the Ant with a whole load of hirers stuck one side or the other.
  15. I've never been unlucky enough to experience the flies hatching from fishing maggots scenario. On a practical note, what's the best course of action if it happens?
  16. I would rely on the Barnes layout Bryan. Silverline have made a good business out of fitting out older moulds over the years. I've always liked the look of their Bounty 40s and the Silver Melody 27 footer. Hopefully Brinks Encore will also be nice.
  17. I've only hired from Silverline once but they were excellent. I've called there several times since for water and they've always been friendly.
  18. Hopefully I'll be able to say hello then Bob. I may come to the meet and I know I'd enjoy it. It depends on whether or not I go south on Friday 19th.
  19. Royalls has always been a good place to moor in Wroxham being convenient for town and yet quiet. I assume it'll continue to be so under Barnes ownership which is a good thing.
  20. Hi Bob. I remember you counting down last year! What dates are you going? I'm on Broadland Wave 2 May 18th-23rd.
  21. I think Richardsons start in March. Howard, how about Bridgecraft or did they make an exception for you in December?
  22. There's a wide range of designs and ages in Royalls 9 boats so I think some will be sold eventually but others may remain. Ambassador and the Commanders are well maintained but starting to look dated now in my view. At the other extreme Swan is the newest boat, 3 or 4 years old I think so I'd be surprised if Barnes sold that one. In common with the other large yards Barnes, at least for the moment, do retain boats at the budget end of the market, Aries and Brink of Peace for example.
  23. "Director Daniel Thwaites said “buying Royalls means that we will have more room to increase our fleet and servicing facilities" Really? Royalls yard is tiny, there's barely enough room to squeeze in the 9 boats Barnes are acquiring. Servicing facilities is just the small shed opposite I think.
  24. This is a little sad, if understandable. I recall when Royalls originally announced they were closing, they set the date as end 2017 rather than end 2016 to allow their fiercely loyal following of repeat bookers the opportunity to book for 2017. I assume Barnes will honour Royalls 2017 bookings of which there'll be a large number. This is great for Barnes because they've bought bookings as well as boats but how Royalls loyal customers will see it I'm not so sure. I called in to Royalls office last October. I've always liked Nigel Royall's art work and I went in to buy a bag with one of his paintings printed on it. I told him I was sad they were finishing (I hired from them once and they were brilliant).
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