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Happy 10th Birthday Forum!


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Great to see old friends and make new ones! Charlie and Wench thanks for the booze. Simon(Cambridge Cabby) thanks for the funniest joke of the weekend, couldn't possibly print it here, soooo wrong, and soooo funny.

Kate won the Mud Weight Down Treasure Hunt, it was close with everyone on the last clue, too. 

Steve and Nik aced the quiz, while Warp and Jess won the Confessional Blue Fender Award for an episode involving a mud weight line and a dinghy.

We named the tent Iain's Bar in signal flags, a good idea from Warp, thanks.

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Bound 2 Please is safely tucked up at Georges at Ludham Bridge, and we had a nice lift back courtesy of Mike and Pat. Yes I'm still chuckling at the joke of Simons lolol

My memory for nasmes is second to none without faces, sorry...,.... But was good to see Jason though


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Well we made it and well pleased to do so.  Enjoyed the afternoon / evening v.much.  Big thanks to Polly for getting everyone there in the first place and making it happen, to Mike for the quiz (That I reckon we proudly came last in!) and anyone else that did their bit



Photo - Blue Dolphin - Tks

BA NBN 334.jpg

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Glad everyone had a good time.

Unfortunately I/we couldn't make it once again due to work commitments but look forward to when we can actually start to put faces to names.

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So glad you all had a lovely time, still waiting for the photos, SteveO :default_norty:

The Skipper must be very proud to have brought this forum so far in ten years, to have such a nice bunch of people as members and the pesky mods aren't bad either, I know I'm proud to be a member

Here's to another ten years of NBN :default_winko:


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2 hours ago, grendel said:

Also a lot of thanks due to Jonzo, who has also put in a lot of hard work on the forum to make it all - well - just work,

without that effort we would not be in the position we are to go forward towards our second decade.

I couldn't agree more :default_icon_clap:

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Griff, Although Woodies are not really my thing, (too much hard work involved) I do admire the glorious sight of well maintained ones strutting their stuff out on the river and thought the photo of the three moored abreast superb. Take  no notice of the bleating about blocking the river there is always someone who wants to rain on your parade!




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47 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

Errr, before I publish, what are the "naming and shaming guidelines"?

Where 'B.A' and here crew are concerned, I hereby give you a written waiver to go for it, full colour warts n all, bring it on, we can take it! :default_icon_razz:



As long as the Mankini doesn't make a re appearance 


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