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Hi everyone,


I am new to the forum, but not new to the broads, having first holidayed aboard Brooms Wavemaster in the early 1970's when I was just 18 months old. I believe they made a cot side especially for me! From then onwards I would holiday on the broads almost every year with my parents, usually in the Whitsun half term holiday. I can't remember all of the boats that we hired but a few spring to mind, including Brink of Day and Brinks Beryl from Brinkcraft(as they were then), Gleaming Light from Herbert Woods, Seafarer, Midshipman and Mariner from Brooms. Later, mum would stay at home and it would be a boys trip with my Dad and one of my friends on either Skipper from Brooms or Rapier from Bounty Boats.

WhenI left school I started hiring on my own with a group of friends, always from Richardsons. Swiftway and San Louis spring to mind. After that I met my wife and we bought our own sailing boat which we used to keep down in Essex and then we had kids and the boat was sold. 

This May bank holiday we rediscovered the Broads, hiring Broads Serenade from Richardsons with another family. We had an amazing time and have already booked for next May.

I love Norfolk and the Broads and can't wait to get back afloat!


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Thanks everyone, it did indeed feel like coming home. Boating on the broads has been such an important part of my life, I have fond memories of family times, like going up the Tower of Ranworth church with my grandad, it felt pretty good to take my kids up there to show them the view!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/09/2017 at 23:15, Polly said:
On 12/09/2017 at 23:15, Polly said:

Welcome! If you sea sailed..try a bout of ditch crawling? Wlelptons, Martham and Hunters rent out real boats. 


It's a nice idea, but i'm not sure my close quarters handling is good enough and I am not really convinced that all of the dayboats understand how to stay out of the way of a sailing boat! Why do they have to keep zig zagging?....!


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