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Everything posted by Broads01

  1. I'm not a legal expert but I'm struggling to see how any charge for mooring is legal unless it's being levied by the land owner. It may be the legalities behind the ownership of Ranworth Staithe and Reedham Quay are complex but I doubt the B.A. owns the land in either case. It feels like being charged for parking in a free car park by a contractor who's been employed for works on the car park.
  2. Nice photo, 2013 being the last time I was able to pass through the bridge in a hire boat (Bright Horizon 1). Of the 11 boats I've hired since with an air draft theoretically low enough, none have actually been low enough.
  3. I remember mooring there numerous times Malcom and indeed it was very popular. I visited Reedham Ferry last year and found the food ordinary to say the least. That pontoon is a sad sight nowadays. The location of the pub is lovely and somehow I enjoy the sound of the ferry close by. I hope it doesn't turn into another "pub I miss". I have a memory of that mooring which will always stay with me. We were on Jamaica from Richardsons in 2012 and my younger daughter was 12 at the time. Jamaica had a side entrance in the saloon and my daughter exited through it so enthusiastically her momentum took her across the pontoon and in to the reeds and shallow water beyond. She was thankfully unhurt but it was certainly a memorable moment.
  4. Er, I started this thread to discuss pubs you miss and there's been some really good posts on that. I recall there was a recent thread about the White Heron - please can the mods shift the content over.
  5. Agreed. Also, my understanding is the land at Salhouse is privately owned but Ranworth is a public staithe. The Quay at Reedham I would have thought was local authority owned so how a charge is fair there bewilders me somewhat.
  6. I've never been to Boulters but I've seen their narrow entrance many times on Russell's and Dave's videos, usually with moored boats there making it even harder. It must be tricky even in good conditions. If it was me I'd be tempted to go to Southgate's instead but I don't doubt their fuel prices are higher.
  7. Ooh, not good news. I note the increase in hire vessel fees and introduction of mooring fees at Ranworth and Reedham. The ranger at Ranworth isn't really necessary in my view given tides aren't an issue there. Last time I was there he didn't seem to do a lot.
  8. Cheques, I remember those (I started my career working in bank branches).Would anyone selling their boat (or anything else valuable) actually accept a cheque?
  9. Ooh, if only they allowed pets I'd be tempted. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/195538485216?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=DG9rPWVlRTi&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=4b-5bJkbQHi&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  10. That's another new one on me. Was the building demolished? https://www.norfolkpubs.co.uk/norfolkh/hoveton/hovetth.htm
  11. Having looked up where this was I had no idea there was a pub so close to the Yacht Station.
  12. After squeezing through the bridge I stopped for about 45 minutes. A ranger came over and when I said it was just a short stop he didn't charge me. I don't know if that was just good luck and it might be different another time.
  13. I was almost caught out going north at slack water in October and needing 8 foot 3. It was very, very tight and how I wished I'd been there an hour earlier.
  14. An enjoyable read, thanks for sharing. Top marks to Bridgecraft - they're great people and I'm hiring from them this year for the second time. At Thurne, we're you towards the bottom end where it narrows?
  15. Aargh, being without water isn't good. I hope you can sort it.
  16. I'm looking forward to your tale, Helen. I was initially wondering why Harry and Alec needed you as a taxi but then I remembered trains will be non-existent.
  17. I found this about Stracey Arms. I assume the photo shows the original building Vaughan describes. https://norfolkpubs.co.uk/norfolkt/tunstall/tunstsa.htm
  18. I also miss those Wayford moorings. Squeezing in on the BA moorings close to the bridge just isn't the same. I had no idea there used to be an old pub on the same site as the hotel.
  19. Re Berney, as a teenager in August 1986 my parents took us southwards over Breydon late in the day and we were hoping to moor at Berney around 7pm. That long mooring was absolutely full and we had to carry on and with Reedham being full as well finished up near the bottom of the Chet on a wild mooring which has long since overgrown. Great to hear about some other pubs which I think were before my time. I'll look up where exactly they were. I know where the Bridge Inn at Potter was though because from photos of the time it used to dominate the view of the bridge.
  20. Which "dear departed" Broadland pub do you miss? For me it's the Berney Arms. I have happy memories of it's unique location, sat out on the picnic benches and admiring the view across Breydon.
  21. Having kept my Silverline booking I received a new Hoseasons invoice unexpectedly last week with a reduced balance outstanding. One of the drawbacks of Silverline was they restricted hirers to a single dog (we have two) and charged you more for it than anyone else (£90) - this is the one policy of their's I wont miss. The new invoice was to remove the £90 for the dog booking and also for some reason remove the £35 I'd agreed to a while back for a change of dates. I was then able to add back 2 dogs at £35 each which seems much more reasonable.
  22. I fancy doing March one year as well, not least because I've never hired then. I am booked for 1st April next year though.
  23. Good old Facebook, always a reliable source of information.
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