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All I Did Was Blink!


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Tomorrow No. 1 Granddaughter, Mollie will be 21 How the hell did that happen? !t seems one moment  I was shopping in Toys R us, the next I 'm  springing for a prom dress and now going to her 21st! It feels like all I did was Blink! Those of you out there enjoying the childhood of your grandchildren Don't blink it's over in a flash and much as you love the young adults they become you don't half miss the kids they were when you were the centre of their universe.




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Enjoy it while it lasts, Hemsby, he will soon be out of nappies and feeding himself, it's over far too quick. When my boys started school, knowing that Teachers would take over the best part of their day, I thought my heart would break, even now I love having them home in the school holidays and never look forward to them going back

Lord help me the day they get married lol :facepalm:


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Went to Mollie's birthday bash yesterday, How lovely it was to see all those youngsters sitting round  a table in the garden. These are all the kids she started school with aged 4! They've all stayed close  friends for all this time , all visiting each other at the their scattered universities, all graduated with  good degrees. It's lovely to see the fine young people they've become  now aged 21! They greet Tony and me with huge hugs as if we are long lost friends instead of just Mollie's old fogey grandparents. When we see them together it gives us hope for  the future. If there is enough like them in the next generation all will be o.k. with the world.




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