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Everything posted by Broads01

  1. Sunday 5th April Woke up early as I always do on the first full day, too excited. After some breakfast we took a short stroll back towards Breydon before setting off for Reedham. Although there were next to no boats around, Reedham Quay being one of the South Broads honeypots there was only one space available. As luck would have it, there were two posh private boats either side. I turned against the tide and came in to the mooring OK, keeping the revs up just enough to resist the sideways tidal pull in to the moored boat with the owner looking on. We had a relaxing coffee stop and short walk. We decided to head for Rockland Staithe for lunch. Hmm, nothing for it but to get the scenic delights of Cantley out of the way. We arrived at the always peaceful Rockland. The New Inn is open I'm pleased to report although we didn't go in there on this occasion. We headed for Surlingham next for a mudweight stop whereupon 4 boats were already there - the cheek!
  2. We're away on Bright Horizon 2 for my first of two planned Broads trips this year. Hope you enjoy my tale: Saturday 4 April Left my home in Cardiff at 6am and picked up my daughter Natalia. Natalia is 15 now and having had her first of many Broads trips as a baby still loves it almost as much as me. The long journey wasn't too bad (loving that new road at Elveden). After picking up some shopping we arrived at Acle around 1-30. As I walked in the office I heard the words 'Bright 1' mentioned and so I introduced myself as 'Simon Jarvis, Bright 1'. "Actually Mr Jarvis, we've put you on Bright 2. Number 1 was returned late this morning so we switched you over". Any other time this change would have been insignificant. However I felt disappointed, as I hired Bright 1 two years ago with my Dad and it had been a very happy trip before he passed away shortly after. Darn it. Still, Bright 2 was ready to go so off we went to unpack our things. There was a very quick 'you know where everything is, sign here' type handover and we were away. We headed south, slack water at GY being well timed for us. We had plenty of time to finish unpacking at Stracey, whereupon goats and donkeys trotting rapidly along the quay towards us provided comedy entertainment. It was then a straight forward peaceful run with the tide down to GY, through (many more boats moored there then I expected and across Breydon. I misjudged the timing slightly, hence we were against the tide on Breydon but no matter we were safely moored for the night at Berney around 6pm. I assisted some first timers on Brinks Jazz to moor - they were struggling to climb ashore as the water was so low. The pub looks very sorry for itself - sad as I've spent happy times sat outside on those beautifully positioned benches.
  3. I can confirm I was at Rockland today and the pub is open. I didn't go in but they were offering Sunday roasts at £11.95.
  4. Imagine if Royalls could build 5 more Royall Swans, they'd all be booked. Investment anyone?
  5. What epitomises the Broads for me in one sentence? It's a big, fun, boating playground that has a beautiful other-worldliness. Simon J
  6. More of what you've done before please Paul! I love your films and I know I'm not the only one.
  7. As its getting harder to fit under Potter and Wroxham I was thinking it would be good to be able to have a few hours on a dayboat included with the hire fee. I thought of this with Richardsons now owning Fineway but of course Herbert Woods have hired dayboats for many years. I know if I'm hiring there's nothing to stop me paying for a dayboat as well but I think having a package would be bril. Think of it as guaranteed passage under bridges!
  8. Robin - thanks for replying about what boat you're on. I'm on Bright Horizon 1 from Saturday 4 April so I'll look out for you and give you a wave. As long as we're away from the boatyard in good time we're heading south on the Saturday evening with slack water around 6pm. It beats getting up super early the following morning! I love fly bridge boats but I'm very happy with forward drives too. No need to worry about getting wedged anywhere really. Then again the Wroxham bridge pilot could have a bad day . . .
  9. What a cautionary tale this is. Whilst I'm very familiar with the hazards of Great Yarmouth when an incident like this happens it reminds me (as if I needed reminding) of what the risks are. Yes I know this was a high boat and it sounds like their timing for the bridge was thoughtless but it's a reminder nevertheless. Robin - what boat are you on that needs 9 foot? Not trying to squeeze Far Horizon through I hope!
  10. Great discussion. I grew up with brochures and in recent years I've been frustrated with Hoseasons ridiculous little photos, limited information and mistakes. However, I also admit to now being an impatient internet browser, usually using my phone and wanting a 'quick hit' of the information I'm looking for. I think in the modern world there is always room for good information. Good information doesn't have to mean lengthy, so can be smart phone friendly. Customers, especially new customers, need to know about bridge restrictions yes and indeed other stuff like bed lengths.
  11. Royalls Facebook page reports a cancellation for Royal Swan for the week beginning 21 May. The only other week it's available for the whole season is 26 March. It's a gorgeous looking boat (even if I'm not sure about the royal blue upholstery/ red carpet combination) - get in now!
  12. I'm good with the busy times too. I love watching all the boaty goings on. I also like quiet waters out of season but I've never fancied winter cruising because of the cold (especially at night) and limited daylight hours. It's nearly spring though and it's light for longer so I can certainly see the appeal.
  13. Enjoying your tale and pictures Howard.
  14. Er, hang on a minute, I thought it was Howard posting but it can't be as its not a Swan Craft boat!
  15. I hired Broadland Wave 2 last October which by the look of the photos has the same armchairs. They were very comfy chairs indeed. I haven't hired Star Gem but previous reports about it and its Pearl Horizon sister suggest the bed is on the short side, so I'd be interested to hear how you get on.
  16. On the Richardsons Facebook page there's pictures of the Acle boats during winter maintenance in the Stalham shed. It makes me think Richardsons could do with some 'pilots' to move boats between Acle and Stalham and save tying up skilled staff in doing so. I'd do it for free, no hang on I'd pay for the pleasure!
  17. Oh dear. In times gone by Hoseasons were vital to Broads holidays. However I've long since failed to understand their relevance and what value they add. Their brochure is abysmal, and their web site not much better. Put it this way, if I want to do my food shopping, do I need a supermarket agent? I couldn't care less what their logo looks like and I'm really pleased Richardsons have dumped it in favour of their own.
  18. Hi Geoff and Wendy. Just to follow on from Robin's point about loyalty schemes, the Richardsons one is fantastic if you're a serial hired like me (and only available when you book direct). For the first 5 holidays you book (over any length of time) you accrue 10% of the cost of each and then the total is deducted from holiday number 6. Another great deal they do is 20% off your second holiday in the same year as long as it's not peak season. Hence I have 2 Richardsons holidays this year!
  19. If I'm reading you right Clive you're ditching the Hoseasons logo on your boats in favour of your own logo. Like it!
  20. Ah yes only half wooden but a very elegant boat I think.
  21. I've just realised City Boats at Thorpe offer something very very unusual outside of Martham and one small corner of Loddon - a timber-built hire boat! (I know sailies have a few to choose from but not many for us motor cruiser types). C'est La Vie was built 1967 according to the boat database. There isn't a full history on the database but to me the boat looks like one of the Walklin Cruisers Firecrest class? From the look of the internal photos the interior has been looked after and updated very nicely. http://www.cityboats.co.uk/broads-holiday-cruisers-c_est_la_vie.html
  22. I can understand why low level dual steers have fallen out of fashion somewhat and I'm all too aware that the area above Potter is becoming the holy grail. I still think there's a real place for low level dual steers though. For me, they give most of the advantage of a 'full height' dual steer except for well, the height, i.e. you still get great views from the top and you can still steer outside when it's raining (if you want to which I usually do and so do many crews I see on dual steers in bad weather!). What's great about the low level dual steers though is despite Potter you have a good shout at Wroxham and Beccles bridges, both of which shield some of the most gorgeous river on the Broads. Clive - for a boat style that doesn't let very well you still have a few of them and long may it be so please!
  23. You're very kind Clive but I have two holidays booked with you this year already. I shall have to leave it that or I would be very very unpopular with the future Mrs Simon.
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