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Griff I bought one of these for my butane gas bottle.... The gauge tells you if you've got pressure also detects if it's leaking and how much gas is in the bottle.....

when it's on the yellow that's when it's nearly empty.... you have about a 1 hours gas left... I got mine on eBay only £10 


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21 minutes ago, ScrumpyCheddar said:

Griff I bought one of these for my butane gas bottle.... The gauge tells you if you've got pressure also detects if it's leaking and how much gas is in the bottle.....

when it's on the yellow that's when it's nearly empty.... you have about a 1 hours gas left... I got mine on eBay only £10 


Sorry to correct you, you mean propane not butane. 

Picture is of a propane regulator with a pol connectiror.

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Just now, Viking23 said:

Sorry to correct you, you mean propane not butane. 

Picture is of a propane regulator with a pol connectiror.

That's ok Viking...I bought a blue one as I run butane in my vw transporter... I just used the pic to show an example that they do them for propane... problem is there's so many regulator fittings to choose from what type of gas and what size bottle you have...:default_icon_wave:

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I have 2 bottles onboard, BUT thanks to Griff,s mishap, l now remember 1 is a year old and the other is empty guess what the 1st job is next week.

If you do have 2 bottles remember both have to be secured not like 1 boat we looked that had the connected one  hanging on the hose the other rolling around in the engine bay!

Quickly walked away from that and informed the sellers they disconnected it there and then.

That wasn't on the broads but the next day we went for a second look at the one we liked and the other boat was on it's own and not for sale!


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3 hours ago, ZimbiIV said:

I have 2 bottles onboard, BUT thanks to Griff,s mishap, l now remember 1 is a year old and the other is empty guess what the 1st job is next week.

If you do have 2 bottles remember both have to be secured not like 1 boat we looked that had the connected one  hanging on the hose the other rolling around in the engine bay!

Quickly walked away from that and informed the sellers they disconnected it there and then.

That wasn't on the broads but the next day we went for a second look at the one we liked and the other boat was on it's own and not for sale!


And I'm a gas locker. Or no BSC. 

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