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Tom And Jerry


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Our granddaughter Grace, five, has introduced me to many of the modern children's animations. 'Oh this is funny' she will say, as both Ellie and I sit in bland indifference as somewhat 'dodgy' 2D and 3D digital animations, laced with decidedly adult humour even though they are aimed at kids, play on the screen.

As an animator myself in recent years, to be honest, I'm not a fan of modern cartoon shorts. They are dull, flat, boring. Series aimed at adults, particularly the tripe pumped out by Seth McFarlane, such as Family Guy, I find decidedly unfunny. South Park with its quirky stop motion paper cut outs and close to the knuckle humour and subject matter does make me guffaw but...

...Ellie introduced Gracie to Tom and Jerry. The original Hannah Barberra 1940 to 1958 era. Now before everyone jumps on my back, yes, I know these early features are not politically correct, they are racist...I don't for a minute accept Jo Barbera's excuses for the inclusion of black face gags and whole heartedly agree that these scenes should be edited in our modern day and age. I find the scenes disgusting, but if I'm honest I do have an affection for the character of Mammy Two Shoes. Watching Tom and Jerry as a kid I never realised that Mammy was black, or the maid. Other 'modern' edits I don't agree with, such as editing to give the characters four 'fingers and thumb' instead of the usual four digits traditionally used in animation. The violence? Oh that is FUNNY!

So yesterday evening, Ellie and I sat down with Gracie to watch Tom and Jerry. After telling us that her modern cartoons were 'funny' we showed Gracie some classic Academy Award Winning animation. Squeals of hilarity, tummy wobbling belly laughs, screams of joy and tears from laughter rolled down Gracie's face. 'Just one more...please Timbo!' as slick gag after gag in glorious Technicolour, timed to perfection, frame after frame of graceful fluid animation played on my large screen TV. 'He's so naughty!' chortled Gracie as Tom uses a claw hammer to pound Jerry into a worktop. Gracie's favourite? When the baby elephant is painted to look like a large mouse and the classic tip toe across the door scene where Jerry and the elephant exchange places.

This morning my stomach muscles are hurting...through laughing at Gracie laughing at Tom and Jerry!

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