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Everything posted by BroadAmbition

  1. Helming whilst going astern? Have a go at this manouvre ! Easy Peasy Griff
  2. Don't do it MM - Get you and one of those puppies close up with each other and we'll not be able to tell who is who! Griff
  3. Free stickers - Really? Ooooh, you'll be sorry you said that, here goes:- Shooting Jeep - 4 x stickers, suction type through glass 'B.A' 2 x as above Mighty Tiger x 1 as above 'GriffTile' van x 1 as above and x 3 outside stick on MrsG - sadly won't have any such nonsense - that is any stickers of any sorts on her jalopy. What about flags and umbrellas then? (Joking) Bet you wish you had never offered! - However hang fire on all the stickers as of yet Thanks, Griff
  4. Yes there is a way to do it over a normal aerial. (A tv / aerial installer told me how to do this) Set your tv to auto tune, then standby the co-ax, when the channel number approaches the regional tv station you want to ignore, pull out the co-ax then when it has scanned past that channel(s) plug it back in again. This way it will tune to what is available - it worked when he did it for us. Hope this helps, Griff P.S - It is so nice to be able to assist / discuss with forumites off topic of the Broads now and again
  5. Never mind the colour scheme - needs a fair amount of caulking imho Not to mention a brolly or two for the rain Griff
  6. Hi Grendel - about time too! You'll not find any censorship in here matey (Or being economical with the truth - being tactful there of course) Griff
  7. Hey you guys - Tks for the best wishes. The camera will be fully charged and ready for action - if only I could figure out how to take video's - no excuse really as it is the same one LondonRascal uses. I'll certainly do my best and do a follow write up on here. It is also nice to be able to use the 'Sea' word without being pilloried or given a black hood! Griff
  8. There is now less than 1 x week to wait for an adventure I've been looking forward to for almost a year. I've organised a few get together s with MTB102, been onboard a few times but never whilst she is underway. That is about to change. Thursday 11th Sept, late evening after work and driving down to Lowestoft, myself, Bro' DollyD and Russ will arrive onboard MTB102. Friday at 0700 we sail (as crew, not passengers) for St Kats dock in London. due to lock in at around 1700. All day Sat/Sun it is the Thames Festival weekend, we are to be tour guides etc. Monday 15th early morning, sail MTB102 back to Lowestoft. I'm like a dog with two tails! and now counting down the hours, never mind the days. It is such a privilege and honour to be onboard her what with her history and the like. Whilst at St Kats Dock - I intend to visit the Tower and see the growing ceramic poppy display. - Other than that I shall be in the dock for the weekend enjoying all things 'Boaty' Griff
  9. I'm not sure either! but aside from that - great thread with some very good informative photo's all the same Griff
  10. I would offer that the best and primary aid for 'Tips on how to moor a boat' (be it man made or otherwise) has been around for thousands of years. They are well proven and have never been updated since their conception. They are the very popular 'Port and Stbd Lookouts' or 'Eyes' The problem is that some helms don't use them correctly, or they use them but forget to engage brain and link the two together! BTW - One only 'Moors' to a buoy etc, - one 'Berths to a bank or jetty etc - Sorry - just getting my coat (Again) Griff
  11. Exactly Sir! so the tupperware brigade are surmising on conjecture and circumstantial evidence at best! I rest my case your honour! Griff
  12. Ok Morning All, and in particular those within travelling distance from Cleethorpes Update time. Ok this Sunday 7th. Latest update (I contacted the tourist information centre at Cleethorpes) is that both Lancaster’s are due to do a flypast at 1605. Car Parking – seeing as some of us will be taking our pooches along, we are restricted as to what beaches they can use, however from the Leisure centre southwards we are fine. There are two car parks (Pay and display) adjacent, they are the Leisure centre and boating Lake car parks. They are situated on ‘Kings Road’ A180. The light railway is also situated there too. Options for the day – Fish-n-Chips, Ice cream, beach walk (With dogs) light railway trip, (Yes dogs allowed on the railway - Macie enjoyed it last time out) and of course witness two Lancaster’s in formation flypast. The T.I office say they are expecting crowds in large numbers on the day. Therefore I suggest we get there earlier rather than later, witness the flypast then make your way home So depart Donny area at say 1200? Aim for the boating lake car park to meet up on arrival The distance is around 50 odd miles from Finningley Airport to the car park so allow 75 mins travelling time or so, Predominantly M180 Car sharing – If anyone is in a vehicle on their own, let me know and I’ll try to arrange car sharing/lift if at all possible. On this occasion I’ll be in a car and not on the mighty Tiger (Macie dog not a good pillion) If you fancy it, see you there, if you don’t – that’s fine too. Invite / pass this onto whoever you choose Oh and any suggestions are welcome too. Yours Griff
  13. Our easy wipe-clean jelly moulds will outlive all of the intricately constructed biodegradable beauties in a thousand years time. I beg to differ - you show me or give me just ONE example of a jelly mould tupperware that is as old as the present HMS Victory - (and we have older models than her on display - Mary Rose for instance) Waiting . . . . . . . Griff
  14. Sigh, third attempt :cry Out of practise Griff
  15. It would help if I did manage to attach the image! Griff
  16. There's a few more too:- Because a ship carries, protects, and eventually delivers her cargo or passengers as does a mother with her child. And because most boats up until at least 1970 were owned by men, also because it takes a lot of paint and work to keep her looking good she always hides her bottom and when she makes port she heads for the buoys and it takes a good man to control her. Herewith a picture attached of a male skipper shortly before his death - Warning, very graphic - Sorry Mods Griff
  17. but methinks there may be a tad more wind about in October! - You can get treatment for this nowadays! Best advice is probably the oldest - Always pick the the strongest be that wind or tide and berth bow into it, followed by slowly then if contact is made it is a nudge rather than a crash. (Having said that I sometimes go stern into tide when berthing but only if conditions allow and I'm feeling confident) Oh and the best type of skippers? - is a Skipper that never has to prove how good he/she is! Griff
  18. In other words Griff you just own a pile of sticks whereas mine is genuine Plastic Correct - However I prefer 'Woody / Bio-degradable and Tupperware' And I 'sneaked in' back in 20th Nov 2007 Griff
  19. Well 'B.A' has a galley NOT a blasted kitchen! so there - insert raspberry blowing smiley - Here - And what's more she had a galley before Wikepedia was ever thought of, or the internet came into being. She will always have a galley, cabins, fwd, aft, Pt and Stbd etc etc Unless we have newbie crew onboard then it's their bedroom, beds and kitchen Griff
  20. We passed by last week, there was 7ft under the bridges, I should have stopped off as it ages since I've been there. Wish I had done so now Griff
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