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Everything posted by BroadAmbition

  1. I thought it was some sort of personal reg plate Broken down to:- 'I Pee Before You at Teatime' Griff
  2. You may have seen / heard on the news today that the current government intends to spend a few bob on upgrading our road network. One of the upgrades mentioned is dualling of the A47. Not before time some might say. I initially thought - Great, A47 dualled from Kingls Lynn right through to Gt Yarmouth, but what about the A17? That could do with being upgraded from the A1 through to Kings Lynn too. If I was selfish I would say leave the roads as they are - due to dual carriageways and motorways being the bane of (big) bike riders, single carriageways are much quicker for us and a lot more fun Then the cynic in me got the upper hand. the A11 has recently been upgraded - only cos it comes from and serves those pesky southerners from London and the South East I would not be surprised if the only upgrades on the A47 would be from the current Norwich bypass through to Gt Yarmouth - just to aid the rabble mentioned above! The rest of the country, those from the Midlands, The north, Gods Country and of course Jockland can just make do with the scraps that we have currently got, that is basically a bottle neck from the A1 going east into Norfolk, imho this is way overdue being sorted. Anyroadup (Pun intended) that's got that lot off my chest - now your turn. Griff
  3. Warning - very graphic - a dying mans very last moments Griff
  4. and I would be staggered if many modern engines last for 40 plus years as these old BMCs have I'll ask you in 2047 then Griff
  5. 1960 and I was less than six months old - I remember it well - I will have some old black and white photo's somewhere up the loft Every year since (Thanks Mum and Dad) to date It took me 42 years to start proper my life long Ambition and 47 years to realise it (Re-commissioning 'B.A') Here's a photo from 1964 in H.W's yard with Mum Dad, Bro' and Grandma Griff
  6. Beta Marine for me. Installed a brand new Beta 50hp in 'B.A' back in 2007. Since then it has done approaching 2000 x Hrs with no issues whatsoever. I have done all the major and minor services myself - which I have found very easy to do. I did try 'Upgrading' the induction side by fitting a K&N air filter - mistake the induction noise was much too high so put the Beta supplied one back on - much better. The only additions I have done is administer ZX1 to the engine and gearbox oil, (Gearbox is the original 2:1 reduction Borg Warner fully reconditioned unit) we also treat our diesel to Soltron at every top up. The Beta is both quiet and smooth in operation, economy is as per the norm - down to tides / use of the throttle but we find it very acceptable Spares are a breeze - just ring Jason / team at LBBy and they are there ready for collection - Incidentally LBBy supplied us with the Beta in the first place as they are main agents for the entire Beta range Would I reccomend a Beta? - most definetly and I have done which has resulted in a few owners purchasing one of their own (Again from LBBy) The main and only reason that I opted for the Beta against a Nanni is that I like to support the British economy against the french one. Both types are much the same in operation / costs being Kubota based. If you are afloat anytime I am, please feel free to pop onboard and see/hear/feel the Beta in operation, alternativly ask Jason for a trial run in something Beta powered Hope this helps Griff
  7. Twice for me. 1st time was at Womack Water 1963 - I was thre wandering round the deck (We were stern moored at the time) pulling a toy boat on a string and overbalanced, in I went head first. No lifejacket on but Mum had hand stiched some harneses out of car seat belts, then dad had fastened a washing line to them so I simply got hauled out, no harm done, I was reputed to have said something along the lines of 'I've seen the boat from underwater' 2nd time - Ranworth dam, (there used to be a grass area on the the port bank adjacent to the Bure) I would have been about 12 so 1972, I was getting out of the dinghy directly onto the bank (Dinghy was tethered to the back of the hire boat), of course the dinghy moved away from the bank I ended up with hands on the bank and feet over the gunwhale in the dinghy straight as a bar over the water. I shouted 'Dad' but he had his back to me and was talking with someone on the bank, I got the usual 'Don't interupt I'm talking' Twice more I tried it with the same results all the while my front torso was getting closer to the water. In the end I said something like 'Bo££ox' then This had the desired effect on my Dad who spun round to give me what for - Too late I was now in the drink good and proper. He hauled me out and said 'Why didn't you tell me'? There have been other cases during our infamous Lads Week, Three crackers was Bro Howard at Coltishall, Adrian again at Coltishall and Metal Mickey at Wayford, I'll leave those for another time Griff
  8. It's actually 'Norfolk Marine' and some would say 'Wroxham' past the Macdonalds towards Roys diy on the right and side of the road Griff
  9. Love that one - no idea what it means of course Our chosen name for 'B.A' whilst not in the slightest funny (Tisn't meant to be anyway) arrived by the (then) six of us all having to come up wwith a suitable name. They were:- Fellowship, Cindy-Kate, Overdraft, Norfolk-n-Chance, the computer driven one with all our initials was Shadow Magic or Magic Shadow then of course 'Broad Ambition' whcih was unanmiously agreed upon. Broad - obvious and Ambition as it has always been an ambition to have our own boat on the Broads - simples really Griff
  10. Don't know about Norwich but I get ours from Aquafax and/or Nearest and Dearest - both in Hoveton. Glad to see you are opting for the marine friendly stuff btw Griff
  11. You did too, that's coz our Howard briefly turned the app on as 'B.A' is registered with his mobile phone Griff
  12. Now you're talking, what a cracking boat, well done you pair - great choice. I was a bit concerned that your previous vessel might ber a challenge for you getting on and off when stern moored what with your 'Hawkeye' issues. No such problems now. The challenge in front of you is maintaining her to the high standard set by her previous owners, one which I'm sure you will enjoy. Well done and congratulations once again - proper happy for you, including Austin! Griff
  13. And another reminder - the new band aid single is released tomorrow morning, an effort to raise money against stopping the dreaded disease reaching our own shores. The chancellor has waived all taxes on monies raised, you can txt 'AID' to 70060 to donate £5 as of now (Just done mine) Tks, Griff
  14. Well I do owe your Dad a weekend afloat so we could 'Do' tthe Wensum up to New Mills pond if you wish Griff
  15. I use the 'View New Content' usually twice daily, just used it now - no problem at this end so it must be your settings. Griff
  16. Is your boat tupperware or the proper stuff (Bio-degradable timber)? Winterising is proper easy to do if you follow a few simple golden rules Griff
  17. About time too! What happened to the launch / Re-comissioning party then? I look forward to seeing her in person afloat for the first time in years, we ought to have a mini-cruise in company seeing as 'B.A' and her are sisters from the same original builder. What airdraft does she need? or have you not taken any measurements as of yet? I can do this for you next time I'm down if you wish. Aside from that a huge well done at long last (Even if you lot did cheat and get professional help), now get out there and enjoy her Griff
  18. October, at Geldeston Lock, we had two Jewels and 'B.A' all alongside, well spaced out. That's three boats totalling 128ft with loads of room to spare. You could no doubt double if not triple moor - so potentially A LOT! Griff
  19. Awesome detailed review as is the norm with our Robin - well done again mate. When are you going to do one for 'B.A' then? Griff
  20. During our Lads week we had three large craft out, 2 x Jewels and 'B.A' of course. Jewel 1 - 112 x Ltrs, Jewel 2 - 100 x Ltrs, thats a combined total of 212 x Ltrs at £1:40 ppl (Herbert Woods) = £296:80 If we had re-fueled at Horning / Boulters say at £1:18 = £250:16 a saving of £46:64 that £46:64 would have nearly paid for nearly half of 'B.A's fuel consumption - 82 x trs = £97:76 at £1:18 ppl We didn't re-fuel the Jewels of course, left that to H.W's but we do shop around when passing where 'B.A' is concerned. Incidentally both Jewels did the same running / distance, 'B.A' did more as she had to come down the Ant / return up to the Ant. Jewel 1 used slightly more as she was towing the dinghy. 'B.A' is of course more fuel efficeint due to our maintenance and the Beta onboard. (The Jewels run Perkins 42hp engines where as 'B.A' has a Beta 50hp) Griff
  21. I went and saw the display whilst at St Kats in September (MTB102 Weekend) and it is just proper awesome. I have since been on the relevant website and purchased one of the ceramic poppies for MrsG garden which we will receive sometime after Nov 11th - all profits go to the relevant charity. You can purchase them here:- https://poppies.hrp.org.uk/buy-a-poppy Griff
  22. I'm 'At Risk' every week, if the phone doesn't ring - I'm redundant - mind you its been that way for 14 years now, and right now I have well over a months bookings in front of me wihich since the crash is about normal SGwilko - it could lead you onto something better, one door closes and a bigger one opens up? Griff
  23. I was last at the Royal Tournament in '77 as part of the Royal Guard, that year provided by the Royal Navy of course, Marched into the main arena with the Royal Marine band. The Queen decided to step down onto the sawdust and inspect us after we had formed two deep and performed the Royal salute with our SLR's (This was not set in stone but we were told it might happen) and the good Lady stopped and spoke to me, I was just 17 at the time, that was the first time I met and spoke with our Queen (I got to meet her a second time at Holyrood House in the early 90's) After our performance we had been reserved seats above the Royal box. Fantastic evening. We remained in full guard No1's of course (Now minus the SLR's) I got more young ladies telephone numbers / addresses in that one evening than I ever did in my remaining years in service I often watched the tournament on TV an miss it too Griff
  24. I got some white diesel as is the norm for the 'GriffTile' yesterday, £1:24:99 per Ltr (Not a supermarket either) Now diesel for road use is fully taxed - all 100% of every litre You know where this is going . . . . . . . So how come some of the larger yards are supplying diesel for boats where only 60% of every litre is fully taxed but thier prices are STILL up at £1:40 per litre?? Griff
  25. Beleive me Grendel - full sugar alternative is far far safer than aspertame Griff
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