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Posts posted by Matt

  1. 9 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

    Children imho are however a different matter and a responsible adult should make the assessment / decision for them.  

    Indeed but if I tell them to wear one and I am not wearing mine guess what they say?!


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  2. 2 hours ago, ranworthbreeze said:

    Hi Matt,

    The best way is one hand for the boat and one hand for yourself.



    Why do you think I was hanging one handed from a handrail?!?!



  3. For me my children have self inflating LJs with a crutch strap. I know that if they had the bigger foam ones there would be arguements over wearing them. They both know how to self inflate of the need arises and the whistles are regularly tested....lots.

    For me my life jacket does not have a crutch strap. I know that I would be less inclined to wear it for a quick mooring up if I had to faff around putting that on as well!

    Touch wood Vaughan's method of prevention has served us well so far although only the hand rail saved me once when I was cleaning Thunder's windows. My feet were almost in the water, I did have my life jacket on but also had things like my mobile phone in my pocket! I now take a "lighter" approach to window cleaning :-)

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  4. We have had our pup for 4 months now and as a family are absolutely loving it. She is great in every way including off the lead. Whilst walking around a lake the other day my eldest asked what would happen if she fell in and could not get out. I told him we would do our best but no more......


    i hope we never have to find out! Still growing at the moment but lifejacket to be bought before her first trip!


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  5. No doubt that slidIng canopy is not designed for winter cruising! Early Easter is our coldest week so I can't complain but when it is draughty we run a mooring rope around the gaps to stop the draught me it works quite well.


    thunder also has a programmable heater for the Eber so you can set it to come on in the morning :-) but if we are on shore power we stick the saloon electric heater on a timer :-)


    I have always fancied Norwich for Christmas shopping but have never yet managed to convience the wife!


    Keep it coming.

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  6. 9 hours ago, SPEEDTRIPLE said:

    One thing people should remember is that his salary is only his salary. It pays to think outside the box sometimes, and ask what sort of "fringe benefits" does he get, along with how much of an "exspense account", and what he`s allowed to claim for?. In a lot of cases, these behind the scenes add ons can sometimes more than double a salary.

    Nothing other than pension. Else it would be in the accounts.

  7. If the BA really wanted to help hirefleet then they should be setting tolls several years in advance, not several months.


    The hirefleet must have made assumptions on next years tolls and built that into their pricing structure before printing brochures etc


    I wonder what they assumed.......!

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  8. It's at times like this I am grateful to be in a syndicate. Yes it's totally different to owning 100% of a boat and is more akin to hiring but Thunder's toll has gone up about £110 but split 12.5 way works out at £8.80 for each owner.


    down south this year the loss of alphacraft and Swancraft was noticable around Brundall, particularly as we go in the school holidays. We were able to moor at all the "popular" spots. Great in the short term but if the north/south divide continues and private boats (which are on the ascendancy down South) do start to move to new waters I fear for business that relay on the boaters.

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