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Everything posted by Broads01

  1. Whahey Robin thanks for posting, looking forward to watching the latest installment.
  2. I'm enjoying your tale Eric. On the Acle point, just wanted to say I've never had an issue mooring there, whether peak season or not. However, that's because I don't like mooring right outside a pub! I like the Bridge Inn, but for mooring I prefer the peace and quiet of mooring upstream of the bridge, even if it means getting the rhond anchors out because its beyond where the posts finish. It's a lovely walk past the moored boats down to the pub so I feel I get the best of both worlds. People keep saying how good Surlingham Ferry is! I didn't realise you could book a mooring there - I will do so in the future.
  3. Thanks Griff. I'm sure I'll enjoy the BA stuff as well.
  4. Robin - this has been the best series you've ever done but can we have some more. No videos since June 23 and some of us are hungry for our Captains Blog fix!
  5. Yes their last season hiring was 2000 although I don't know if they carried on any other form of business after that.
  6. Thinking about it now you mention Majorca Iain, the central washroom on Bright Horizon (and presumably the other Horizon 35s with the two ensuite layout) is pretty generous although the rear one much less so.
  7. When hiring I've become used to some standard themes with wash rooms and not all of them positive. What comes to mind is cramped showers, toilets at sometimes odd heights and old style manual toilet flushes that would benefit from updating. When on the Thames this year on Le Boat's Capri my wife and I found the wash room particularly cramped. However I've been pleasantly surprised sometimes as well - Serene Gem has a larger wash room than I expected and a shower separate to the main floor as I recall. What are your wash room experiences when hiring? Have you come across any spacious ones?
  8. Enjoying your tale. Being able to take over the boat at 11am was exceptionally good, even if the boat had been empty beforehand. I'd have done exactly the same as you at Neatishead. Its a lovely spot but can feel claustrophobic if you're unlucky with your neighbours. Anyway I love doing that slow skilled reversing thing!
  9. It's good to have all the detail Neil, it makes your story personal.
  10. Thanks for such a detailed reply Vaughan, fascinating once again. It's testament to how well the Bountys were built that so many survive in the hire fleets and privately. Richardsons have been better than anyone in my view in updating them to modern standards. I've had particularly good experiences where I've hired Bountys that have been gutted out completely and redone, being Salerno a few years back and Concerto last year but the many boats with partial refits are tidy and excellent value for money. There was a Bounty Boats hire operation at Brundall until the 1980s, I assume it was part of the same company. Dan Horner had written his own guide to the Bounty history and the various models http://www.dhorner.horning.org.uk/page44.html
  11. Vaughan, it's fascinating to have on the forum someone with your depth of knowledge of hire boats. Were you involved in the building of other Bountys?
  12. I'm enjoying your tale Neil, thanks for writing. I've never been on a boat with electric hook up but you're selling the advantages. I was brought up in your part of the world, being born in Poole. My memories of Broads trips as a child include a journey to get there over a similar route.
  13. I remember the Pearson boats were always very well turned out, as your picture shows Fred. Their last year of hiring was 2000.
  14. I enjoyed your write up Jean and I thought your format worked well. As a Richardsons fan I'm pleased to see they're making the Swan Craft boats work. I agree the service can seem a little impersonal compared to smaller yards but they are excellent at performing the high volume operation of changeover days. I can't believe you've never crossed Breydon! You're missing loads of fun! Having said that, I'm a little surprised you haven't found a boat you like on the south given both Silverline and Brooms have some lovely kit on offer.
  15. I'm pleased to read about Far Horizon running from Horning. What that does is effectively re-enable a historic hirebase, being Horning Pleasurecraft and its predecessor FB Wilds.
  16. I don't subscribe to the Facebook groups but I assume the 'yard at Reedham' is Sandersons. This is sad news because they're such a long-established name. I'm wondering if the 'one other' is Horizon Acle as already discussed.
  17. As far as mooring availability at Acle is concerned, I think there could be an increase in overall space, given the space taken up along the bank by Horizon craft, especially when its low season and there's lots of empty boats. I recall my late father being quite annoyed with the boatyard when in late April 2013 we could barely squeeze in anywhere above the bridge due to the unoccupied boats!
  18. Jean, I agree with Jonzo about Ludham, there are boats at Stalham with higher air drafts than Moon Beam and Ludham is never an issue. Its an interesting point about the Thames because I agree both boats are more suited to there and in fact Prisma originated from the former New Horizon Thames fleet where it was until it closed in 2002. For the Broads I could never see the point of a holiday on the north without the Ant but on the Thames they would have all the miles below Oxford.
  19. Thank you for posting Neil. I was moved by your tale. I do hope you get back to the Broads soon and enjoy some happier times.
  20. I do hope that the Acle yard doesn't close permanently. I love hiring from there because of the location and the personal service. Don't get me wrong, the service from Stalham is fine and they handle a high volume operation very well but at Acle the guys recognise my face as a returning customer. The location is great, partly because I like the vista at Acle and the Bridge Inn is lovely for a last night meal and partly because if the tides are right you have the option to head south immediately and stop at Burgh or Berney for the first night (which I've done a couple of times). If you're North, Acle is an easy place to which to return. I'll watch for developments with interest. On a related point, neither Far Horizon nor Prisma pass under Ludham Bridge so Stalham ain't a great place to start! I assume these boats will be sold.
  21. Absolutely spot on. And people worry about crossing Breydon!
  22. Hi again Bob. I think this video has you in it a few minutes in! It's definitely Crown Gem 4 passing through Horning and its dated May 2016. See what you think https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4ASH-cuMgGI
  23. Thanks Bob, I'll hopefully get a look at that when I'm next in Stalham. As I recall the Broadland Saturns have a two piece canopy which always struck me as more manageable although I haven't yet hired one to try it. I enjoyed Broadland Wave which is priced the same - no canopy to mess with but not so open helm and doesn't go under the bridges.
  24. I'm still enjoying these Robin, I watched your latest this evening with my son who's really getting in to them as well. In fact his first words today when he arrived home from work were "Good news! There's a new episode of the Captains Blog!". You taught me something new - I didn't know about the former Norwich power station.
  25. I enjoyed your tale Bob, thanks for sharing. I hired Crown Gem 3 a few years ago and I liked it mostly, especially in good weather with that cockpit. When it rained though I didn't get on with the canopy at all - I found I couldn't see anything to the side and it felt like being in a dark tent. I'd prefer the type of canopy with removable sides. How did you get on with it?
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