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Everything posted by BroadAmbition

  1. Yep that'll be yet another 'You naughty individual,consider your wrist most firmly slapped' then Let alone the forlorn hope of any compensation for damage caused to the craft, loss of insurance no claims bonus and the like
  2. The car has had it's makeover. As for the roof . . . . . . .
  3. Glad to see they have it sorted and thanks for the notification
  4. So after yet another outage why not change sites to a more reliable one?
  5. What I don't follow, he is using a new hosting company - which I presume is a paid service provided? if so he is paying for a service that he is not receiving. I would not be best pleased if I was in his shoes
  6. Maybe your not Reported today Jason Hatch - 40hp Honda outboard stolen from boat at Ranworth....please contact Paul Bassham PC1048 @BroadsBeat crime no140 if any details. thank you!
  7. Wishing everyone the best for Christmas and the New Year. Here's wishing one and all have plenty of days afloat in 2014
  8. You could always ask the skipper of 'Broad Ambition' He can do it backwards
  9. Do the BA have the power/authorisation to close Breydon to private sea going craft then?
  10. The barrier is up at H.W's today, it will be lowered for an hour this afternoon to allow boats in/out then back in place for the foreseeable
  11. There are two in particular that I've used recently in the area you will be in but would not be so naive as to post them on an open forum Nor for that matter would I expect anyone to divulge their known hotspots publicly either
  12. Jonzo - Nice to see hat attitudes here in the NBN are at last slowly changing for the better. There was a time that if the dreaded letters - NBF - was even dared to be posted in here than a rebuke from the mods was swiftly forthcoming, I suffered from this on more than one occasion. I like the current NBN site/attitude much better nowadays hence spend more time reading the current new content. And while I'm on with that, the current user set up is very user friendly, well done to the admin (And the mods for being more grown up)
  13. So what do you tow your Boat Trailer with? Tow bar and ball
  14. I would hope they would be glad of you doing it rather than them having to do it. Besides who's going to know? - Apart from us?
  15. I'll probably never understand the non-feathered variaety
  16. I used to be with TalkTalk - they were terrible both with service reliability and customer service was worse if that's possible. Now back with BT - No problems whatsoever
  17. Clive, do you know if any of the 45's have yet managed to safely pass under Potter Heigham bridge yet? From your very first post on this huge (And very enjoyable) thread I noted it was indeed designed to pass under at 6ft 6" Sorry if it's already been mentioned but there is now 77 pages to trawl through!
  18. Good of you to say so, and I agree with you. For exactly the same reason I deal with it that if they have no license then none of their fishing gear comes onboard. And yes I have even asked to see their licenses. I've even had one or two in the past assuming they can fish out of season when afloat with me - Not on my watch, they soon got 'put right'
  19. Wishing everyone all the best for this year. Calm balmy rivers, light airs, with little need for umbrellas and not too many pirates!
  20. No lifejackets, no nav-lights, speeding, creating wash. Other than that I can't see anything wrong it what they are doing!
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