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Hi Andrew,

:welcome: from me.

The chat room is mainly used for a quiz every monday evening. Sadly it is a case of the quickest to type wins. (Sadly I think it actually goes further than that; "Those with a super fast internet connect wins" although on balance that helps to rule out locals with superior knowledge and typical slow broadband speeds! xmas3 (although at times google can still stil be a quick win so it's worth joining in).

You can just go into the chat and hope someone joins you for a 1 2 1 chat (and people do), these people will, I'm sure, be patient and you can have a good conversation.

As a general thread typing speed isn't an issue so just as you did when you created this thread complete your post and click "Submit" once completed. The speed of replies shouldn't be an issue for you either.

I believe the forum supports speechwriters so if you are using one of those then that should give you full support (and perhaps an advantage in the quiz (Oh no did I just give a cheat away there!).


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hi cook

welcome to the forum from me to

if its the quiz you are thinking of

I am a reasonable typist and I even know some of the answers but

those so and sos are so fast that the answer appears almost as quick as the question goes out

but who cares its fun anyway. its worth it for the banter.

the questions I get are the ones that no one else has the answer for.

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Hello Andrew, 

Welcome to the NBN forum from Tan and myself.

As already stated members do enter the chat room for a quiz on Monday evenings, but a number of forum members do enter the chat room from time to time. As with all chat rooms there can be delays text coming up and cross overs in dialog but everyone seems to cope, give it a go and see what it is like for you.



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