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Posts posted by Matt

  1. On 17/06/2017 at 8:21 AM, Gracie said:

    Just recently I saw towels hanging over the bow rails and out of cabin windows on a boat recently which for some reason I loathe,  just for a bit of fun what are your pet hates and loves of boating on the Broads?..........

    The hate thing for me is the towels obviously, if you can't get them dry go buy a ruddy new one :default_norty:


    The shame. I even have special pegs to hold them on the bow rails.

    i went out and bought micro towels today. Apparently they dry 10 times quicker. At least now they won't be pegged on the bow for so long.......

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, jeffbroadslover said:

    If I were in the situation of having a pub with moorings I would possibly allow a mooring to be reserved with a specified arrival time limit.

    If someone wanted to reserve a mooring for say 1:00 pm. then I would allow them up until say 2:00p.m and then  "unreserve" the mooring and allow it to be used by someone else.


    By which point they probably won't want to stay for lunch.....

    Say £50 of takings per boat 3 times a week- soon totals up!

  3. On 19/05/2017 at 11:10 PM, BroadAmbition said:

    There is a 20% share currently available in 'B.A' that me and Bro have between us.  We kinda like owning that extra 20%  Not sure my bank manager agrees with us though


    We have a spare share in Thunder available at the moment and like you say nice to have but other owners have to take up the slack.

    When you say "available" do you actively try to sell shares in BA or wait for serious enquiries from known parties? The problem with having 12.5 shares is we can't vet owners before they buy!

  4. Sometimes when the tides are like that we take the tea time tide on the Friday and go back to Brooms for the night. It's a long way to go for only part of the week!

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  5. 1 hour ago, Poppy said:

    Its reputation for service is poor locally......

    For real? We have always found it top class. Tried to get in On a Saturday last month but fully booked so we had to go back to the Sunday!

  6. 14 hours ago, dnks34 said:

    What you mean you didnt have your fan heater/hair dryer/vacuum cleaner on full blast just to make sure you didnt leave any credit on the meter?!

    Islander you have restored my faith in people.

     (only for today mind dont get overexcited!!) 

    If i had known I could have popped over and given the boat a quick once over with the Dyson :-)

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