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Posts posted by Matt

  1. After the top info i supplied to you Mr Nog, looking around you know which one makes most sense :default_biggrin:

    £3k is incredibly cheap for an 8% share- suggests the boat is only worth £37,500....

    There does seem to be a slowdown on share sales at the moment, particularly on the managed syndicates.

    Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  2. Other weeks that were unused by the original owners and went out to the priority list for the year from 3rd June were:
    12 Aug 17!
    19th Aug 17!!
    28th Oct 17
    24th March 18
    14th April 18
    28th April 18

    So plenty of spare weeks going about the problem is that often they are given at short notice.

    Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app

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  3. On Thunder we have a separate priority list for spare weeks. Once an owner notifies that they are unable to use a week any owner can put their name in for it and the highest ranked owners gets the week. They then drop to the bottom of the priority list.

    I have just looked at Thunders allocation chart from the past “off season” and from W/C 25th Nov through to W/C 3rd Feb she only went out for 3 of those weeks.

    Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app

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  4. I appreciate that JF but they are not obloiged to swap and I bet if someone got December in the draw and refused to swap I'd be up the creek. We could ideally do with a syndicate with someone who had kids and was tied to school holidays which is the times I wouldn't want to go!!  :default_stinky:

    Some of the Mr Nog weeks available on Southern Crusader.....


    Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
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  5. I wish Lightning was. It was bloody freezing when we were aboard in November 18 months ago. The year before, November was a great month.
    Good to see you`re having a great time Simon, and good to know the better half loves your choice of boat.  Brownie points earned or what? lol.

    Those cold evenings are when the large saloon is a drawback!

    Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  6. We live 30mins drive away and managed to obtain some free tickets and so drove and took the kids. Paid a lot for car parking but it was straightforward and the tickets were free. Joined the queue 15mins before the door opened.

    Once the doors opened we went straight to booking place for taster sessions for the boys to do- canoe, model sailing boats type of stuff. Queued for just short of an hour to be told everything was almost booked up but we could book model sailing boats for 19:00. We are good thanks.

    Then went to use the dry wake boarding thing. Queued for about 90mins for that. And that pretty much sucked the momentum out of the day..........

    Certainly not rushing back and if it was ever on again I would not take the kids.

    Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app

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  7. On Ranworth Breeze I personally will use a hook up when ever possible, we do not have an inverter, we do not have a microwave. But I like to keep the 2 x domestic & one engine start battery topped up.
    We use an electric kettle & toaster the rest is 12 volt for the fridge, lights, pumps etc.
    One of the issues can be that not everyone cruises enough to fully charge their batteries, on the canals they advise a minimum of 5 hours cruising per day.

    Only 2 domestic batteries on RB?!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. This is a really good point, syndicates seem to be very good value!!! Unfortunately we are limited to school holidays as of this September, so wouldn’t work for us. 

    Some of the syndicates have school holiday shares- I have one :-)

    And in my experience in another syndicate people would often swap their school holiday weeks to avoid the peak times.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  9. We saw MS at Horning Staithe yesterday afternoon and did a double take! (Having read on here you were still down south).

    And then waved this morning as we passed in Horning :-)

    Hope you are keeping warm.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  10. Being moored at Brooms they are our point of call.  I think Swancraft still have the facility?
    Welcome to the South.  S

    But I don’t believe Swancraft open at weekends.

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  11. Thunder has moved to Horning until the owners vote to moved her elsewhere. I would imagine it is the same with any syndicate boat.

    I believe Valet is included in the annual costs.

    We paid an extra £10 a month for maybe 2 years for the engine and the syndicate also owned a share which was sold so really not much impact.

    I would suggest that whatever boat you go for ask what is the bank account- a boat with £5k in the bank will absorb unforeseen costs than one with £500 in the bank!

    Thunder does have 3 school holiday shares which take up most of the school holidays.

    Let’s hope it warms up by Easter for mine!

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  12. Just an observation, BCBM being a management company why are you paying the Toll to have them reimburse it to you?!

    BCBM don’t pay the toll- they will transfer the cash from the syndicate bank account to the individual owner that paid the toll.

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