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Everything posted by DAVIDH



    And so noisy first thing in the morning. I've been woken up several times by their honking outside the boat first thing. I can remember getting up at 4.30am!!! one June holiday, and herding a gang of them off the walkway of what was Topcraft's moorings opposite Oulton Broad Yacht Station, before going back inside and back to bed.
  2. Great photos. Just wondering what would have been the en-vogue boats back in those days. The ones that would have turned heads as they went by - the equivalents of the Commander, Broadsmans of today perhaps?
  3. You certainly can. Which is odd as they have this notice elsewhere on the site.
  4. I think this was from inside Rowencraft's basin. Late 1970s
  5. Chelsea winning something or Covid eradicated from the world. Mmm, wonder which will come first Ian
  6. Yes, and although with differing figures quoted (research ongoing), between 30 to 60% of people do not pass on infection if they do catch it. I wonder if this is a softening up process by Boris, because come the 17th May, they are going to regulate that people can go back inside pubs, but only to a limit on capacity, perhaps 50% as before, unless the landlord only allows jabbed people in. I remember having to either write my contact details down on entry, or use the NHS app to scan the QR code on the door, which did much the same, so it's not any added hassle for the "gate keepers". I think any form of jab ID would have to be app based, to avoid forgery, perhaps linked in some way to the NHS app.
  7. It cannot be denied that the Broads from early July last year, was rammed with people. If you thought you were coming to a tranquil corner of England, with time to meander alone down a deserted river, you would have been very disillusioned. The fight to get a mooring each evening alone, must have put many people off. We are all the "converted" on here, and as such it's easy to dismiss such surveys. But it's also true that a large proportion of people visit the Broads and having worn the t-shirt, don't return for many years, if ever. A holiday on the Norfolk Broads, is not for everyone.
  8. Sorry to say it, but a wet summer will propel many of the staycationers this year, abroad next. From what I can see, the price rises this year, are reversed for 2022, and as it seems most UK holiday companies have hiked their rates too, I don't think the Norfolk Broads will be singled out for a boycott. It's more that the prices have to reflect value for money, even if it does rain. That's hard to justify to a public that's been starved of sun on their backs for what will be two years by then.
  9. I was in travel at that time, and we had to cancel lots of bookings to and through Hong Kong to Australia, mine included. I followed it keenly in the hope it would be brought under control in time for my travel date, including the initial infections at the Metropole Hotel lift in HKG, and it's subsequent "flight" to Canada. As I remember it, it was less infectious but more deadly. Lets hope it's grandkid takes a misstep also.
  10. Happy birthday Ian. Did you notice I had put the request in to Marcelo Bielsa to not have my team beat Chelsea the other week, as it was so close to your birthday? ....
  11. Steve, there's still the possibility that the virus could mutate in such a way that it will render itself ineffective at transmission. I watched an epidemiologist or was it a virologist? (who would have imagined these words would have entered the vocabulary of the average man (and woman) on the street ) on TV, a couple of weeks ago. She told how in order to "escape the vaccine", it could mutate in such a way that it can no longer bind to the spike protein (there I go again - we're all experts now!). This apparently, was how Sars (1) eventually burned itself out. Very interesting.
  12. I found this Facebook site, which has lots of information/posts from the pubs and restaurants of the Broads. I learned for instance that The Bridge at Acle is having lots of enquiries to book outdoor tables, but is yet to start taking reservations. It could be a useful "noticeboard" for those of us who like to eat out on holiday. Food On The Norfolk Broads. It's a private group you have to register with. They let me in....speaks for itself https://www.facebook.com/groups/1114171121997055/
  13. Just in the right place at the right time for this photo. It's from 2008. Forgot I took it!
  14. Andrew, have you asked the boatyard to watch out for one of the weeks coming available through cancellation? It's a long shot, but not impossible. There were lots of cancellations last year, so you never know.
  15. That's what it is Ian. They are scared by talk on forums and the likes of Facebook. On one such FB site, the contributors actively pile in to tell newcomers not to risk going south, unless like them, they are old hands and therefore suitably qualified. As I wrote on another thread, I crossed from south to north on my first trip on the Broads back in 1973, and having not having been able to read such scare stories, I'm pleased I broke my Breydon taboo early. It's also probably why the number of yards in the south has dwindled over the years. The north is said to be more scenic, and the average newcomer doesn't want to risk Breydon to see it. Plus with the numbers of people taking 3 and 4 night short breaks now, a journey from north to south will take up at least two days of their holiday. Whenever I've been at Yarmouth Yacht Station (often), there is no shortage of the larger craft mooring or passing through. So it isn't more difficult for these new boats to traverse to the mythical southern lands.
  16. DAVIDH

    How Much????

    Well, someone thinks it's value for money. It looks like it's just been booked for 7 nights.
  17. DAVIDH

    How Much????

    Nice review of Commodore. I've been onboard one. Lovely boat. Like the bow and stern thrusters.
  18. DAVIDH

    How Much????

    The lack of moorings in August is what I believe will sour the taste of those paying for these luxury boats. They tend to be the larger craft, and as such are harder to find space to moor up. August sells out each school holiday, so it's not a Covid thing. Provision needs to be made for the masses that arrive each summer school holiday. Do you know, I'm surprised someone hasn't set aside part of their moorings for such boats. They would be fee-payable, reservable, with added amenities and have water and pump out facilities close to hand.
  19. DAVIDH

    How Much????

    Yes that's true. I've just checked the price for the same week in 2022. It's £2,672, nett of the damage waiver and fuel.
  20. Well, we've been warned that a holiday in the UK is going to cost more this year. I wish I could remember how much these boats went for last year to compare, but £3,146 for a week in August, does seem really expensive. It's a wonderful boat, can take up to 8 people and I don't think it will be available long (it went back on sale from a cancellation a few days ago). But for that price, you could get a luxury standard apartment abroad somewhere and still have change (regulations permitting of course). It's definitely a UK accommodation seller's market this year, and I don't blame them for making hay while the sun shines, but I don't think those prices will wash next year. I just hope they don't leave an impression that a week on the Broads is not value for money.
  21. Yes, they were the ones with the hulls made from seacrete I believe. Repairs by Polyfilla.
  22. Yes it did fit under Wroxham Bridge Simon, as I can remember mooring outside the Kings Head. I was clearly fearless in those days, because I don't remember anything about the journey under. I always thought Sanderling was ahead of it's time, in that it extended the cockpit area you might find in an aft drive boat, into the saloon with it's hard top. Being "fully encased" meant is was a warm boat for winter cruising. We hired it three time, March, April and November. The latter was so late, we were able to go into Hoseasons offices at Oulton Broad, and pick up the next year's brochure - hot off the press.
  23. Richardsons and Faircraft Loynes both tried to extend the season into November last year, but the demand wasn't there. I think that was the same for Brooms too - can't quite remember whether they pulled out a week or so later. Assuming conditions allow it, I can't see many people choosing a week on the cold, daylight limited Broads, when they can have the sun on their backs. As to holidays to the sun opening up in the summer, certain destinations were open last year of course, for a few weeks here and there. There is reticence to book abroad at the moment, following all the changes and hurdles needing to be jumped, last summer. I heard one government minister say it was risky to book for a holiday overseas at the moment. The country which is welcoming you (with your two jabs perhaps) could easily see a spike in cases if their own people are not yet vaccinated. Then the government will put them on the red list, and you will be faced with an extended holiday in a hotel somewhere near your airport of arrival in the UK, with an accompanying bill for £1,750 per person.
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