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I'm planning to move to Norfolk initially to a property with a mooring. The kind of place I am seeing are like prefabricated buildings masquerading as a "Two bedroom bungalow". Typically the ones I've seen have a mooring, long narrow lawn and some kind of (usually) wooden structure for accommodation. My question is, would it be possible to build on these plots some kind of a shed or something that I could use to store stuff temporarily until I find my all time home. It would not surprise me this was not allowed as I imagine the rules around this are pretty strict.

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I'm planning to move to Norfolk initially to a property with a mooring. The kind of place I am seeing are like prefabricated buildings masquerading as a "Two bedroom bungalow". Typically the ones I've seen have a mooring, long narrow lawn and some kind of (usually) wooden structure for accommodation. My question is, would it be possible to build on these plots some kind of a shed or something that I could use to store stuff temporarily until I find my all time home. It would not surprise me this was not allowed as I imagine the rules around this are pretty strict.

You might find that many of these riverside properties are accessible only by footpath or river, and are on stilts for a reason. Highly desirable but not always practical.


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I asked the Broads Authority about putting a shed on my mooring which is a similar but not identical situation.

I was told max 10 x10 feet and no more than 2.4m high.

But, like all structures in gardens it has to be a certain distance from the main building. Not a problem for me but may come into play on a small river plot.

Call the BA planning dept and have a chat. They will usually help - they have a duty planner all the time during working hours.

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Having re read your post, I note two things ,,

1 your requirement for a mooring.

2, that the property you're looking at is only "initially"

This suggests you already may have a boat, and then you are going to use this property as a base for looking for a more suitable property.

Apart from the fact I'd love to live on the river, properties are more expensive close to the river, and more expensive inside the Broads area.

 You could say join Horning Sailing Club, where family membership is about £110 per year, then moor a boat there, IIRC My mooring for a 27ft Motor boat is about £650 a year. Admittedly this is the other side of the river, but its only a short row across (club dinghy provided)  (or a little electric outboard). The only other requirement is one "Duty " a summer season, i.e. galley slave for a  Sunday or rescue boat crew for One day. That's between Mid march and Mid October.

There is no requirement to join in any of the other functions of the club , but you might enjoy some of our social events...

I live outside of, but within sight of, the Broads Area, a lot less restrictions!!



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Many thanks TheQ, what you have illustrated here seems to me to be a perfect solution. I have gone off the idea of a wooden shack next to a river. I am a bit surprised that this option is available as moorings seem to be in such demand.

You are right I am looking for two properties, one that I can buy and move into straight away, I am thinking two bedroom with rental potential so it could be nearer Norwich. and one that I can share with my daughter and her family in an "Granny Annexe" type set up. Once we are all established in the main house I would rent the first one and get some income.

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