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Posts posted by Matt

  1. I don't think that Richardsons would do anything that would impact their business without a great deal of thought and, as they see it, justification. I am actually quite surprised that so many people want to go solo! What also surprises me is that Clive, normally an affable sort of fellow, hasn't come along and explained this new policy as clearly it effects a number of forum members, especially as the forum has for so long been staunchly pro Richardsons. 

    Clive had a explained on Facebook- it is to align to their booking agents and to remove the need for their staff to make decisions about who is competent. It is Not an insurance issue.

    I have written the above in my own words- for the full text see the NBN Facebook group.

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  2. Have you looked at Beam or Light?

    We had 4 adults, 4 kids and 2 dogs for a week aboard Thunder last year and I am biased but the huge saloon makes all the difference.

    However, Thunder is 6ft 10ish but they claim Beam of Light is 7ft 2 inches and won’t pass Beccles old bridge (which can have 9 ft of clearance.....) or Wroxham although I have taken Thunder under Wroxham!

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  3. @Clive Richardson, first time I've been on Commodore, certainly better than some big expensive I've been on with work.  Top materials used and really well done.. Nice to see... Maybe you should consider buying Brooms out ;)

    Indeed but looking at the size of the kitchen and I particular the worktop space you probably have to eat out a lot!

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  4. she has asked me to remind everyone in an emergency 999 for the rest 111 (she is on the 111 call centre) while they can get an ambulance sent to an emergency 999 will get it started a little quicker, also they cannot locate you from 111 like 999 can. and rely on you knowing where you are.

    Waited an hour for an ambulance Friday, got a solo paramedic who in turn called for an ambulance in a “hot 1”. Even he could not get an ambulance to our location. When the wheels come off they really come off.

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  5. The Waterers Edge (ex Woods End) is now an excellent restaurant  and bar and well worth a visit, we have never been disappointed with the meals here, my son a chef could not praise enough when they came to the boat a couple of years ago.

    Could not agree more- no doubt we still head south and it will be on our visit list :-)

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  6. Well after 6 years of having Thunder moored at Brooms in Brundall the owners recently voted to make the move North in Richardsons at Horning.

    For me personally really looking forward to it but this is no reflection on the South- just ready for a change.

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  7. I believe they are trained by the neighbourhood policing team and work in conjunction with them.
    Completely agree, with more cars on the road parking is an absolute nightmare in both towns and villages. It's not helped when new housing is built with no garages and drives big enough for one car, forcing people to park on roads and pavements. Sometimes badly, sometimes illegally, sometimes both!
    If you mean The Rushcutters at Thorpe then yes, I know what you mean, which is why I always try to arrive by boat....

    The ones I am aware of are in conjunction with the local police team.

    And certainly where I live parking has been decriminalised meaning the police have little powers and it is all down to the council to enforce.

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  8. I’ve had a nose around Silver Cloud and she is indeed lovely and very soon she will have her big sister moored up very nearby....... :-)

    Most of the owners on Thunder take her out as a couple- bow thruster and electric mudweight make it all a doddle really.

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  9. Also offered a deal not to be refused for a short break in January for returning customers. Not sure I should post on here so I'll keep the deal to myself

    It’s okay the £1 January hire is no secret :-)

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  10. I,ve been on a number of boats with thrusters,mostly Herbert Woods boats and i have to say i found the thrusters on Whisper Emblem to be far better.They made reversing into Sutton Staithe pumpout station very easy.As for the generator,we found it far quieter than running a diesel engine.In 11 nights we visited most places,both North and South and we were running on silent over 50% of the time.
    The one unexpected drawback with this boat,at least to me,was the number of times a pumpout was required.I could see this being an even bigger drawback in the summer months when i like to shower every day.

    I would have thought the shower pumped out direct into the river........unless you like to shower whilst on the toilet :-)

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  11. I would say Griff's point about less owners is the key point here.

    My suggestion would be that as a syndicate put some money away and then once you have enough buy a share back to the syndicate and don't resell it. Let's say £6k buys you a share in Lightening- an extra £20 a month and then in 2 years time but an 8% share back. You could do what you want with it but along with the 2 weeks maintenance you could remove Jan to mid Feb from the allocations draw straight away.

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  12. We have three styles of boat we would like and have decided to up our budget to around £50000.but that would be  boat with bow thruster, electric winch, shore power, etc. We would like the bounty style of boat, the type of boat wit centre steering and sliding roof or the duel control style of boat. The other option is one of those styles very cheap and then refit it how we want. 

    Just my thoughts but having had a share in Evening Shadow (Centre Cockpit, Aquafibre 38) and Thunder (Dual steer, Diamond 43) I would say that the centre cockpit is a fantastic summer boat but in the colder months that sliding roof used to leak heat like a sieve! In my opinion Thunder is a a better all year round boat but it would be better without the sliding roof as even here it does get drafts. I assume the more modern sliding roof and canopies are better insulated though?

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  13. I am  under no illusions but my perception is very different.
    I dont look at a 3% as dodging a bullet I look at it as taking yet another liberty. 
    Looking through the BA's monthly expenditure sheets its easy for someone like me to severely scrutinise expenditure, unfortunately for them Im the sort who wont take everything on the chin and will voice my opinion! 

    It may "only" be 3% but the compounding effect following last years big rise is that in £ the rise gets bigger every single year.....

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  14. Thankyou Paladin, 110970 i was way out!
    Footballers can be paid obscene amounts but atleast it isnt coming out of the public purse!

    I believe that will be the total cost of the CEO's office which will probably include a PA and some other expenses.

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  15. Children should not be allowed in pubs is not a rule i could ever accept.  Only ever been told children are not welcome once and that was this year, we were told we could use the courtyard, as a family we about turned and left.  Not all children are loud badly behaved monsters, mine most certainly are not.  Nobody is required to mind their language around my brood, they know all the words but know not to use them, they will sit with adults, be behaved and enjoy their evening, I will stand for nothing less and they know it. Once in a play area they can be and do what kids do.  
    Educate manners and etiquette, not segregate so they never learn any. 

    If there was a "love" button rather than a "like" button I would have pressed it :-)

    Also dogs should not be banned rather the owners should take responsibility for their dogs!

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