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It's All Richo's Fault!


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I don't think I've read about the Peter Pan costumes anywhere before and were there really 30 lads?? The Times must be short of news as this article is a tad late in the day!

I was thinking that this article might encourage even more stag parties onto the Broads but Times readers will surely be a bit more 'up market'!! :default_swordpir:

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From Barnes Brinkcraft...........

Organisers of hen and stag parties are always looking for fun and imaginative ideas for the bride and groom to let off steam with their family and friends before tying the knot. Here at Barnes Brinkcraft we have been welcoming hen and stag parties to the Norfolk Broads for years, both on board our cruisers and  our self catering luxury riverside lodges To help you get into a celebratory mood, the stag and hen will be given a complimentary bottle of Bubbly on arrival. Please be aware you will be asked for a security deposit on arrival. This will be between £250 and £500 depending on the boat or £200 if you're staying in the lodges

We believe that everything for a great weekend (or longer) is right here whatever you fancy doing


Not just Richardson's, I am getting a t shirt with the words "LEAVE MY RICHO'S ALONE" written on the front lol

I feel another "here we go again" coming on :default_norty:


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23 minutes ago, deebee29 said:

I find the title of this thread a bit harsh on Richardson's as all the major yards welcome these type of groups.

Blame the Times! I think that Richardson's have broad enough shoulders to see the funny side of the Time's editorial. Actually I don't think it will do them any harm, might even find they have a few more nobby stag parties booking their stag parties with them! David, and perhaps Grace, did you actually read the whole Time's article?

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15 minutes ago, ChrisB said:

Personally, I do not wish to join the discussion but giving out a bottle at the start of a trip sends a bit of wrong message. 

As returning customers booked onto an "Elite Fleet" boat, hubby and I were given a free bottle of bubbly by Barnes Brinkcraft this year. So they're not just giving it out to certain groups.

I do find it strange that there appear to be no rules, or whatever you want to call them, around drinking and helming a boat ... but that is definitely a whole other conversation.

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I have just read this disgracefully shabby and in-accurate piece of Sunday "journalism" in our copy of the paper, bought in France. We only buy the thing because it publishes the week's Freeview TV programmes, and the rest is normally binned without reading, as even the quality of the newsprint is not good enough to light the fire with any more.

My only feeling about the article itself is annoyance, in that some little person presumably got paid for writing it.

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Sadly the quality of most papers is in decline as the readership declines, the number of reporters declines and time they can spend on a story.  Many now don't ever buy a newspaper but only inhabit the net. Years ago some of the discussions we have on this site, would have been sent as" letters to the editor".

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