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Moorehen 1


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Moorehen 1 is now going onto the Thames as in the last few months she has had 1 hit and a few near misses,

If you inform the Broads Authority they do not want to know, they are not interested in the old wooden boats, only in collecting taxes on them, they seem to love the hire craft bigger the better

The only wooden boats they seem to like are the wherry's, soon all the old varnished and painted boats will either rot or be removed from the broads due to lack of interest by the broads Authority and high costs which do not seem to beneifit the private boater, only the high priests of the Broads Authority

It is a shame that this will happen, holiday makers love to see them and take pics of them, I have been involved in boating the last about 43 years and its not getting any better regarding private boaters.

So end of an era


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Sorry to see you going, Derek. However I doubt that you'll find it any better on the Thames. Indeed I was talking to a wooden boat man from the Thames this very afternoon, like you he's fed up but conversely he is now seriously considering coming up onto the Southern Broads next year. I'm afraid that the lack of regard for other people's boats is not just a Broads thing. I'd suggest that you also check out yard and marina prices on the Thames.

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1 hour ago, derek said:

Moorehen 1 is now going onto the Thames as in the last few months she has had 1 hit and a few near misses,

If you inform the Broads Authority they do not want to know, they are not interested in the old wooden boats, only in collecting taxes on them, they seem to love the hire craft bigger the better

The only wooden boats they seem to like are the wherry's, soon all the old varnished and painted boats will either rot or be removed from the broads due to lack of interest by the broads Authority and high costs which do not seem to beneifit the private boater, only the high priests of the Broads Authority

It is a shame that this will happen, holiday makers love to see them and take pics of them, I have been involved in boating the last about 43 years and its not getting any better regarding private boaters.

So end of an era


Well its a shame to hear that another woodie is leaving the network. I am quite sure the locks on the Thames let alone the hundreds of day boats and launches will be far kinder to her than the occasional knock on the broads.

As far as the Broads Authority and wooden boats go (and I cant believe I am saying this as I do so enjoy BA bashing at every opportunity) but I have found the exact opposite to Derek. The majority of the rangers are enthusiastic about the boats and quite often stop for a chat if they have time. Head ranger Adrian Vernon was instrumental in ensuring the survival of Janet Anne when she fell on hard times and it was only through his efforts that we were able to rescue her. Of course he could have just done nothing and put the digger through her, it would have been easier for him!

As the man who runs part of Tingdene's Harleyford Marina told me a couple of years ago when we took one of our boats down "Cant be doing with woodies here. They are hard work and then we break them up" At least they had a nice new machine to do the job, and it was good to see where our huge mooring fees are going!

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No I was not having a go at the rangers but at higher up the ladder people, and as for the locks ect it will not be my problem as it is sold. there are sadly a lot of wooden boats up for sale on the broads and not many people want them as they take up a lot of time painting and varnishing, 

Nobody from the broads area was interested in buying her, only a lot of time wasters, Got more response from the Thames and there is more clubs ect for classic boats. I know what the Thames is like as having worked at Penton Hook Marine


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It's not the BA that is the problem this time, it is other people, plain & simple.

We had a plastic jobby inelegantly impale itself on our bowsprit the other day, lovely sound of splintering g.r.p., the nincompoop! We were on our mooring minding our own business and he came way too close to have a look and as he went away swung his stern towards rather than away from us. No damage though,not even a mark, Broads bowsprits are tough old jobs and best avoided!

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5 minutes ago, derek said:

No I was not having a go at the rangers but at higher up the ladder people, and as for the locks ect it will not be my problem as it is sold. there are sadly a lot of wooden boats up for sale on the broads and not many people want them as they take up a lot of time painting and varnishing, 

Nobody from the broads area was interested in buying her, only a lot of time wasters, Got more response from the Thames and there is more clubs ect for classic boats. I know what the Thames is like as having worked at Penton Hook Marine


Cost, Derek, is the killer. I was talking to the owner of an immaculate wooden thirty footer the other day, tells me that to have his cruiser decorated alone is over £2,000.00 per year including slipping. 

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Yes you are right it costs me just for mooring, tax and insurance £1500 per year, and it only on the river for max of 6 months, and I do all the work myself but at coming up for 69 it was getting to much so it had to go.

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13 minutes ago, Poppy said:

Me too JM. It's a winter recreation and a bit of a 'Social Club' too.

Too true, especially if you are in such as the sheds at Martham for example.

Didn't realise that you were quite that ancient, Pops. Judging by some of the jokes I take it that you are a fully paid up DOM? Dirty old man to the uninitiated! 

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