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Everything posted by Broads01

  1. I'm not a restoration expert Chris but I can't agree with you. The BA is far from original, particularly the completely redesigned rear deck and galley arrangement, so why would you worry about keeping the rest of the layout original? Its only a personal view and I know its not my boat!
  2. This week I've been enjoying Robin's video about Broad Ambition (see ' Forum I have an announcement' thread). Robin filmed the review at Coltishall lock, thereby informing me of a rare instance of a Broads mooring I've never visited! On the video it comes across as a pretty and peaceful location. However, on every occasion I've been to Coltishall, I've tended to chicken out and turn around past the Rising Sun and just after the sharp right hand bend? If I was to venture all the way to the lock are there any depth issues I need to worry about? (I remember Robin's depth gauge showed around 3.5 feet.)
  3. I managed to watch your video all through this week Robin. I really enjoyed it as per the others I've watched recently. What a gorgeous boat! The best point for me is those drop down sides to the centre saloon. It's remarkable how that design never caught on in the same way sliding roofs did. Its very evident from your video how beautifully well restored the boat is. I love the wood finish and the decor and in general the combination of traditional and modern works brilliantly. The only thing that surprises me is it's a 7-9 berth boat with a single toilet and shower. Personally I'd have sacrificed the rear quarter berth for an additional wash room but perhaps that's just me.
  4. That's the way to do it, boats are for chugging in, none of this sit in one place all day business! A man after my own heart.
  5. Congratulations Robin and a beautiful boat.
  6. Clive, when do you think we'll see the Swancraft boats on Richardsons website and available for 2016 bookings?
  7. Great news about the boats going to Richardsons! Swancraft have son lovely 2 berths which the Richardsons fleet is short of.
  8. Don't miss any of it if you get through the bridge. Its such a rare pleasure to be able to get through these days, it feels all the better when you do. I last made it through 2 years ago after a 4 year gap and I loved it. As well as the 'popular' bits at Hickling and Horsey, the chug up to West Somerton is lovely.
  9. Thanks for the write up Bryan. I've been twice with Summercraft so very pleased to hear they're continuing.
  10. Just been catching up with this one Robin. You moored at Norwich on day 3 only a few minutes after us coincidentally. Just after you've turned the boat round there's my daughter and I on Bright Horizon 2 on the left, just adjusting the ropes having not long since arrived. Thanks for giving me a bit of video of our holiday I didn't know I had!
  11. I agree the pilotage opening hours need to be longer, both out of season and later in the day in summer. I too took boats through myself numerous times in the pre-pilot days. However in reality this was undoubtedly risky and it always scared me to death anyway. I have some video of myself taking an Alpha 32 through in 2001. It's scary to watch as I didn't manage to steer through straight but I got away with it. The pilot service has been there at least 11 years as I remember hiring from Silverline in 2004 and they made use of the pilot compulsory. At that time other yards didn't always do so but now of course everyone insists on it which I think is right.
  12. Thanks for writing and the pictures Gareth. Glad you had a good time. The 5 day breaks are great value. I'm booked on Concerto 5 myself in September and really looking forward to it.
  13. Nice! Robin, I'll enjoy your video when I get the chance to watch. The photos look great. It's not a boat I've ever paid much attention to on account of the fact the helmsman's position is too enclosed for my taste, but the fit out looks really good. I made use of the 5 night deal last October and I agree it's brilliant. I felt like I was getting 2 nights for free, which I was really.
  14. I hope it works out. I love an outside drink there and when I visited at Easter it all looked very sad. The hand painted 'closed' signs on the windows didn't help!
  15. Darn and b**g*r. I feel really sad about this news. I've never hired from Swancraft but really wished I had now. One of the very best small yards in my view. I do hope their lovely boats stay in a hire fleet somewhere.
  16. It'll be good to hear about Concerto Gareth as I have one of them in September.
  17. Thanks for the pictures Jonzo, it looks amazing. I've always liked Broadsman but I think Commodore seems to have everything Broadsman has but with that gorgeous sun deck layered on the top - perfect. I'd be interested to see a photo of the fore cabin - I'm thinking it may be identical to the Broadsman one but it would be good to confirm one way or the other.
  18. Thanks for writing Iain, I enjoyed that. Fantastic Stokesby pictures! I'm pleased that you were able to get so much out of your trip even after your mishap.
  19. Very nice shot at Upton Howard. I visited last October for only the second time ever and wondered why I'd left it so long. It's a peaceful, underestimated spot in my view.
  20. Hmm having commented about how good the design is I have to say I'm not a fan of the Porter & Haylett style side door. For me they will always be inferior from a practicality point of view to a straight forward rear cabin door. However I shall try and keep an open mind until I see onboard the boat. No doubt the (doorless) rear cabin is a joy to behold.
  21. Sometimes it feels like wherever I go in the country, there's an ex hire boat not far away. I spotted this today on the River Dee in Chester.
  22. Thanks for posting your tale Bryan. I can't see a Youtube link? If Summercraft are jacking it in that's sad news. I have very happy memories of hiring Gainsborough Girl and Grecian Girl. My hope is they're not finishing it all but rather just severing links with Hoseasons.
  23. I'm sure you'll enjoy Topliner. Absolutely nothing wrong with bathtubs - I enjoy all designs but this year both my bookings are for front drive boats. Robin's point about stern on moorings is spot on.
  24. Fantastic looking boat. I've always loved the Broadsman design and what's clever about the Commodore is it's true to its Broadsman roots but its a fabulous looking flybridge, i.e. its equally a good looking boat as Broadsman is.
  25. Hi again Geoff and Wendy. Thanks again for writing up in so much detail, I really enjoyed it. What date in September are you coming and what's the boat?
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