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Tv Licence

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1 minute ago, Islander said:

Time for a PAYG licence in my opinion. We use the net for weather and news (various sources) and DVDs. The TV licence is well out of date but I don't know what should replace it.


The thing that should replace it is called " A REBATE ".

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Having been a self employed telly man in the past maybe I should apply for a business TV licence. If I don't watch it or record it it's free.....I think. Typical GOV dept, they don't want you to know the truth with out giving your sock size. I think I will stick with ' No fixed abode'. The taxman seems happy to take my money where ever I am.:default_sad:




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Guest ExMemberKingFisher

Who's going to keep all those celebrities in the manner to which they have become accustomed to if you don't pay dear old auntie your license fee?

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On one hand I tend to think it's worth it just to view the high quality period dramas without the constant irritation of adverts butting in, on the other I tend to agree that there are some talentless oiks who have, somehow, managed to con the BBC out of a small fortune.

The argument "I don't watch those channels so why should I pay for them" doesn't really wash, as I could say I don't drive on all the roads but I still pay my road fund license. 

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Guest ExMemberKingFisher
59 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

On one hand I tend to think it's worth it just to view the high quality period dramas without the constant irritation of adverts butting in, on the other I tend to agree that there are some talentless oiks who have, somehow, managed to con the BBC out of a small fortune.

The argument "I don't watch those channels so why should I pay for them" doesn't really wash, as I could say I don't drive on all the roads but I still pay my road fund license. 

But very few roads are self funding, unlike TV where all the channels except the BBC are self funding and don't get any revenue from the license fee. Ironically self funded roads such as the M6 toll roads cost you extra if you use them, but at least it is your choice to pay and use it, or take an alternative route.

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Remember that it also funds 8 or so world class radio programme chanels, the online radio and tv content, i player, Welsh language programmes, Galic programmes, all the regional news and weather programmes. Money from the licence is subsidising broadband rollout to remote communities and the excellent Red Button for events  as diverse as Glastonbury to Wimbledon to The Olympics. I am sure there is more but can't think anymore.

It is £0.40 a day, not bad value. I cannot abide commercial chanels, I record them and edit out the ads prior to watching.

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I did, for a long time, think that the publically funded beeb was an asset ..... no more.

It does have irritating adverts ...... for it's own programmes.

There are settees full of "knowledgeble" pundits commenting on the sports coverage ..... usually at the expense of actual coverage.

and Cliff Michelmore's "Tonight" has morfed into the sterile "One Show".

I think the rot started to set in when Chris Trace (Blue Peter) behaved a bit badly!!

So sorry beeb ..... It's a big NO from me!!

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In the current era, where there are many means of accessing media content with most of it being paid for by subscription or advertising, the BBC should be subject to the same market forces as all the other players.  

The "impartiality" of the BBC, which is trotted out time and again to justify the extortionate cost of the licence, can no longer be relied upon, if it ever could and the BBC is by no means the only broadcaster capable of providing high quality content. On top of this,  being forced to fork out £147 per year to enrich the likes of Chris Evans, even though I can't stand the guy and never watch/listen to him, sticks in my throat. 

When I read about the perks that some of the senior mandarins at the BBC receive as part of their bloated remuneration packages, such as opera boxes and chauffeur-driven limousines, I am even more convinced that fundamental change is well overdue. The idea of a state broadcaster paid for by a compulsory annual tax on owning a TV smacks of Stalinism, belongs in the 1940's and 50's and should be abolished immediately.



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This is the 21st century and the BBC still thinks WE the public :default_2gunsfiring_v1:should continue paying for what service they provide. The problem with that is everyone else has moved on, but the BBC still live in the past :default_pcwhack:

I think it is about time the BBC moved on and joined the rest of this country into the 21st century :default_beerchug:.


Marina :default_stinky:

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I don't pay the TV License, as I don't watch TV.  I do listen to Radio 4 and Radio 4 Extra, occasionally Radio 5. However, as a left leaning bleeding heart liberal elitist I stopped paying even the remotest attention to BBC news coverage in the 1980's. I rather enjoy my morning ritual of trawling the broadsheets, discarding opinion, in search of correlating facts and figures and drawing my own conclusions. 

Although I am not overly enthusiastic of the turn the BBC has taken over the last forty years there is one area that, should the license fee be abolished, will suffer greatly and that being 'factual programming'. The BBC produces programming on a variety of subjects that without state sponsorship, would not be made or if they are made, are poor. Take 'history' as a subject. As a historian and archaeologist, I regularly contribute research to programming on both the BBC and by private production companies. Where as the BBC will solicit 'my view', the private company will ask me to validate 'their view'. Now either production may not include my 'two penneth' but in private production, the question is never asked in the first place. Having said all that the BBC is reducing the number of historical documentaries it is making, both for TV and Radio.

There is one last role that should the BBC end will be missed by millions around the world. The BBC World Service and the many programmes that the BBC makes and broadcasts to the troubled regions of the world. Having worked in many of them, the BBC was an important lifeline for me and the local peoples. It's an area of the BBC that the Britons at home rarely hear or appreciate...until they need it!

Should the BBC start charging for radio broadcasts, I will ponder my response, but briefly, as on the whole, I do believe it's worth it.

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BBC------- Probably the most listened to and watched broadcaster in the World. Relied upon to get it right most of the time and prepared to challenge even our own government. Got a bit too right wing recently but no doubt it will balance things out eventually. Compared to £18 a month to watch Premier League football, it is excellent value.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Biased Broadcasting. Left leaning.

Bleeding heart  liberals. 

You just described the BBC and the Guardian. You are aware of course that the BBC buys over 80% of the paper versions of the Guardian. More echo chamber rubbish. 


Jesus I was borne into an end terrace council house BBC  and GUARDIAN. Can just evaporate as far as I am concerned. 


Wake up smell the coffee. Move out and see for real what the BBC really is.



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Successful? Much loved? Respected around the world? Better than Sky? More trusted than ANY newspaper? Responsible for so much of what we consider BRITISH? 

Apart from that, can't think of anything. 

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Just an observation from me...

Those of us who are "right wing" think the BBC is a bunch of left wing, tree hugging bearded pinkos, whilst those of us who are "left wing" think them to be fascist white supremacist ar*es who'll be the first up against the wall come the revolution. (The "greens" don't own televisions and aren't quite sure who the BBC are, whilst the Lib-Dems know who the BBC are but don't know who's side they're on.) 

Consequently, I like the BBC.  :)

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Once we had reporters. Now there are only self-proclaimed pundits of every persuasion pursuing an elitist agenda. Hard to find anything better than kitty-litter these days, I'm sorry to say. Tragic when RT seems to be the most balanced.


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Despite Brexit a gentleman from Luton allegedly perpetrated the incident shouting a common phrase in a foreign language whilst displaying a 3ft instrument, thus proving that dangerous man-made Climate Change is bringing our civilization to an imminent end.


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