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Helm Seat/table Mount

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I'm looking for something similar to the mount on the bottom of my helm seat that slides over the post, I'm wanting to make a small table for when we are sitting in the cockpit, everything I've googled so far either swivels or slides or tilts ,I just want something basic that holds still for a 12" table for the wife's glass of wine, does anyone have anything lying around or can point me in the direction of somewhere that sells them , similar to the picture 


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Thanks had a look but still can't find anything in the UK , I really only need the top part, I can buy the complete post and top and bottom mounts but as I want it in the same position as the existing seat post I would rather not buy the whole lot ..

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8 minutes ago, dnks34 said:

Theres a few different items that may work from here:


should be 3 pages to look through if the link works as intended!!

Yep that's the one ,just need to find out what size I need, thanks


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If you are a dab hand with wood work, and the clamp is to be only used for a small table, then it wouldn't be that difficult to make one out of hardwood, and use a knob with some all thread, or a long coach bolt to tighten it.

With some nice rounded corners, and varnish to match your cockpit interior, could look really well, and that it had always been there.


Cheap as chips... if you have the skills and an odd hour or so to spare.

However... commision someone to make one, then the aluminium clamps might be cheaper lol.

To boat on a budget requires the owner to invest time and resources and to do as many jobs as they can. There are certain jobs, like working with gas and petrol, and in many cases electrical installations, that should only be done by qualified and experienced tradesmen.

Hope it helps.



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I would start off with a design like this...

Make it from say wood 35- 40 mm thick, rather than nuts and bolts, use prong "T" nuts  (screwfix/Toolstation) or epoxy in some M6 or M8 nuts, then a knurled knob on the end of some all thread. 



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