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Current Clearance Ph Bridge


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Good morning all, could someone local give me an idea of current clearance through Potter Heigham bridge ?

I have a friend at Salhouse on a boat called Hoveton from Acle (which I cannot find anywhere on the Broads Boating Company website) and I am trying to advise him as to whether it might be worth calling the pilots.

Many thanks


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Hi Charles

It's listed at 6'5"

we have a Bridge height section along with a lot of other useful information in the Handy Information section at the top of each page.

I don't know the boat so can't advise on that but a call to the pilot is probably the best bet

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I'm not sure where that 6' 5" (in the handy information) originated from but I believe it to be an average at high water. In my opinion, it is rarely that much these days. Either way it's not a figure of great use as the height can depend on so many factors.



I suspect that your friend has not given you the correct name for the boat (though if it's a private one I may be wrong). I would advise you to contact your friend to confirm the name and then for either you or he to phone the pilot ahead. The other option is just to turn up and ask the pilot there and then. If the craft is a hire one, your friend will be obliged to use the pilot to go under, if it's a private craft then it's up to him. I tend to use the pilot more often than not.... but then I got it wrong once. :) 

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Thanks MM. I doubted the boat name but it is indeed Hoveton and is a recently refurbished 35ft boat from the Broads Boating Company in Acle.

However their website doesn't work and if you google to find details you struggle too !

Best wishes


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I'm not sure where that information on the bridges originated from, I think Robin uploaded the table in the Handy Information section.


as for the boat I can't seem to find a website for Broads Boating Company only a Facebook page.

I don't use Facebook so can't check that out ( are they only doing business through Facebook?) if so I can't help thinking they will miss out on a lot of potential business from people who don't use FB

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