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Everything posted by jimbo

  1. What a clever idea So I guess you connect the airline to the pcb's and it pops the mould off ( In theory ) !!
  2. Here's a couple I took today whilst at work.
  3. Tell you what Jonny, You handover a couple of hundred thousand for one of those boats, then hand the keys to a stag party who have never been on a boat in their lives before! I wonder how long you would think it was "NONSENSE" then? T
  4. The sort of temperatures we have been having of late would not freeze a Propane bottle. The trouble with the regulators is that they are sensative to freezing, as a lot of moisture can collect in them by the nature of the way they work, thus causing damage. A far better idea would be to insulate the regulator rather than the bottle to be honest.
  5. In that case I would seriously consider changing the regulator, as a first attempt at curing this problem.
  6. Where abouts is the regulator situated?
  7. It could be your regulator is the source of the problem here as I've not known Propane bottles fail to gas at the temps we are having at the moment.
  8. To test it properly Clive, you need to use "A pound of mashed up Dundee cake"
  9. 4 are better Perry, but the guy behind the counter at the Ironmongers doesn't seem keen to sell me them
  10. Great pictures there Simon I love the 'Art' one! Amazing.
  11. Go on lad! Off ya pop down the garden.....................................
  12. If it is fitted with a device like Colin describes, then I suggest you get it removed as it sounds bloody dangerous to me It would sure end in tears if you were checking the tension of your drive belt when the engine decided to start Bizzare is an understatement if such a device isn't fitted!
  13. Looks fab Clive That full length keel should make it very stable in a cross wind as well I would imagine
  14. I love the way it moves the sea out of the way rather than bother bouncing over the top of it
  15. Now that I like!! What a very capable boat
  16. What would happen though if you got a right wet Manchester Crocodile jammed in the tube touching the wire?
  17. My ex hire Bounty still bares that sign on the back wall behind the toilet Neil
  18. I'm fairly sure it comes with the wheel Barry
  19. What size is that engine Clive and is it a Genuine Nanni as I dont recognise that one?? They dont usually have Kubota on the rocker cover? Also, is the lift pump visible on the bulkhead for the heater? and...............What size is the tank?? Have you noticed, every picture = 20 questions
  20. I like it Clive! Gives an old mould a total new lease of life What engine has she been blessed with?
  21. The second photo is interesting Clive. Am I right in thinking the double berth in the rear has been made into an island on an angle??
  22. So this is the high build stuff then Clive? How many coats are on there?
  23. God I bet the filling stage takes the patience of a saint? Looking really good now Clive
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